Daily reminder that it's impossible to be a White robot.
All you do is have to do is BE WHITE, then you're highly likely to get a free Black, Asain, or other minority gf.
Why haven't you guys taken the racepill yet?
Daily reminder that it's impossible to be a White robot.
All you do is have to do is BE WHITE, then you're highly likely to get a free Black, Asain, or other minority gf.
Why haven't you guys taken the racepill yet?
Cause it's bullshit
It's not like we don't have any standards either, I'm seeking happiness, not a wet hole.
I'm white and I haven't even kissed a girl in 20 years. I got wizard powers now though apparently. Necromancy
I live in a 99.9% white country and 99.9% of nigresses are repulsive. I have had my fair share of slavs though, if that counts.
yeah this isn't true at all. women don't respond to robots. we don't have any qualities they find desirable.
I don't get this logic. As much as non white women are fetishized as this board, you'd think this place would be devoid of white guys if it were just that easy for them. The truth is, "just be white" is complete bullshit. I'm black and black I'm positive the I do better with women of all races than the majority of white guys here.
>literally have to travel all the way to asia or africa to get a gf
How th fuck is that easy?
Asian I'd do but they don't date low-tier wageslaves.
>just get a gf who is after western citizenship or your money
If this what having a girlfriend is about I don't want to play anymore
>Daily reminder that it's impossible to be a White robot.
>Meanwhile interracial marriages are increasing, specially among white women and black men
Oh, fuck off
They do actually, just about anything white goes, helps if you have light eyes or hair
You do know that there are already loads of black and asian girls who are already western citizens?
Just because you're so fucking autistic to not take note of a clear dating advantage doesn't mean "ITS NT TRU!"
I was about to call you a volcel
Like I said, whether or not you acknowledge such an advantage is entirely on you. You could be in minority pussy by next week, what's stopping you? Bare minimum you should be below average looking White male to obtain minority pussy.
Then you're not a robot you fucking normie gtfo
I'll explain the Just Be White Theory in depth for all you nay sayers
>no u have it easier!
>No you have it easier!
>No YOU have it easier!!
Can all of you dipshits, regardless of race, cut it the fuck out with this victim olympics bullshit already? It's extremely obnoxious.
Isnt that what the whole robots vs normies is about
you know that if they're already in the west then they have access to literally millions of other white guys, who we have no way of competing with? retard
Because there's money and pussy on the line.
No they don't and I have light eyes and dark hair.
So why would they give any white bots the time of day? They have easy access to white Chads and whatever their equivalent is in their race group.
Not everyone lives in places where there are foreigners and their only options is to go to another fucking continent just to find girls with questionable motives.
>implying white chads want them
All of the asian girls I know and have seen are dating average or below average white guys
>Bare minimum you should be below average looking White male to obtain minority pussy
That's not fucking true though you dumbass or else this board would be devoid of white guys. I don't know how you retards get it into your heads that being white alone just opens every girl's legs. Don't you think white guys would be approached much more often if that's all it took?
>b-b-but girls don't approach!
They do it you're attractive enough. And if being white is as much of an advantage as you say, white robots should be beating off the colored girls with a stick.
>anecdotal evidence
I can do this too. I have never met an Asian in my country who can speak the language and have never seen a native have an Asian gf
>what's stopping you?
Nonexistent social skills.
JBW theory isn’t some theory meant to just disparage white incels, nor can you take the name of it at face value because it doesn’t mean that white men automatically get laid because they’re white, that’s a mischaracterization of what JBW theory really says. You’re pretty fucked in the sexual marketplace regardless of what race you are if you’re a sub 5 male, but with JBW theory you stand more of a chance.
As proven above in the western dating market you have the highest probability of women of every race being interested in dating you. The western dating market is however over saturated with white men and very cutthroat, so obviously it doesn’t improve your chances by that much since you’re competing with a litany of other white men.
What you're doing is apart of White privilege unironically. You have the ability to deny it's existence, despite proof and testimonies.
>clear dating advantage
Nice walkback. There's a difference between "advantage" and "automatic pussy magnet".
And yes, some of us are so autistic that we're still robots even with an advantage.
what the fuck did he mean by that?
>What you're doing is apart of White privilege unironically. You have the ability to deny it's existence, despite proof and testimonies
I'm not even white retard. It's just common sense. Yeah, a lot of women see white guys as status symbols but if "just be white" was the only requirement, wouldn't there be way less virgins here? Especially since the majority of the white guys here have a fetish for black women or Asian women or latinas?
he meant '
I'm white and can't get a girl. There are ugly white people too just not at as high rates.
I know
I don't get what the fuck lead to it being replaced with that string of symbols, or why he posted it with that shit
I am an absolute minority here, all the others are Chads compared to myself.
I have never had a chance unless I got lucky with the genes which I didn't.
>What is Just be White Theory?
JBW Theory is the idea that white men will have a much easier time finding a partner than ethnic men do. This extends beyond just dating White women, or dating in the western scene. It's universal. White men are universially viewed as high status and physical traits like non-brown eyes or blone (or having "good hair") only further enhance how they are viewed by women, though those traits aren't a necessity for JBW theory to work.
>Proof of JBW Theory?
Proof o this particular Black bill in plentiful, and evidence AGAINST it is non-existent besides the common dumbfuck robots who refuse to accept such an advantage exists and that they manage to even fuck that up. Every scientific study and online dating data that looks at race and its role in dating inevitably backs up JBW theory. Take a look at the graph I posted. Note how White men had a higher reply rate among all races.
Although this is just 1 graph, the proof of JBW theory being real is right out there for anyone and everyone to easily observe.
JBW Theory isn't to disparage White incels, nor can you take its name at face value, because it doesn't mean that white men are instapussy slayers and automatically can get laid. Honestly, you're fucked in the sexual market place despite race if you're a sub 5 male, but with JBW theory you have a much better chance at dating than your fellow ethnic robot.
As proven abouve in the western dating market, you have the highetst probability of women of every race being interested in you. Said market however is still oversaturated by White men and very cutthroat, so obviously it doesn't improve your chance that much since you're competing with a litany of other White men. However, I digress.
It is still a clear advantage.
What you're doing is apart of White privilege unironically. You have the ability to deny it's existence, despite proof and testimonies
No, white people are ugly at the same rate as everyone else. You just have eyes for your own race so you don't notice.
For example, there are features on black women that I find to be gorgeous that mainstream society for the longest said was ugly (big lips, kinky hair, dark skin, big butts), but I'm black so its to be expected. There are features on white women (pale pink skin, small bodies, small, narrow noses, thin lips, big boobs but no ass) that I find to be ugly or repulsive but white guys love that shit.
>one graph without a source
ebin my dude
>same rate as everyone else
What kinda candy land do you live in? I don't get your point. Are you saying because society has been mostly white for so long, white people are seen as more attractive because of advertising and stuff? Because saying that you like black women as a black person contradicts that. Look at the rate at which Asian women don't marry Asian men at triple the rate of other races.
you mean chad has easy access to them.
white privilege is fine though.
>because society has been mostly white for so long, white people are seen as more attractive because of advertising and stuff?
Yes. Me saying I like black women doesn't contradict that at all. I like what I like, that doesn't change the fact that society prefers whiteness. They lighten black female celebrities' skin in magazines. There's a singer named Amara La Negra who wears a big Afro, she talks a lot about how at the beginning of her career, they told her to get a perm or wear weave. Even things like twerking weren't acceptable until Miley Cyrus did it. Society prefers whiteness, that's just the way it is.
But that wasn't my point. Mypoint was that you tend to find your own race more attractive than others do. A lot of features that are seen as beautiful in white culture is ugly or unattractive in others, like skinniness. Black or Latina women are rarely anorexic because skinniness just isn't attractive in our cultures.
And Asians don't count. They come to America and want to be accepted by whites, so they pick up self hating shit like this.
humans will never be equal. some race will always be on top. it should be whites.
would you want any other race on top besides whites?
>asians dont count only blacks and browns
Asians desu. Whites (mostly American) are knowingly, literally destroying the planet and refuse to stop.
asians dont try to flip the script like other non whites do.
thats why AA works against us. instead of crying for gibs we just work with what we have.
Do you understand why they don't count though? Asian Americans are huge self haters, the biggest out there. They're obsessed with whiteness and white approval and they take it to insane levels. Blacks and browns don't care much for white approval though and are happy to do their own thing.
You'll never hear a black girl say "I don't date black guys" or a Latina say "I don't date Hispanic guys". But you'll hear asian women go on and on, not only about their love of white men, but their hatred and disdain for Asian men.
thats probably wrong. once we round up like liberal camp whites will be back
There's some data I saw that showed races, especially blacks, are losing their taste for white men, so you can be happy about that.
lol your opinion is such trash. blacks and browns do exactly that too.
Liberal whites are actually right when it comes to things like not destroying the world. Whites don't even believe in climate change. They think putting oil pipelines through bodies of water is a good idea. When I say "destroying the planet", I don't mean western values or Christianity, I'm talking about the literal end of the world.
If you gave a white politician a button that would destroy the planet in 5 years but also promise them another house and yacht, they'd sell out our whole species and hit that button so quick.
those liberal whites are distinct from the liberal camp im talking about. this camp is full of fags and human trash that hide behind these model liberal whites.
No we absolutely don't. We fetishize whiteness to a degree, yeah. But we're not on the level of Asians. Look how fucked up half Asian-half white boys end up being because they want nothing more than to be completely white. You don't see this with anyone else. No one disrespects themselves for whites as much as Asians.
have you seen the non fucked up ones? of course you have but it doesnt fit your narrative so naturally you disregard it.
not as much as asians
stay jealous trash. for such a "noble" non hating black or brown, you just choose to hate asians instead.
The only Asians know who don't gobble white penis and rest caucasoid balls on their foreheads are people from Indochina. The rest of you (I'm assuming you're asian) are absolutely disgusting in how they worship whiteness. Asians themselves know that this is a huge problem within their community.
i like how you (black or brown) are trying to force this narrative when you have nothing at all to do with this.
you are the most butthurt. so much that you want to destroy whites and anyone who likes them. small wonder why pol wants browns and blacks to leave white nations much more than they want asians to leave.
as for asian women and asian men, yeah we fucking hate each other but not always.
I'm not forcing anything. It's a known fact that asian americans are self haters. I'm not even angry, I don't hate whites. I just hate the fact that Asians want to be like them soooo fucking bad and worship them to the degree that they do.
Jow Forums wants blacks and browns to leave countries because we don't try to become white. We have our own cultures that we refuse to let go of. Asians, on the other hand (excluding Laotians, Cambodians, Vietnamese, etc. they're cool)
Where is my free brown gf then? I only ever hear minority women trashing on white men.
thats cute you think i hate myself. wanting to be whiter and hating myself for it wouldnt trigger around black or brown people. pol wants blacks and browns to leave because of reasons.
nobody wants to live in your countries first of all. thats why the wall is being built not even you wanna live in your own countries.
weeb whites like living in Asia because they get treated well, unless theyre big spergs.
the only person saying asians hate themselves is you, some brown or black. its called projection, if you didnt want to be white yourself you wouldnt hate asians for it.
>this is why the racist whites from pol want ME in their countries and not YOU!
It's funny though how you started ranting about white acceptance again and didn't even realize it. God, that's pathetic. The thing is, no one except Asians give a shit about how white people feel, especially racists. Thanks for making my point. You think acceptance from people like pol is a good thing because you're asian and you're ok with being white people's pets, meanwhile, everyone else stopped trying to get white approval a long time ago.
I hate you, whoever you are.
yellow boi be all mad that we be taking they womens
hahaha yeah being sympathetic is being a "pet". yeah you stopped caring about how white people feel and decided to make america into another shit hole, not realizing that you wouldnt want to live anywhere else.
youre not even a pet, youre a home invader.
You know the thing about minorities is that they're in the minority. I still have to compete with other white dudes who have way more personality than me.
a black or brown person full of hate omg stop the presses.
yeah we are mad as fuck. i hope they choke on all that white cum
White men have it the absolute hardest in dating though, not even white women want them.
You told me that pol wants Asians in their countries, not blacks or browns, meaning you think that pol's acceptance matters. I'm black so I couldn't give a fuck less about who pol wants in their countries. Mexicans don't give one fuck about a Trump supporter pleasuring themselves to the idea of a border wall. Only Asians care for white racists opinions.
you can stop larping now, pol. white girls are cute but im not good enough to socialize with them.
i wasnt even going to hate them for it. desu, i understand they want to have cute kids. but what started as a joke or whatever is full blown hate against asian men now.
so ill hate them. they can be a fuck pig for white men and pop out kids. ill stay talking shit.
fuck pig and cum dumpster for white men. for black men too.
I do too tbqh. As a black man, I realize that every non white group has gone through their share of bullshit in America, Asians included. So it triggers me when I see how much Asians (especially women) love white people and hate themselves. They had you motherfuckers building railroads. They emasculated your men and made them nannies. They went to your countries and massacred whole villages and tortured and raped women and young girls.
Every other race has gone through the oppression phase, the approval seeking phase and then finally the "they'll never accept us so fuck em" phase. Everyone except Asians.
Asians keep chasing after that approval and, as a black person, I know they'll never fully get that acceptance.
>They went to your countries and massacred whole villages and tortured and raped women and young girls
Asians do that to each other on an even more brutal scale. Raping and murduring babies for fun. Also white people had other whites they deemed "dirty" building their railroads too, don't see you championing those people.
Can't get a gf if you never leave the house.
Checkmate minorities.
As a black man, how do you feel about white people who had nothing to do with the African slave trade? Do you still paint them with the same brush? I'm Australian and I didn't have to grow up with Muttland racial politics.
I mean I doubt he has any contempt for all the black Africans who participated in the slave trade so I suppose he just hates all white while cashing in on all the free white pussy he can get for being black.
>tfw asian fembot
>tfw im into my own race and other mixed breeds
White guys are pretty bland desu
Our women are headed down the same path user.
Always trying to justify damn near hunting White guys for sex by saying
"Our men ain't shit" or "OUR MEHN H8 US :(" or some other self projecting shit.
How do we stop our Black women from becoming Asian Women 2.0?
youre just mad youre not getting all that free asian pussy. admit it.
desu i am too but they just want better looking kids.
What are you even trying to say? None of this changes the fact that white people have treated your people like shit for centuries.
Ok so they put dirty whites on the tracks too. Motherfucker, they thought your WHOLE RACE was dirty. Your WHOLE RACE deserved to work the tracks.
There were Irish indentured servants in the US but they were on a higher level than African slaves.
And Asians will hold a grudge like a motherfucker against other Asians. From what I understand, Koreans still don't feel great about Japanese people. But asian will forget about what white people did to them (excluding North Korea).
You're not trying to get the acceptance of other Asians. Koreans aren't trying to get the acceptance of japan. But Koreans come to America and want nothing more than to be told by a white person that they're on the same level, which will never happen. Look how Asians are still portrayed in the media. This is what they think about you.
It's just sad to see another group of people who have yet to understand that you'll never be white.
nigga sits here calling me a gook cus hes mad he cant get all this free asian pussy chad is getting lmao
Congratulations you're like every other woman in the world. Women despise white men, which is why white men make up 70% of suicides in the US by themselves. White men are the most unwanted group of people in existance.
I honestly don't even have any strong feelings toward white people. There's no point in hating a whole race over slavery when the people around now didn't do it and because a lot of American whites are immigrants anyway.
you dont understand shit, larper. asians dont hold ethnic grudges against other asians stop drinking the kool aid dumbass
I don't have contempt for whites. I also don't have contempt for blacks who participated in the slave trade because I have an understanding of how the slave trade in Africa worked and how "black" was a European concept that the Africans didn't understand. I'm also not attracted to white women. Why are you making this about white girls? Because you want one? Because you think they're better than you?
what i hate is this dumbass that thinks he knows everything about asians like shut the fuck up.
That's just it. There's no point in us getting mad at each other for things that happened when none of us were alive. Aborigines in my country did suffer at the hands of settlers, but I don't think that we need to keep lingering on these things if we ever want racial relations to improve.
Nah, i can clearly say that im an outlier and dont represent the majority of women, especially asian women. Any race of women would kill to be with a white guy since theyre seen as higher status.
>google 'Korean Japanese tension'
Ok now address everything else I said.
>all these people mentioning their race on Jow Forums like it actually matters on an anonymous imageboard
Jow Forums post-2016 everyone. Not even the hobby boards are safe from this inane nonsense.
yeah its older generation anti war sentiments. youre trying to paint this as a lasting thing like everyone is like your dumbass.
what i hate the most as an asian is dumbass non asians trying to paint a picture of us based on hearsay.
like fuck off shitter lmao
If it means anything I hate all of you the same. White, Asian, Hispanic, etc.
Unless a couple of your bitches are on my big black dick, you all can go to hell for all I care.
asians have our own agency and never asked for some uppity dumbass brown or black to be an asian spokesman.
fuck off
a black guy that hates people? wow ive never seen that before, ever. fuck off retard nobody wants you here on Jow Forums even.
Address everything else I said now.
It's not hearsay, it's facts. Asians have a serious self hatred problem. Asians even fucking know it.
What are you talking about? Im this person and I replied to this guy
>lol fuck off retard, white people don't even want you here XD
i just did. and asian women hate asian men but nobody asked your black ass to come in and be a mediator. you hate me cus i wont fall along with your stupid hate narrative against whites.
wanna know why? cus id rather hate your stupid, irrelevant ass because you deserve it. bitch