Why don't you just get a better personality? I did now bitches love me.
Why don't you just get a better personality? I did now bitches love me
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There is little to no difference between them, only skin color and slimmer jaw
Do you have autistic face blindness? The nose is slimmer, the eyebrows darker, the hairline is convex rather than concave, the face length and width are different (oval vs. circle), etc.
also the lip size and fat
>prototypical unattractive male
You know that guy still looks better than 99% of the average motherfuckers you see outside, right?
The right one looks more attractive to me
what is the real purpose of those images tho
all I see is 20-year-old German vs 25-year-old Russian
>all I see is 20-year-old German vs 25-year-old Russian
20 year old aryan vs 25 year old slav.
Women are over rated and are assholes why should anyone change for them
I have greater ambitions than women .
37 awaiting grandmaster wizardry .
Lol no, this is what average people look like at high school age.
Yeah it's actually hilarious that stereotypically Germanic = stereotypically handsome, stereotypically Slavic = stereotypically ugly. But that's how it works with males, just look at how ugly Natalia would be if she was a male.
LOL where did you get this? Both of these guys look fine. Neither is particularly hot. Neither is ugly. Just two dudes. You guys do so much damage to yourselves with this weird information you live by.
Also, OP: anyone who says "bitches love me" still has a shitty personality.
Give the left guy a lot of acne and thicker hair and it's pretty close to me.
I find it interesting that more attractive guy has thicker lips.
That's cause you're a guy looking at it. When a woman looks she sees an untouchable monster and handsome man
it's not supposed to be "hnng the guy on the left makes my cunny explode" it's supposed to be typical attractive traits and their unattractive counterpart.
don't be overly dense
The one on the right is better looking imo
It's probably for the best that someone like you isn't attempting to contribute to the gene pool anyway.
You're completely full of shit. This must be a troll.
I look like right, but uglier.
eh, 50/50 of both. I have weird big lips though.
The guy on the right is not ugly and you probably aren't either. Thanks to the dumb fuck rules on Jow Forums we can't even help each other out whit honest assessment of each other's photos.
id rather fuck the one in the right
You can get a honest assessment at photofeeler.com, although I wouldn't recommend it if you have for example suicidal thoughts.
i wanna try but I don't wanna give my info to some jews.
Insane bullshit like this is killing you guys.
This is little more than some sort of social media video game. Posting your picture on a rate site is in no way comparable to meeting and interacting with people in real life. It's just not. Stop being such a fucking nerd and go live your life. Stop trying to quantify everything through the internet in order to find a cheat code to human interaction.
Think I'll get drunk and kill any shreds of self-esteem I have left tonight
whats the female equivalent of this OP?
>literally the only difference is higher body fat
Just get fit, you fucking faggots. 90% of you don't look like blackops2cel and are not horribly deformed, you just have to get sharp facial features by not being a landwhale.
Post your results here then
I do meet people and have social interaction IRL, where does this idea that everyone is a hikikomori on the net stem from? And if you want to know how ugly you are then unfortunately the internet is the only way to know that since in real life looks is a taboo.
This is just to let us know how bad it really is. The fact we can't attract women is proof enough we are ugly, we just want to know how ugly
>where does this idea that everyone is a hikikomori on the net stem from?
What the holy tap dancing fuck is a hikikomori?
>if you want to know how ugly you are then unfortunately the internet is the only way to know that since in real life looks is a taboo.
This is fucking bonkers. You have made a statement that is completely bonkers.
Then just stay at home and not try and blame shit that you may be able to improve upon. Sit there and be lonely and tell yourself there is nothing that can be done to improve. But for fuck's sake, if you're going to do that, then shut the fuck up about it. If this is the way you choose to spend your life, do it with less god damn complaining.
> This is fucking bonkers. You have made a statement that is completely bonkers.
So are all people equally beautiful, or is looks not a taboo?
Complaining is the only way to ease the pain. I keep my mouth shut about it IRL, I come here specifically to vent it out so i can function
Without seeing the pictures you selected, there is no way to prove that the ratings you received are accurate. And who the fuck has even ever heard of that website? 20 or so votes is not enough to draw any sort of conclusion, especially if you uploaded spergy pics.
Back in my day, we had Hot or Not dot com. If I would have listened to the ratings scores I got on that site, I would have crawled into a cave and never spoken to anyone again. But since I (accurately) concluded that getting my picture rated on the internet is in no way equivalent to making connections with real humans, I was able to have a fairly healthy social (and romantic) life. Fuck the internet and fuck these dumb pic rating sites. You are doing yourself harm with this crap.
no they are the same. the left one has a better personality :^)
Withdrawing into a cave and being ugly do not have a connection. It's easy to me to make friends and I have many friends even though I'm uglier than 98% of the population. People don't care about your facial aesthetics when they choose you as a friend, they want basically just to have a person with a similar level of intelligence and Big 5 trait Openness. It's that due to being ugly I can't have a gf, and that's just a truth that I have to accept.
Not everyone have an equal starting point. If you're uglier than 98%, there is nothing you can do. And if you would be for example dumber than 98%, there wouldn't be either anything you can do.
Life is unfair. Ugly people aren't necessarily landwhales, some people in this life just are ugly and can't therefore ever have sex. Other people are for example stupid and can't therefore ever be professors. It wouldn't help even though they read one book per each two days; they would not be so stupid but still could not be professors, ever.
You're uglier than 98% of the population according to the people who vote on photofaggot dot com or whatever the name of that site is. Who gives a fuck? I'm telling you that you can't go by that. IT ISN'T REAL. What do you believe makes you so ugly? And I swear to god if you say the rating from the fucking website is what makes you believe it, I will reach through my ethernet line and choke you.
Literally every human possessing genitalia can have sex. You are limiting your options.
>Both of these guys look fine. Neither is particularly hot. Neither is ugly.
the delusion of the female
The rating explains well how come people like my company both in the short term and long term, but nobody is sexually interested in me.
>Be a manlet
>Be autistic
>Still get girls
>See this picture
>Realize I look more like the one on the left
Well that explains a lot about my life.
I'm a grown man with experience in the real world. Where did OP's image come from? Does anyone here even know? Or did they just see it posted here and accept it as fact?
This picture is created from taking female preferences and making an average based on having women rate different pictures of males. It's an accurate statement of what women find attractive and repulsive.
I'll ask you again. Where did it come from? As in, where did you find it? Who claims it is what it says it is?
>Literally every human possessing genitalia can have sex.
oh shut the fuck up, what a shitty argument
If you're female then yes, all you need is genitalia.
If you're male, you need to be goodloooking (wide angular jaw, deep set eyes, long clavicles, robust frame, the list goes on and on) unless you live in a country where arranged marriages still exist. That or be very rich.
>I'm a grown man with experience in the real world
lol, how can a man know what females fancy? are you one those "just be yourself bro" shitheads?
I'm not trying to make an argument. You can have sex if you want to. Finding the right partner might be difficult, but effort and time are the price paid. Or money, if you want to go that route. No shame there either. But everyone can get laid. Everyone.
No I am not. But NO MAN -- none of us -- can know what all females fancy. Each and every single one is different. Can't you understand that? They don't all want or like the same things. That's a fallacy. And I wouldn't insult anyone by saying "just be yourself." I would say be honest and direct, and try to be friendly. If you find this doesn't work, then begin to put in the effort to improve things that you learn are undesirable.
Well that's true, if you pay for it, then you can have sex, and the payment could be to a prostitute or a golddigger. But usually we are talking about sex due to attraction when we talk about sex. And if you are uglier than 98%, you can't have sex, since the most repulsive 2% of females can have sex with more handsome men - although probably not Chad, but more like males more handsome than 10%.
natalia as a young man is hot af tho
All i see is an actual faggot (left) and an average dude (right)
>muh looks define your life
Kill yourself, if your only purpose is to be seen as "attractive" by sluts then you're human waste anyway
Do you still claim you are in the 2% because of that stupid website? What did I tell you about that? Literally everyone can find someone to make a genuine connection with, as long as you don't stop trying and don't put a time limit on your search.
>Each and every single one is different.
i wonder were did the meme "everybody is different" came from, and also no, just like 90% of men like the same thing in women, 90% of women also like the same thing in men; I don't advocate for being a cunt to females but treating ethier sex with this level of uniqueness is dumb
Not if you have any real-life experience with people.
You're wrong about your 90% meme. It's just not true.
lol why is that it's always men who romanticize women?
I'm the one on the left, yet still a lonely faggot. Maybe it is personality, or the world is out to get me!
Why can't you stay on topic? There is no romanticizing going on here. What are you on about?
>slimmer jaw line is more attractive