How has your perception of women changed over time?
How has your perception of women changed over time?
It's gotten increasingly negative to the point of outright hatred.
it hasnt. women being sexual beings does not turn me off. i do not need to feel as though im corrupting someone who is otherwise innocent. thats for beta losers.
eventually I began to hate them
except age 16
I used to want to be one. Now I just want to murder them.
I used to be scared of them in elementary school because they weren't boys. I don't remember how I felt about them in middle school, but by high school I had a very incel-ish view of them that only strengthened when I found r9k. After a while of actually interacting with women, I've since come to realize they're just a different kind of people and respect them the same as I do men.
r9k should've cemented my hatred of women but I somehow gained some rationality instead. I dont understand how
yep, thats going to my cringe compilation
The idea of being a girl is fascinating but the usual methods to "become a girl" all seem really unsatisfying while also having severe social and emotional consequences. What made you decide it would be worth it to switch? Do you regret it? Are you passable? Do you care if you're passable?
It has gone from contempt to pity,
Why don't you ask /lgbt/. So sick of these questions.
Dont get all huffy because someone is interested in your mutilation, freak.
I just crossdress in private
I am on hormones though
Estrogen feels pretty good
Not passable and never will be
I'm not even trans. Everyone is sick of your stupid tranny shit taking up every single thread. At least make your own thread so I can hide it. I'm here to read about why women suck not your mental problems.
>Jow Forums is for everything except sexuality
>Jow Forums is fine though
This except add
I really hate girls.
Yoose some basic ass bitches
And a poof sfx
And a boyfriend princess carrying me
And a corgi named Einstein
Stay mad incel reeeeeeee
Haha fucking faggot
Look at him
Covered in sauce and mad
Look at him and laugh
Maybe you should make a thread and hide everything else
Fuck off this is supposed to be our board. I'm sick of having everything taken from me.
More realistic, but not for the better.
Adored them and wanted to be them for the first 35 years of my life. Then over just a few years I was completely disillusioned, and now have rather mixed negative feelings about them.
Basically, I'd still like to be one, but only in body. Not in mind. The female persona is the most disgustingly useless thing I can imagine. It's not even that I blame them personally, I get it. But I can't deny my personal experiences. I was taught to believe in equality, romance, family, companionship. And through that and a hundred thousand hours invested into women, they have 100% of the time made sure I realize just how little they care for me at all. And it took me decades to understand that all of that was NOT my fault. I did my part, they did not do theirs, and I did NOT deserve this shit life I got.
I'd rather women didn't exist at all in my world. Like, put me on a different server thx.
Their literal only role on this planet was to provide me with the most autistic, ostracized experience of life imaginable. And now as they've done that, excluded me of everything life was supposed to be while they had literally every single advantage, all the riches on their side... even that wasn't enough. Now they're campaigning about how they have it so hard and how white males like myself are the reason.
1:st world white women have the best deal of any creature on this planet ever. And the best part? They still get all the sympathy in the world so they can play this make-believe fantasy that even though haver everything, they need even more. And that of course is the fault of men, who have only ever done a thousand times more work for women than women have given back.
I've been here since 94 bitch nigga
Go back to furfinnity with your sad frog
This is green text story board
Go be fat somewhere else
Here's the full story:
Pre-k through second grade:
>girls are different than boys because they wear dresses and like dolls and have long hair and pee sitting down
>also because they have holes instead of penises and they can get pregnant and boys grow up to be daddies and girls grow up to be mommies
>girls get to put ribbons and baskets on their bikes and I don't and that's bullshit
>overall girls are pretty cool because most of my friends are girls and they're cool and my mommy's a girl and I like her and Pippi Longstocking is a girl and she's definitely cool and Summer's a girl and she's pretty
>"dating" means kissing and holding hands and going to the arcade together
3rd-5th grade
>girls are super fucking mean sometimes and I hate that they obviously get special treatment while we're demonized
>girls are super hot and it's fun to look up their skirts or get them to show you
>think little girl tits are fucking enormous at this point and like looking at them
>mostly think girls suck because they're snooty bitches and unironically tell them they have cooties
>but Dan's little sister is okay, and so are my sisters, and so is Milly, and Quinn, and Alex, and my hallway buddy, and Kelly, and actually the bitchy girls are okay too most days
Middle School:
>have realized at this point that girls are actual objects of pursuit
>trying to line us up boy-girl no longer works getting me to stop talking; we cannot be divided and conquered
>romanticize girls and become heavily oneitis-prone, write about girls in my journal and draw them, stare at them a lot, crush on basically every pretty girl in my class at this point
>go out of my way to try to impress girls in a cringy fashion
>ironically have co-ed sleepovers with the nerdy girls who are my buddies and don't think of them that way
High School:
>unironically hang out with mostly girls and think of them as equals
Early College:
>redpill anger phase
>women are lying whores and cunts
>women are lying whores and cunts and I'm trying to come to terms with that and like them anyway because most of the people I like are female anyway
>still pretty sure they can't be trusted
Yeah I'm sure that's hard but one time my smart phone team out of disksoace so this cute guy installed more for free but i have to say hi to him whenever i see him now. Im not sure it's worth it :/
It's not just women, I perceive most people be it man or woman as unclean and my desire to purge the earth increases every day.
Words can't describe what it's like to live your whole life believing in love, romance, and that there are good women out there... and to then so suddenly understand that no. There aren't. Not a single one.
I can't even have my lesbian dreams anymore, because even if I was a woman, I could never bother spending a second of time with other women. They are that predictably disgusting. It's fucking annoying. I can't even play around with the idea of some make-believe romance in my head anymore because there's not a single goddamn cell in my brain that can even entertain the theoretical thought that any woman was actually capable of anything remotely like love. My dreams, my random zone-out thoughts, EVERYTHING is gone. All I've had for years now is emptiness, because there's fucking nothing to fill it with.
And to then think back on all the promises we were given as children, all those fucking lies spewed by TV-series, movies, games, books, the media, about how people get together and start romancing and make families and all that? The whole fucking thing nothing but a big lie.
I'm a very smart person, that's kind of my job. And I used to be very nice and empathic too. And I cannot, no matter how hard I try I cannot even imagine theoretically how it's possible that a single couple exists on this planet. I just can't understand it. Because real world just doesn't fucking work like that. No matter WHAT you do, it makes no difference. Because the women NEVER do their part. Not once. Not ever.
I can't even fucking watch movies with any kind of romance anymore because it just seems like pink elefants launching nukes out of their asses and speaking porridge to me. Totally, ridiculously unrealistic and just obvious bullshit.
>[On couples not realistic]
Which of course, leads to the only obvious remaining conclusion. That I have to be psychologically damaged beyond all measure, to have gone this far down.
Me. Someone who used to think he was normal, and going to get a normal life. And still stealthing it out with other normies, pretending like I'm one of them, when in reality I live in a completely different, fucked up dimension.
Just fucked up, tired, and alone. Just like all the rest of you fucks. Except for the fact I'm probably twice your average age.... sigh.
Women's sexuality is inherently evil and there is no reason any intelligence male should have any opinion of them other than "they must be controlled".
>unironically fell for the female best friend meme
>unironically fell for the "reasonable people can have sex and not make it weird" meme
>unironically fell for the crush on your best friend meme
>unironically fell for the jizz in your best friend meme
>unironically fell for all the memes
Don't do it, user. Just don't fucking buy it.
Elementary School
>girls are gross
Middle School (puberty kicks in)
>girls are hot and getting a girl makes you cool
High School
>thought girls were equal and idealized finding love with one
College till now
>love does not exist, women cannot feel love even if it did, women are all whores and are prizes and objects to be won to boost your social status
I'm on this path, user. I think it's because we didn't see as many roasties as they fit the Jow Forums definition.
Please help. I want to get there. I have enough fucking venom in my heart without hating half of the human race right off the bat.
Jesus man, all I can say is godspeed in the rest of the areas in life.
in timeline order:
>hot af
>i needs the pussy boss
>hatred(guess what happened here)
It hasn't.
Mainly because I don't view "women" as a cohesive hivemind. There are shit ones and there are amazing ones
Thots exist. So do fuckboys/chads
Landwhales exist. So do neckbeards
SJWs/feminists exist. So do MRAs/alt righters
Cool men exist. So do cool women
Don't be so bitter, frens
Not him, I'm I think the turning point is unironically, getting to know a few good women. I still hate the majority of women, but I can see the ones that have substance more easily. Of course, in order to do this, you need to let go of the concept of a relationship with them. Since I've done this, I understand the appeal in being alone a bit more, but only to escape social interaction. Just don't lose hope, that sets you on the robot path. I just wish more women were raised right. It's also the primary reason I want a son instead of a daughter, so that he isn't fully inundated in the social conditioning bullshit from a young age. Then again, I'm still in school, so that makes it easier. Just don't give up.
Majority of women are the same. It's in their nature to follow the group. Different types of women may exist, but they are much, much rarer.
Elementary school:
>scared of everybody
>don't care about women
Middle school:
>scared even more
>don't like them
>every woman is mean and needy
High school
>hate women
>all women are just sluts and gold diggers, only caring for long dicks and guys with big bank accounts
>somewhat into extreme fetishes and treating women like sexual objects
Early college:
>don't care about women
>don't like them
>porn and oversexualization is okay
>don't care about them
>redpill phase
>trust issues
They are people just like you or me. May we all one day learn to live in peace with one another, and together cleanse the earth of all evil.
You can say the same about guys. That's just mainstream culture and most people belong in it
I f you treat them all with some basic respect and wide eyed curiosity, and treat them as though they are a mommy type, they will respond and treat you like a little boy and give you the nurturing and care you are hungering for. Remember they all can't be models but if they keep their pussies clean and their weight down; it's something warm to cum in every other day or so when mommy feels the need. Eventually nothing else will matter other than her needs, because making her happy means better orgasms for you, more hugs and higher self esteem, companionship, suckling with or without real milk, and a true sense of real stability and honest happiness.
Nope, you can't. There's much more diversity among men. Women, though? Majority dress the same, have the same shitlib political views, like the same type of guys, listen to the same shitty radio music, study the same meme subjects in their Marxist (((universities))), attention whore on Instagram and social media, and are generally overgrown children with no responsibility. Can't say the same about men. Well, maybe you can to some extent today since Jewish brainwashing and leftist politics has become so prevalent, but men today are still individuals.
My perception is two sided. Whenever I converse on a subject with someone who just happens to have two x chromosomes, I see them a person because their sex is completely irrelevant to me. But whenever femininity of any kind becomes a topic (whether it be about law, quotas, relationships, etc.), then I utterly resent women-It's kinda difficult for me to see women as somethings to be completely discarded once their sex is highlighted. I cannot really fully blame them (individually) tho since most of it is cultural, but God knows...Only God knows what...
>girls can be better than boys at things
>girls can be as good as boys at things
>where are all these girls?
>no, seriously. Where are these girls?
>Why do girls never try to be better than boys?
>what the fuck. They live life on easy mode yet still complain?
>what is with all these double standards?
>wait, do they seriously think men have an easier life than they do?
>what the fuck is wrong with these cunts?
>where are all the sane women?
>MRAs and alt-righters are comparable
Do the world a favour and blow your fucking brains out.
Primary School
>girls are alright idk lol
>lol vagina XDDDDD
Middle school
>crush on girls so hard I can't jerk off to them
>smell things I've lent to them
>more or less obsessive
High school
>no longer obsessive but still infatuated
>got the courage to date a few but never went anywhere
>beta feminist, social sheep
>got led on hard
>anger phase
>start reading into theredpill etc.
Present (2 years post-college)
>redpilled + self centered
>don't really care, no longer angry
>recognize individuality as more reasonable/true than generalization
I remember generalizing women when I was younger. All girls felt the same to a degree. I attribute this to lacking the emotional maturity to empathize with others. Once I formed closer relationships with women (ie. my sister, friends) I began to be able to empathize and understand that each person, male or female, is unique.
That being said, most people are garbage. I keep few in close company and have lower exposure to women than men due to the nature of my work. 7 close friends, 5 are guys and 2 are women.
>>no, seriously. Where are these girls?
every single female athlete
every single female scientist and doctor and professor and teacher and engineer
the list goes on
literally millions who are smarter and better at something than YOU
Are you fucking retarded?
>every single female athlete
can't compete against male athletes
>every single female scientist and doctor and professor and engineer
got her position by fucking or affirmitive action and can't do shit without a male senior
>and teacher
>every single female athlete
Inferior to male athletes
>every single female scientist and doctor and professor and teacher and engineer
Inferior to their male counterparts, and many got those positions through quotas
>literally millions who are smarter and better at something than YOU
And we're like the bottom 1% of society. It doesn't take a lot to be better than autists here. However, women are still inferior on average to men.
>Are you fucking retarded?
No, but it seems apparent you're a white knight cuck.
>literally millions who are smarter and better at something than YOU
You're comparing the very best females have to offer, to one of the very worst males have to offer, and consider that a victory for women? Tell me again, who's retarded?
Literally almost 100% of women, throughout all of human history, are significantly less than men doing the same shit. Even the best cooks and barbers and fashionistas, are men.
I mean there are a billion things I could draw from. From how 99.7% of war time victims are male. From how males live 10 years shorter lives. But really the only thing we need is modern employment and capitalism:
Across the 1:st world countries for several decades now, education has clearly favored women. More women than men graduate with higher scores and to better professions than men, at an increasing rate all the time. Yet where are they, when you look at actual jobs? They're testing, writing, proof-reading, doing modern equivalent of menial secretary tasks that benefit from nitpicking and nagging, the only real skills women have. If women were even 71% as good as men, then with the myth that is 70% F/M pay, companies would hire exclusively females. Yet they don't.
Because things work as they ever have. Even with all the cards stacked in their favor, women can't overcome the natural fact that it's men who create, and women who just pick the things apart that the men create. And the MONEY, is in creating shit. Which is why men still hold all the power and significant positions in the work market.
They can compete against over 90% of the males on this board.
Good and bad. It was cyclical.
No they can't. The strongest women on the planet are about as strong as the average man.
I was 18 when I started to realize that most, if not all, are submissive hypergamous whores.
>girls are gross
I want to touch but they don't let me, each year a little more bitter
>discover Jow Forums and realize many things about them, stop giving a shit about them
>lose virginity, enjoy it immensely
>find love, lose it, turns me into a sour, loathing cunt but not in the r9k way, start fucking more
>realize that only superficial (albeit delicious) comfort can come from women and realize happiness comes from literature, art, music, solo pursuits
thats a nice pussy. how do i get a gf with one like that?
Started by treating them as equals, but being scared to interact with them feeling like I'm always inferior to them and I always have to keep them entertained.
Then I realized they treated me as if I were inferior because of their higher status in society, they were first class citizens and I was basically second class, I always had to be on my toes around them to make sure they don't get offended by something I do/say and boy do they get easily offended, I also had to entertain them like I was a fucking clown, or they'd lose interest in being around me and I'd look like a loser in everyone's eyes.
Seriously fuck them. They live such easy lives and are the most entitled group on the planet, you might think you've met that one who's different, but it never happens.
They're all shallow, boring cunts with copy pasted personalities and worthless interests they've had everything handed to them on a silver platter so they didn't need to develop proper personalities.
The majority of them are human garbage and the majority of us here can recall a few moments when some roasts blatantly acted like they're superior to us. Tell me that isn't real, tell me that isn't fucking real, not even Chad is that fucking entitled cause not even Chad has such an easy life, even he had to struggle a little at some point.
I went from being deluded and thinking I could ever date one of them so being susceptible to infatuation, to realizing I don't want to date anyone and becoming nearly immune to loneliness.
exactly this.
woman need to die.
all i care about are brainless fleshfucktoys.
>SJWs/feminists exist. So do MRAs/alt righters
We shouldn't chop off baby dicks and we should have universal conscription or none at all is the same as we shouldn't have manspreading and fart raping. You fucking retard.
Women are unfortunately much less varied than men. Some quality women do exist, but they are relatively few compared to their male equivalent.
>fart raping
Is this a thing now? I can only ponder in horror about what new form of oppression they come up with next.
I'm a dude. My best friend throughout elementary/middle school was a girl. Our moms were friends so we always hung out together, went on trips together, etc. Never fucked, never even experimented. 100% platonic friendship, even made it obvious we were friends in class. So from a young age I knew how to talk to girls and it wasn't this big "coming of age" ritual like it was for everyone else.
So yeah, no problems with girls.
By high school I was confused why chads were getting all the women. IMO they had nothing to offer; their marks were shit, most experimented with drugs/cigarettes/booze, some got in trouble with the law, etc. Was just sort of lost as to why they were attracted to these guys. I played sports and was generally Jow Forums as well.
Never thought too much about it. Still no problems wth girls.
A few of my close buddies got girlfriends and all of them were incredibly cruel. Literally all of them were like "damn I wish I was single, this is retarded." Then I got my first gf too and thought all her hobbies were childish and it didnt last more than a month before I was like "nope this is gay." Got my second gf and she had legit mental issues. Figured the shit I dealt with from her was the extreme end of the spectrum but a few years passed and my bros and I were still yet to find one good, enjoyable relationship. All of us have been hit by women at some point but it's something we don't talk about unless we're all in a circle together.
So we're 25 now. Most of us have just retreated into playing vidya. Tinder is a dumpster fire and what remains of women out there are damaged goods.
I went full circle from loving women, to hating women, to "loving" them again.
I have, however, lost all respect for them. so now I "love" them in the sense that they are playthings to be enjoyed and discarded.
I think that most men go through a path similar to mine.
8 ~ 11 yo: Just played and talked with them like any other child
12 ~ 14 yo: Was afraid of them because some girls of my class started to date older boys, which made me feel insecure and weak.
15 ~ 18: "All women are whores lol". Ironically I managed to get a gf during this time
19 ~ 21 (now): "Most women are whores but thats because current culture s cancer"
Jow Forumstard spotted
Always hated annoying nagging cunts, bitches, and whores ever since I was a kid. Now I just realize that they make up a far larger portion than I thought. Out of all the females in the world, the chances of one being different is probably 999,999/1
possible, highly unlikely
Find yourself some (actual) lesbian friends. I recently met a few and I've had an incredibly enjoyable time with them. I get the fun female interaction while not worrying about playing the game.
Jow Forums doesn't hate women you dumb shit, they always keep complaining about muslims raping our precious wahmen
im beyond the point of caring about women, i cant even be bothered arguing about how they behave.
>Adored them and wanted to be them for the first 35 years of my life
lmao you're part of the problem
Honestly? I don't think I'm getting married.
Feminists are so keen on pointing out that all the stereotypes, old phrases and ancient wisdoms we're raised with are wrong. But the irony with the feminist-driven equality is that it's precisely because of that why more and more modern men see how fucked up women actually are.
All the stereotypes, our parents, our grandparents, historical writers, philosophists... they all point to the same conclusion. That in a natural world, men work, while women are fickle and complain. And the only way relationships work at all is because men work 10 000 times harder for it than women, and basically push and grind the relationship together by force.
Now we're raised to believe in equality, and we go into our teens expecting at least remotely the same kind of reason and rationale that our male friends have shown. But it's nothing like that! Women are fucking horrible. They are incredibly selfish, narcissistic even, insensitive, useless, and undergo child-like temper tantrums all the time. ANY relationship can only work if the man endures incredible levels of bullshit. Which is PRECISELY why all-female groups have never worked, and never will work, and why male groups work fucking perfectly.
One way of looking at it is certainly that we're all pathetic losers here. Another way is looking at the decreasing birth rates, herbivores, MGTOW, and in general acknowledging that for the first time in human history, men were raised to expect more than women can offer. And honestly? We're tired of their shit, and we have EVERY reason to be.
Used to think women are scary but now I just think they're scary
Even though I talk to women more than I talk to men I'm still intimidated by them. I do like women though, have never hated them
>I've been here since 94 bitch nigga
Damn, man. Your life must truly suck hard. I can't imagine browsing this board in my 40's, haha, don't you have a life or something?
I don't remember ever having thought about women seriously.
I spend so much time seeing my gran naked when I was growing up that nudity isn't taboo, to the point that we're okay seeing each other naked to this day.
When I was very young I did not think about women much at all. When I became older I was mostly jealous that I could not talk to them, and that other men had their attention instead. I became hateful and vengeful, and wanted to get back at both the women who I imagined scorned me and the men who they seemed to prefer over me.
Then, I found God. Now I am happily married, and I love all women (and all men): but love my soulmate most of all.
You can find God too, Jow Forums. Why not visit your local church this Sunday? What do you have to lose? Is a lifetime of contentment really not worth waking up early one Sunday morning?
Desire to breed got stronger
But i'm more aware of women's tendency to say things and want completely different things at the same time
I don't feel anything, not the extreme hate or love anons have posted. I am horny all the time though and jack off 2-3 times a day. 21/virgin.
>be bullied by girls all through school
by boys too but they would stop after we had fights... cant punch a girl, thats worse than the holohoax!!!
>raised by feminist reverse mysogynist single mother
>kept feeding me lies about women and equality, that girls like "nice guys"
>kept playing games with my mind and made me feel like shit for no reason (perhaps not inherently a female trait -- im a khv incel i dont know)
>always made fun off by girls in school. All their jokes were centered around how disgusting, ugly, stupid etc I was
>girls lied about things I had said or done to get me in trouble with my insane mother, the school or boys in school (get them to beat me up)
I dont know what I did to deserve all the mocking but I am staying clear of all roasties forever.
I've found that a lot of them are crueler than perceived. They know how to fuck up a man's emotions and laugh about it. Most are real bitches who dont deserve a man
>Thots exist. So do fuckboys/chads
Thots make up the majority of women, chads are incredibly rare.
>Landwhales exist. So do neckbeards
Landwhales are still desired, and thus have an inflated sense of self-worth.
>SJWs/feminists exist. So do MRAs/alt righters
SJWs arguments have little to no basis aside from feelings and generally wanting others to think they're a good person.
>every single female athlete
Friendly reminder that 14 year old australian boys BEAT the female national team in football, and it wasn't even a close contest.
That's right, we're talking about grown women vs a bunch of kids, and still they managed to lose.
>Women are fucking horrible. They are incredibly selfish, narcissistic even, insensitive, useless, and undergo child-like temper tantrums all the time. ANY relationship can only work if the man endures incredible levels of bullshit.
This was my final redpill.
At first I thought the bullshit from my mentally ill ex was just a one-off "worst case scenario" that I fluked into.
Then I looked around and saw otherwise decent girls pulling similar shit with my friends.
Quoted for fucking truth, fuck 'em.
used have the typical normie opinion of women not too long ago actually.
They are sweet, kind, understanding and peaceful etc blah blah blah...
Obviously none of that is true, and I outright hate most of them now since being redpilled on their true nature thanks to several very negative experiences with many different women.
I used to finger my middle grade girlfriend in the hall and playground then I think some mean feminazi authority figure chastised me in the school office.
Next girl rejected me.
Maybe I started masturbating around that time.
I also became an impotent pothead for a while.
Now I'm battling porn to get my strength back and become a bulked up rapist along with all those other bad names.
Some women may not be complete sociopaths but they are all petty animals.
I still love girls, I don't fall for cute girls as easy now... since it seems i'm invisible even when trying not to be I don't have the optimism I used it.
Jesus Christ summer needs to end
>best friend was a female
that's the real meme
i also made change in perspective as i got older.
>jizzed inside his female best friend
>hehe don't fall for the meme
yeah HAHA dude none of us totally want this thanks for flaunting, epic bait
>>unironically fell for the female best friend meme
Happened to me too, she of course dropped me like hot garbage after 6 fucking years as soon as she found a chad to fuck and I was forced to realize the true nature of women. The only friend I need now is the bottle
a fantastically based answer
The first stage was fear. I went to an all boy's school and the first time girls were introduced I was shitting myself.
The second stage was orbiter. I saw women as these noble creatures to protect in a cruel world and they can do no wrong.
The third stage was resentment. Why do they go for chads? Why am I not appealing to them?
The fourth stage was red pilling. Women fundamentally want to be led and men are superior to women both physically and mentally. Women desire a strong man to lead them and you will lose their loyalty if you show weakness.
The fifth stage is acceptance. Women are simple, flawed creatures and they aren't at fault for their shitty behaviour, men are for enabling it. Patrice was right.
Raised by single mom, with older twin sisters.
No idea how to talk to women, no idea as to what they want, what motivates them. I have only learned they are untrust worthy and illogical.
The only women I can respect I don't even see as women.
Some land whale in school was preaching the other day about how men "are better at sports because they have more opportunities than women"
I see them only as obstacles.
How can you have a healthy relationship without showing weakness? Who do you confide in?
I literally only see them through the internet. I interact with virtually no women in my daily life.