Meet girl online

>meet girl online
>don't know it's a girl at first, we gradually discover things about each other
>things go really well, she seems to like me a lot
>she's a cute fat nerdy fembot type
>she's into fetish erp (red flag)
>i still fall in love, want to meet up and get married
>turns out she was erping with other people and cucked me with one when she got bored of me and she never considered what we had a relationship anyway

Every single time. Why do women have zero sense of loyalty or a natural sense of boundaries?

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because they have the right to be like that. give women rights and this happens.

That's a very misogynistic view of things don't you think?

If you never met her in person, she did not cuck you. You don't have a real relationship (no matter what happens online) if you never met her in person. Don't do this to yourself, it's very unhealthy.

Why would you even respond to such stinky bait?

I feel bad for you, you don't seem like the kind of guy that should be doing the casual cybering thing if you get hurt so easily. It sucks because a lot of girls will run for the hills if you do the "what are we" talk too soon but you want that security and exclusivity. I would stay away from online dating, it's too easy for people to just click delete when they're sick of you or misrepresent themselves. People can still lie IRL but at least it will be real.

Women don't see men as humans, only as machines and tool to extract value from and then throw away. Women are evil and hate that my mind is conditioned to fall in love and seek validation from them.

LOL who the hell taught you that?

Maybe you just overestimated just how close you two were OP. It's difficult to judge if you're inexperienced with romantic relationships.

It's pretty obvious when you look at how women treat men

It's not obvious at all when you draw on actual experience and real-life situations. It's only obvious if you sit in your room and be Mad Online about girls.

Why do so many men get divorced by the women who "loved" them when the man experiences financial trouble?

Many people get divorced for many reasons. What you have just described is one reason people get divorced. Is this the sort of factoid that is preventing you from living your life?

Its representative of how women think of men, as atms or walking dildos if the man is attractive. They don't care about a mans thoughts, or emotions. Women initiate the majority of divorces and cause many by cheating as well.

That does not make it untrue

Where do you get this information? It's not true about even most of women.

>Where do you get this information?
Reading things women write. Going to female majority forums and reading their opinions.

>You don't have a real relationship (no matter what happens online)
Why not? That's like saying "if I steal this money online it's not really stolen" for example. Except money is even more abstract than human relationships and emotions.

She seemed really interested and always wanted to talk to me and play games with me and she acted just like a gf would.

Oh, so you get your intel from the internet, instead of from real-life. Gotcha. That's some low-effort research, my man. 90% of what is posted on this site is nonsense or bullshit, why would you assume it's any different on womens' forums.
Also, post three forums you lurk to get this info. I'm interested.

Yes, money is more abstract which makes it a bad example.
You cannot form any sort of healthy relationship if you have never met in person. It is impossible.

I got on the reddit women centric forums like twoX and trollX and also read lolcow.

Everything he said is right though. Women have no sense of honour or loyalty to their man if he's not chad, and sometimes even if he is. There's a reason everyone has exs and are fucked up from previous relationships in the western world.

Get this man the women on the internet are also the same women in real life. They're just more honest online

How do you know what a gf would act like though?

What's erp desu

And you believe this reason that everyone has exs is shitty women behavior and nothing else? Weird. Where do you get your intel.

Get this man -- no they're not and you couldn't know anyway. At least, not in every case. They're not a hivemind. Also, where are you getting your information? Personal experience in real life?

I've had several and they all acted the same.

That is statistically impossible. You have to know that.

Where is your proof that women do not act like this? I've heard drunk women irl talk about things like penis size preference and it's always the opposite of what they'd claim to feel if asked when they are sober enough to lie. Also read how women feel about short men, less endowed men, ugly men. They'd rather them all commit suicide and stop polluting their existance.

You posted this gay shit yesterday.
Off yourself my man.

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newfaggot wannabe sex-havers, having cybersex, but thinking themselves too cool for the term so they call it "erotic role playing"
I hate you all

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>I've heard drunk women irl talk about things
So you believe the women you've heard talking literally speak for all women everywhere? Interesting.

>Also read how women feel about short men, less endowed men, ugly men.

Don't you know there are no girls online?

Go on twitter, it's very normie so it's real women spouting their real opinions. They talk about how short men aren't even real "men" to them.

The drunk women that I've heard talking about it always also include about how much women lie about these things as well.

I think they just call it that so that they remove any actual impact it has on people that normal sex or cybersex would have. It's "ERP" so it's "roleplaying" so it's "not real" so who cares if I cuck you or if I cyber with you and later drop you like it meant nothing.

>Lol, user, it's just *talking*

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The internet is not real life. Twitter is absolute cancer. YOU MUST GET OUT AND LIVE YOUR LIFE in order to gain any real insight.

You're just reinforcing your own biases. These women you refer to do not speak for their entire gender. You're going to absurd lengths to prevent yourself from having to make an effort.

How to explain this to a girl without seeming like a pathetic whiny beta?

Twitter is cancer just like real life society is. It's a projection of real life. But tell me o wise one what are women really like?

The internet -- and especially social media -- is NOT repeat NOT a projection of real life.

>what are women really like?
Each and every human is different. Trying to get an answer to your question is impossible.