>Now everyone on Jow Forums has gf and a sexlife
What happened?
>Now everyone on Jow Forums has gf and a sexlife
What happened?
I had a gf, I do not have one now. And I have never had a sex life. I am celibate involuntarily, therefor I am an incel.
People realized this was just a comfier alternative to /b/
where's my gf and my active sexlife then
I fuckING WISH NIGGER please give me a gf so i can use my sex powers
On the one hand im glad that people here are progressing and not just feeling sorry for themselves... on the other hand... GET OF MY FUCKING BOARD NORMIES REEEEEEEEE
r9k got flooded with normies and Plebbitors all thanks the mainstream media.
Normoids metastasized
I really really hate my life
>they still won't give good advice to me
I hate normies
A series of normie invasions happened. I'm one of the remaining 5 or so robots.
Ever since r/incels got nuked all the reddit normoids came here to complain about how their gf's are only 8/10 or how they only have sex 4 times a day instead of 12.
Hormones got better and are given to younger feminine boys (thanks to basedbeans in everything and estrogen in our drinking water) so that they actually work and feminize them and make them grow breasts so now we can all have actually cute girlfriends (male).
I have some age-old advice that every single person in a relationship has used to get a girlfriend.
Just be yourself.
Follow that and you'll get a gf
I'm holding onto it for ya while I browse the gf market for one of my liking.
>everyone on Jow Forums SAYS they have a gf and a sex life
>trusting a bunch of autists on the internet
I at least can confirm that I have never had either of those things
I have a theory that Jow Forums was mostly just awkward teenagers and late bloomers who grew out of this "robot" thing realized that they weren't actually autistic or they didn't actually have anxiety or they weren't actually depressed, they were just a bit strange.
I started traveling, met a qt girl from Arizona at a hostel, we started dating, hitch hiked to Colorado from Mexico, and have been bumming around on the east coast.
Idk man, I thought after 19 years I was just a disgusting human who no one could love, but I guess I was just sad and depressed.
I'd just contiune to work to getting a stable career, eventually hoping to get a masters degree.
One day I hope to have a son who won't hate his fathers guts, and doesn't want to kill himself growing up
p much this
I know it aint original
Someone did a stawpoll a vouple of months back and the majority where still virgins, like 65% or something like that
>virgin neets literally have nothing to do but make random memes and autistic shit on the internet
>push out autistic neets out of your community because they don't feel at home anymore
>hey why is nobody making any more OC, where are all the funny memes guys???!
and the best part is nobody recognizes the pattern either
I wonder how many if the virgins on here five years or so ago ended up finding happiness or at least getting laid. They probably posted threads saying they were gonna be alone forever or that they felt like killing themselves. Got too be a few at least.
I don't know why anyone would want to get caught up in this mentality. People should use this as a platform to better themselves, not stagnate forever.