It's ALL an illusion

It's ALL an illusion.

The only truth is the existence of this infinite one consciousness, which is all loving, all knowing, all wise. The harmonious amalgamation of all.
Everything else is the imagination of that consciousness made manifest; illusion.

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No, the big secret is that we're all trapped here for a month when we die.

There is but one real thing in this world:
Fucking Zeus.

There is no "we"

Where do you get this idea from? Can you reach it logically? It is a pretty thought but Im not convinced.

buddhism actually seems cool.

hey why are you trying to use big words? does it make you feel smart?

Maybe after we ascend I'd agree with you. Otherwise its just denial. This is no illusion. Certainly no evidence to support that. And even if so it doesn't matter anyways. This is the real deal and it matters. Apparently karma is real and it determines our power in that one month.

Separation is an illusion. Even Einstein knew this. There's nothing less than perfection, in reality.

Words of Icke, not me.

I agree with that much thank you for posting this. Keep spreading love. I love you.

That's so fucking autistic.

On one hand I wish that reality was interesting like that. Maybe there could be Gods, angels, demons, spirits etc. Or maybe we could be in a simulation or maybe even your autistic new age meme.

But on the other hand if that is the case then how am I supposed to become the immortal ruler of mankind?

Ok and if you're right, what does it matter? How does that change anything?

>without evidence

There are dude. I have receipts and everything to prove it. Big universe out there. Big universe in there too.

universe is actually tiny compared to what it could be.

Bigger than infinite? I'm saying outer space is infinite just like inner space is. And I guarantee thats where this shit is coming from, innerspace.

no you brainlet.

Yes it is. That's what schroedinger cats all about. Perspective.

>schroedinger cats

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Yeah it's a typo

I'm tellin you though. This shit is coming from innerspace and it's coming hard.

You are all illusions in my head. I created you all then send myself down with amnesia because I was bored with absolute power and knowledge. Know that when I grow bored all of you will seize to exist. I'm the only real person alive.

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You have fallen to what is call quantum woo. The modern term would probably be quantum spookyness.

I have read a lot of shit trying to find a good reason to believe your all is one thing and its all just appeals to nature and false analogies. Buddhism is cool for what it can do but I think it is wrong metaphysicaly.

Also space isnt infinite. You could go in one direction forever but you would end up where you started because space is curved. Who knows what is outside our universe but that isnt really space is it?

you need to read a book once in a while, you are falling behind brainlet