Stats thread. post 'em

stats thread. post 'em

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template. me llamo jeff despacito

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Here you go, nothing more to say.

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My life has been a joke.

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my stats desu

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F orangutanely

I guess I'm actually well off.

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>4/10 intellect
Retardation breeds happiness

Ignorance is bliss, mein Freund.

it's alright,working on a few things

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Looks like a normie needs to get out.

i want a re-roll on life

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you can ree even harder, I'm a girl

Nothing bad has happened to me that I didn't cause myself so i think I'm lucky

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That's even more of a reason for you to gtfo. Your narcissism is showing in that atrocious chart you posted, naturally inflated as females tend to do.

Yup, everything over a five is inconceivable

Kinda accurate I guess, at least they are based /10

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You are not as valuable and productive as you think you are sweetie. Society merely assigns less duties and expectations to you by virtue of you being female.

The absolute state of this board memes

I'm not even saying I am those things

Despite my many short-comings and laziness, I tend to have an insane amount of luck at times.

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Here are mine, I'm not leaving my bed for this.

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I'm sure that you are as intelligent, perceptive and creative as that chart claims. Those stats are in no way inflated thanks to your unwarranted sense of worth, as that has been fostered by the countless thirsty males surrounding you.

Guess insanely low self esteem and reality checks are not just a meme then here

Jesus, she put 7/10, 6/10, and 7/10 respectively. Not like she's saying she's a genius or the next Van Gogh

>spirituality and discipline near 0
Big red flags that it's a normgroid. Probably a female too. This thread sucks.

is one of the pathetic anons that need to insult/attack others to feel better about their obesity/retardation, cancer of this board

Here's mine, origoigo

Attached: my_template_stats.png (877x508, 71K)

Looks like a youtuber

ITT: soc and /b/ cancer

You just couldn't resist the urge to rush to her defense, could you? She may even reward you with nudes if you try hard enough, but you're probably cucked enough to perceive the act as a reward in itself.

Oh wait, a tripfag, just no

Sure, I'm a pathetic beta orbiter white knighting about """""her""""" (didn't even see it was a random roastie)
God, you are so delusional and retarded, too bad you aren't suicidal

i'm going to redo this in a year and see whats up

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I only used the trip because it seemed like a thread to make one, i just made it up now. I'm not a youtuber im a grad student.

You should donate your luck to us

nah, been riding my whole life on luck

The most useful stat is luck. Anyone who didn't pick exactly 5 exposed themselves as a brainlet.

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You are correct, she is in fact a female.
See her response to me:

*tips fedora*

Guess what, retards, there's another female in the thread

I also forgot to add the following color codes.
Blue: Beta
Red: Jow Forums type sperglord/edgelord
Purple: Faggot
Black/Green: No issues

This board has really gone downhill.

I feel like my looks are pulling me down in general.

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Why are you so new? Disgusting.
Red is the only colour that should be used

You must be proud of yourself, you totally showed us. Grill power amirite? xDDDD

here you go user, original comment here.

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Your looks are your personality. There's hardly more to it.

Your lack of discipline combined with your overly optimistic perception of yourself shows that you've gone through life without ever having faced any significant struggle, but only a constant stream of positive reinforcement and """achievements""" handed to you on a silver platter. It comes as no surprise that you are a roastie.

I'm pretty content with myself. I've left the shackles of normalfaggots trying to assert themselves on me.

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Awww honey, I'm sure you're better than you think!

I'm working on my strength and stamina to become a massively overused companion

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I am the best-est of the best.

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I'm basing my health mostly on the fact I hardly ever get sick - I'm still a fatass.

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Without the insults I don't even disagree with you that much. I wouldn't say that I have been praised all the time but so far life wasn't super difficult for me and I never had to try hard.

health and strength used to be pretty high when i was a compulsive exerciser. was the only thing i had going for me, really.

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i dont think im going to bother doing this but i think theres a problem with my stamina, i cant stop exerting the energy
once ran 20km non stop at a solid pace, idk whats happening mto me i cant stop

High intelligence + high confidence.
t. Law degree IQ95 hedge fund kid
If you were intelligent at least a bit, you'd realize how underachieving and incompetent mankind is
We are all going to vanish into the void because we can't overcome simple mortality

Maybe being a bit generous with the intelligence/charisma/humor stuff. A lot of people seem to like me (in a platonic way) and think I'm smart though.

Attached: oughtnt save this autism.png (877x508, 48K)

What about me then, faggot?

If you say so....assuming you are female, I won't object.

Physical female trainer during my time in the psychiatric day hospital said to me that a man shouldn't object a compliment made by woman.

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synesthesia? Or just autism? I could share/k that scheme if not memeing

that's it. this is me

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Oh never fucking mind, it's just a random user using colours related to ratings/strengths/high-low values

My confidence/social skills ratio is the perfect mix for autism

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Are you from pol too?


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Are you a female?
Kinda looks like it

why do you say that?
No not really, i mean i go on almost all boards occasionally but i don't really like browsing Jow Forums. Too much bait and not enough genuine conversation

origami parliamori

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Yup, that's basically the last year pol, sadly
Dunno, a mix of low social skills, yet huge confidence may sound like a pol basement troll

Im not female, why does it look like that?

High perceived intelligece, very creative, greatly emotional, passionate, humourous, yet sub average looks, discipline, charisma and social skills (maybe low self esteem or social submissiveness)

I completely understand why you would think that. A high confidence stat screams delusional and lacking self awareness and puts a question mark on the entire rest of the stats. However, my stats are simply accurate.

Red poltard autist.

Huge bitch who needs to be cured via facial abuse. Probably a /cgl/ regular.

You definitely like dick. As such, that guy wasn't unreasonable to assume female.

Im a guy and im hetero wtf are you all talking about?

maybe my creativity is a bit too high

Attached: stats.png (877x508, 37K)

Keep telling yourself that. orig2

Im just autistic with humour but I put confidence as high because I often do presentations and they go well. /cgl/ is full of mean girls.

my self-esteem is high and during social activities I'll usually take the lead if the people are not grossed out by my massive autism

Autistic is another explanation for why your chart looks the way it does. Sorry for assuming huge bitch. Can I still interest you in some facial abuse though?

Truthful instead of gratuitously self-deprecative because it's in lol

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filling shit like this out just hurts

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I would say this is about right

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Not like these newfags care about rating or discussing your chart anymore, this board has fallen
Kinda pointless.... sigh

yeah im into that
but only if it comes with petting and cuddles

Aside from social skills I think I'm actually doing pretty alright, thank you post.

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Petting and cuddles are applied afterwards in direct proportion to how much you cry during said facial abuse. Anyway, location?

im a ugly weird autist

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I'm not sure if I filled this out from the perspective of comparing to what I perceive as average, or just filling out what I feel like is honest, or if I'm just being arrogant, but it's probably a mix of all three

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Lift is good.

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What about that health and stamina then?

I'm healthy, but my lifestyle is very self-destructive, so I put it on 3.

I literally hate doing physical tasks, and I always avoid it at all costs, but I didn't put strength and body there as a joke. I'm 6'3'' and muscular, I can lift, and I do, but I'm lazy as fuck. I never do physical tasks. Well, I think 1 is too low actually.

How many cocks has a passionate, funny, creative woman of intellect such as yourself had up her ass? How many tinder Chads have you offered yourself to?

about the charisma, its only that high because for someone people like me for some reason without any real reason why
but the same amount of people hate me too because the same reasons why people like me

Attached: stats.png (876x509, 48K)

>puting things at 10
>to top it of editing the chart so that you can put intelligence at 11
>deliberatly making your weaknesses worse then they are is like health 6 and you actually work out, so stamina is at least 5
>being this narcissistic

Reminder that anyone who self-evaluates their intelligence above a 6 on r9k are experiencing serious Dunning Krueger effect and are either scraping or beneath the bottom first std. deviation of intellect of all human beings.

here ya go, overall terrible life but im slightly smarter than average and more creative

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a 6 would be like 110 IQ on western countries so i think it's safe to say most on r9k would have that since they're mostly white college kids

i should even be here, i have the tools to be a functioning member of society if i was just less of a subhuman

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>all of these people with passion
how the fuck? I want to care about things like you guys do.