I wont race mix

>i wont race mix
>i only like white women
>maybe an asian girl
>black people are niggers
>see black girl get intense boner

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name dfdfdffd

now you know how fembots feel when they see some BBC

>user you make me feel invisible sometimes

wat say?

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lol. keep memeing

i want to fuck a nigger should i just kill myself now?

>i only like white women
>maybe an asian girl
every single time. have you no conviction OP?


i want a girl like this but with a normal body

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muh dick

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That is way too much makeup.

most dark skin girls have really nice skin, i dont think she needs the makeup.

It's a white person face painted black.

I've always wanted a black GF, but when she sees the iron cross on my chest, I think that'd be a dealbreaker.

>not exterminating the black race by breeding their women, turning their offspring into little milklets
>not cock blocking niggers like they've cock blocked so many whites

No its literally not though you cuck.

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>tfw no white nationalist bf

Probably just confuse her then turn her on, black girls like a bit of race play just like everyone else

Would you like a white guy with a Swatty tattoo?

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If its for Jow Forums reasons thn you clearly don't stick by your principles and that isn't the sort of person who makes a good father/bf/husband.

yeah, id fuck a pol guy if he was hot. as long as ur not hardcore racist.

>tfw the entire reason pol exists is to dominate black pussy

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It's completely caked on. You're falling for yet another lie made entirely of paint and grease.

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I'm hardcore racist but only against (certain)black men. I love black women. I like to get in fights with black guys and I've won pretty much every time. But I've always been nice to black women.

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t. virgin that got picked on by Jamals and starts stuttering whenever he talks to a good-looking black girl

no one is worse than asians and whites when it comes to looking different with makeup.

Your obsession/hatred of black guys is a turn off, but im sure other black girls would accept you

t. cuckold nigger apologist

i mean i'd fuck you but i could not date you if you hate black guys in general, but i could if you just hate the ones who act like idiots for no reason.

Those girls are more attractive in the bottom pic

I don't hate all black guys but I just like to fight them cause so many are obnoxious. I hate a lot of rude ones.

Well I was just at the basketball court playing with black men so I can suppress it. I don't hate all black guys just a large portion.

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Bullshit. And the scariest thing about Black women is when that wig falls off and reveals that gross, picky headed hair. Sends a chill up the spine.

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But if you get in fights or start fights with them then you are also obnoxious

This is literally a burn victim

im black and i have long nice hair, no wig.

Well. To be honest we either agree to fight or they throw the first punch and I finish it. But I finish it because I rep the white pride and I'm sick of black males thinking us white men aren't gonna do shit. They think we're weak. I show them otherwise and embarrass them.

how do we deal with all the thirsty negresses?

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Same, people always ask me if im mixed and its annoying because other black girls ruined it for me

If I had a mixed race kid with a black woman I wouldn't hate them but I would make sure my kid knew he or she was half white and to be proud of it just like they're proud of being black.

It's funny that you would say that because she's not. That's just her natural skin.

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Great another black woman hater

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I'm sick of black girls being slandered.

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Just presenting reality. You're jumping to conclusions. You're the one who said unironically that a black woman without makeup is "definitely a burn victim".

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Let me present reality to you

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Except she is a burn victim. She has a YouTube channel talking about it

That's only because you are one, you abrasive swamp donkey.

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Here. Have another dose of reality.

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I used to have yellow fever when I first started fapping, but grew out of it after a few months. Now I'm mostly just attracted to white women with a few Asians and Latinas mixed in.

i think asians lie the most with their make up

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I think thats a good way to do it

>muh precious white women

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You're comparing two entirely different people. That's called cherry picking. I'm showing the exact same person with and without makeup. That is reality.

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I'm not gonna fall for your bait Mr. Goldstein. If anything, your shilling is pushing me in the opposite direction.

it's true. dont know why stupid faggots on here fall for muh asian qt meme

And let's talk about how angry and violent these self-important nitwits are. You say the wrong thing (which can be anything at all) and you will witness an allegedly human woman turning into an actual gorilla.

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>muh muh precious white women

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>white womenz wuz the most beautiful n sheeeit

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>we wuz Aryan beauties

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i mean most girls look fine without makeup

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im gonna keep posting them

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This is how simple Black women are. If you have a problem with gross, loud, obnoxious, violent angry literal monsters, then you're in love with White women. I mean, obviously, right? Because that's all that exists on the planet and is the only possible explanation for the level of disgust everyone on the planet has for Black women.

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a black girl with minimal makeup, but u can keep posting ones with skin discoloration if you want. its not going to stop me from breeding the hot ones.

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Correction: Most BLACK girls look fine without makeup

Sorry but you're gonna lose this argument.

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>muh Aryan women
such a joke

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Don't forget that every black woman you see with long hair is either wearing a wig or hair extensions. Anything you might find attractive about them is fake. It's a lie. Everything about them is spurious and if you if you want to see the true nature of the she-boon, piss her off. It won't take much because they're naturally pissed off all the time.

Attached: rock em sock em negroes sm.webm (360x640, 1.22M)

>non nappy hair
>hair goes down to my waist
>never worn a weave or wig
>almost all of my white friends have tape in extensions
okay :)

Honestly I like black women but I find that hard to believe. Could you post a pic?

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And don't forget those sexy Black woman feet... Jesus CHRIST. Those are hoofs made for bounding around the jungle floor and stomping monkeys to death so they can bring them back to the nest where they are consumed raw.

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I left that lifestyle, but I haven't gotten the tattoo removed or covered up yet.

Here's what their feet really look like

Attached: feet-ethnic-black-african-american-woman-isolated-white-34131857.jpg (600x900, 32K)

Black women are liars at all times and about all things. This is another negative on the infinite list of negatives about them. Their hair does not grown downward like most humans. It's kinked and curls outwards and upwards.

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I'm not really a footfag, but the mixed pigmentation of black girls' hands and feet makes my dick hard.

Not sure what that means.

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Not that femanon but please speak for yourself, my hair grows down and I cant make it into a proper afro like I want

Those are the best you could find and they're still 3/10. Black women are not designed for being romantic partners to men. They built for bull level lesbianism and maybe field work.

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Horseshit. Post your hair then.

Footfags are disgusting get out

Yeah bullshit. You're just to weak to handle a black woman.

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So you make poor decisions and put permanet symbols on your body just to change your mind later? That should be a dealbreaker to a woman of any race.

Where is Putin?

Why can't she be on my bed?