doesn't go in all fields, edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for MANIME and no larping as little girls
I put it in all fields if you know what i mean lads..
Diversity is strength, lids
First for my first britfeel post oreganonation
are you a farmer of agricultural stuffs
i have not been on britfeel all day. How has the thread been?
Smelling pretty good lads, just hope they don't collapse in the middle.
I believe one day we will be invited to a good discord and make lots of frens.
That looks amazing user, be sure to post the results! =]
Crona's been posting pol bait trying to make the thread as shit as possible due to receiving negative attention.
So just more of the same really
Welcome lad, whereabouts you from?
Was a shitshow at the start of the last thread because of . Let's not let it happen again.
Can i pop over for some, maybe watch a film la?
>daily mail
haha would you look at that
From Bath, in London for university friend =]
think I might get a hot guy to fill my ass with his cock and make me cum from prostate stimulation lads
top bit of banter that will be, the look on his face when I'll tell him I'm not really gay
reminder to look after your mum lods
now im gonna go to the shop and eat some shit because of this im meant to be losing weight you bastard bich
you know when they lift from the sides that its gonna be good
Of course lad, I'll get Froppy to fill the kettle.
I do have my suspicions it is crona posting all the bait. When he sperged out a few days ago he mentioned being behind tons of characters and posts on here, so there is a chance he posts pol bait.
I HIGHLY rate this post lad
hello lad im going to be in bath next year.
any recommendations/ inside knowledge etc?
I love my mum and would do anything for her
remember to protect your animal friends also =]
I love my mum but she don't half get on my nerves sometimes
I like Bath, it's a very pretty city.
It's good to treat yourself to nice things occasionally. Dieting with no treats does not work.
I hope so!
I'd recommend the late night comedy walk around the city, the restaurants are really nice basically everywhere, Milsom Street is high quality, avoid Southgate at all costs, it's Chav central but has the main chain stores. The crescents and Circus (see picture) are lovely to look at and see. Bath is great and if you like books look for Toppings book shop!
I wish I could but my family and I don't talk anymore. I know my dad looks after her mind.
I don't half miss em though.
Why not lad? Can you not get back in touch again or is it a very sensitive situation?
that's really sad lad, why don;'t you talk to em?
Any cardi gang lads in
very nice lad. i look forward to it, thank you.
Here's hoping fren
Oh yeah and avoid Saturday's that's when all the people from Wales and Bristol flock in for the day through the Park and Ride, during week days the city is basically empty in the day.
just coated myself in mocha cream stout lads
Cool tip if u r lonli: follow a at Asian girl around campus and pretend you are going on a nice summer walk together
Bat part about pro tip: when you want to get a chocolate bar after your exam from spar and she walks in you starve because you not want to feel lik stalker
just ate an oreo and waxed my face lol
I went to uni in bath and never saw any chavs except in the mcdonalds near Twerton. Some weird people in there. I mostly stayed in my bedroom though
whos better lads. hitchcock or kubrik?
What's going to be the outcome lads
oreos are a fucking rip off nowadays. the cream always has a hole in the middle
those are donuts you numpt
The McDonalds in Southgate it pretty poor, but i'm going by Bath standards and those are slightly higher than pretty much everywhere else in the country, it's a unique city in just how middle class it is. Yeah Twerton's shit, same with a bunch of places like Fox HIll.
oreos have always been yank food. its like eating charcoal with a layer of pure sugar
why are reddits servers busy like wtf nothing big has happened
>sister asks you to rub suncream on her
what do?
stout as in alcohoI
a coffee cream stout
hope it wasn't your only 1 lad
cheeky little jizz on her back
Tfw I have probably walked past you in Spar and never knew.
I prefer Kubrik. I'm going to make an unfair statement since a lot of Hitchcock's films were in black and white. But I think Kubrick was better at using music and colour in his films. That along side the acting and writing really helped to make his films. The monolith scene from 2001: Space Odyssey is iconic.
squirt the whole bottle on her and leggit
drop my spaghetti and trip face first into her ass
anyone here /dateplanned/ i'm not...
>be me
>be a 34 year old balding football loving lad. Proper legend amongst all of my mates and renowned for my ability to put away pints and my ability to get up to all sorts of antics
>wake up at 12 pm, feeling proper energised. They paid my benefits in today. Can't wait to visit my dealer.
>Drink a leftover can of Stella I had in my fridge since last night
>Feel absolutely great. Love the hair of the dog, me.
>Check the football results for a couple of hours, Norf F.C is doing fucking great. Brilliant.
>it's hot and sunny as fuck and I have great memories of getting absolutely shitfaced in the park as we listen to the footie on the radio. Take my shirt off as I leave the front door.
>Filthy slags are showing lots of flesh, fucking luverly, show us yer tits love! What a fookin bird you are!
>go to the pub
>Me mates Smithster and Danny are there already! What a fucking result! We have a proper lively chat about Ngubu and Mo Salah, fucking geniuses the goals they've scored this season have been spectacular.
>Spend 14 quid on three pints, starting to really crave a joint now so ring my dealer. He's got some proper lemon in, fucking lush.
>On the way there see some more of me mates, fucking love you Gazza. Make me laugh my fucking head off, you mad man!
>feel like I could smash any of the posh speccy cunts who look at me with disdain as I show off my glorious jiggling man tits and massive beer belly
>Get to my dealers, roll up a cheeky one with me mates - of course me dealer is a mate. Get shit faced and play a couple of games of Fifa. I'm fucking brilliant at it, me.
>Pop into Greggs on the way back, proper got the munch I have. Nothing a couple of sausage rolls and a red Oasis won't sort out. Yum!
>Still got one hundred and forty quid in my bank account! Brilliant. Couple more nights of getting pissed and watching the footie then its Big Daves turn to pay!
Run out and be forced to use my saliva on her feet instead.
Scari thought
An argument got very out of hand when I was drunk. I threatened them and went to prison, that was last year. There's still a restraining order in place til September. I regret it, but I can't take it back or undo anything.
I'm not sure if they'll accept my apology when the time comes, but I'm not sure I'll live that long anyway; things have gotten bad, and nothing in life seems to bring me pleasure anymore. Whether vidya (my longest and greatest passion), books, TV, sex, friends, nothing.
Still, I might order a Dominoes. I'll take topping suggestions.
Where abouts are you? Originally
>Spend 14 quid on three pints
fuck where were you drinking? the pub outside Buckingham palace?
Southwest England M80
I suggest you top yourself. Tasteless jokes aside I like the meat feast pizzas. I like lots of meat or meat with jalapenos and other spicy bits.
I worry about you sometimes fren
How did the exam go?
That Jim Kong's certainly a character.
Anyone know any apps for sex that you can actually send messages on without having to pay? Signed up to be naughty but you have to pay to see messages, trying to find a lonely robot girl
Oh don't worry. Tasteless jokes aside I doubt I'll see September. I bought the stuff I need, just killing time til I decide to do it.
just found a snickers in my coat pocket, everything's coming up millhouse.
How do i get less excited when a qt meets me for a date and less depressed when it doesnt go anywhere? I need to fix this, its putting me off trying
no point lad, only way is up when you hit bottom
post photos of your sister's underwear drawers please lads
It's summer user, time to get swole, your dad will bow down to you when you present your gains.
pwoooarr check out this pair lad
Alright but I need to be doing really well in these to get a good average for the year.
The worst parts was a philosophy teacher adjudicating the exam making the qt black girl next to me laugh because he was mean to me last year.
What have you done today so far?
This bls
A girl from England broke my heart. I'm a burger. She cheated with some random faggot there. I liked England for what it was when I visited (I visited 5 times), but now the thought of going back to England fills me with disgust and sadness.
I imagine this is what it's like to live there every day.
I'd hold off for a bit. You seem hurt and it's never right to kill yourself out of anger or sadness. If you thought it was a good decision then you wouldn't be hesitating. You have doubts and that's good so just hold off.
bit cheeky that lad
These are yours.
right, who in here's gonna set me up with your mum
Why kill yourself... when you can BE yourself?
>cucked incel
Don't do it lad. It can get better.
>normie housemate has her bf over and they're having foreplay in the other room
Bomb me please.
Shit lad, that sounds tough. The fact you feel bad is a good sign and you can start to work towards making amends once your restraining order is up, show them that you've changed and I'm sure they'll come around eventually.
Pizza sounds like a good idea, treat yourself.
I hope you do stick around lad, never know how things are going to go,
why does my sister keep lacy worn pairs of knickers in drawers that arent for underwear?
>has sex with english girlfriend
>has sex with current girlfriend
>"haha you're an incel"
what the fuck is wrong with british people
>on r9k being bitter and resentful over a woman
who what you are, cucked incel
just a checkup lads i worry about you lot sometimes
Imagine shagging your sister haha
imagine pounding her from behind then filling her up
>being an American in britfeel
L E A V E please.
mic doesn't pick it up, I can only hear the odd giggle and soft moan anyway
That's a bad poll user, please stop being nonces and weirdos =[
simple as
Look here you bastered biech /britfeel/ goes in all fields how else will these nice anons know where the thread is
last time I try and make a thread that was
cor yeah, then mummy comes in and joins the fun
>I'm the only one who voted no
>I get accused of being a nonce
Sort yourselves out boys.
14 year olds are legal in gemany so
Cheers lads. Silly as it sounds I do really appreciate it.
I just wish I could enjoy things again like I used to. For years upon years I was comfy as smoking and gaming.
see you in five hours then :^)
bet you look cute in them haha
haha imagine getting pegged by your sister haha
Literally doesn't go in all fields though.
i know lad. yet you'd get your knees smashed up if you tried fucking a 14 year old over here. its bloody pc gone mad i tell ye