A certain death?

So I'm thinking of doing this, don't want to fuck it up. Apparently falling from over 100ft head first into water is like hitting concreate, instant death? Bridge close to my house sits at 150ft over water, think this is sufficient? I mean regardless I can't swim, just seems shitty to die by drowning.

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From that height going head first you would either die instantly, or be unconscious upon impact. Why do you even want to do this though?

Sure it will kill you, but for those few seconds you fall you will feel the deepest regret of your life.
Do some crazy shit before you die instead, and maybe you'll die doing it. Don't have such a weak attitude

If you want a completely painless way though, just get a rope from the hardware store. Not that difficult.

>is only 45 meters
No, retard. It will not kill you. You need at least of 100 meters which is more than 325ft.

>Why do you even want to do this though?
He's suicidal.


Isnt 100ft like 30 meter? I have seen people jump off 40 meter cliffs for fun and they were fine

Golden gate bridge is only 250ft above water, so no, you don't need over 300ft. It's all in how you land, and if the water is flowing.

>when you eat from the base sidways, like chopping a tree
>it falls off the table
>they have to clean it

Yep, 30 meters. I've jumped from 20 meters into water like a beach ball and I've slipped inside the wota.

>not just sucking it

I could do some crazy shit before I die, but if I do what is on my mind, it wouldn't just be me going down.

People survive golden gate sometimes tho

Falling is a stupid way to die.

At least make it funny and attach a smoke bomb on your ass while you're doing it, so they think you killed yourself because of your explosive diarrhea

Yeah, but the survival rate is like 3% or some shit. Just enter head first, don't extend your arms and you're dead as fuck. The impact will break your neck and if you don't die instantly, you'll be unconscious. Either way, rip. Cliff divers don't enter head first for a reason, especially over 100ft.

I was actually going to jump while clenching a Roman candle between my cheeks at night.

You are smarter than me, will remember if I ever try to an hero by falling. Oooor might just go somewhere without water

Everyone that survives the Golden Gate jump says that they regretted jumping the minute they left the railing

Jumping without water is easier, still a fucked up way to die. Your brain registers the fall slower than it happens, it's fucking agonizing and yet people think it's a good way to go.

Yeah and I believe that's true, but you can't be sure they aren't just saying that so theyre not forced into treatment again.

I dont know, saying "muh agonizing psychological pain" is the reason way people do it in the first place right?

Depends. I've seen people do it over physical health reasons. Still not worth it in my opinion, just find someone to talk to. Even if they laugh at you or make light of it you'll probably feel better, and if not? Well, you'll have someone to go with you.

Oh yeah, if not doing it is an option I'd take that everytime and prefer everyone around me to do the same really

Exactly. Who the fuck wants to wake up to seeing a dead body, or having to fish it out of the lake. Clean it up off the pavement. Selfish fuckers should at least do it in a way that creates little mess and work for other people.

I don't think eating that little ice cream on one sitting is a certain death.

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What if you don't die and instead shatter all your legs and drown in pain.
What if there's thick mud at the bottom and you get stuck in that and drown.
I know a guy who flipped off a bridge that was insanely high and he misstimed it and belly flopped. He had bruising over the entire front of his body. By the time he reached the shore the bruising was already coming out it and he was acting like he was shell shocked.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life OP. An infinite amount of possibilities lies ahead of you, behind you there is nothing.

Why not OD on heroin? It's one of the comfiest ways to an hero.