Whatever the fuck edition
Post discussion or memes, no-one really cares
MBTI Thread
What is their mbti
I ask this on like every thread but what is sex between an INFJ and ENTP like? Asking for a friend
originally really gay
>"you can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences for ignoring reality"
yeah right, get on my level of maladaptive daydreaming you fucking casual
i do not like degenerate activities, this is accurate
come on man, you can't start an MBTI thread without an interesting question
I'm not talking about "which MBTI do you ... the most"
What do you all think about ESTP?
Failed LII/INTj and Failed SEE/ESFp
Alright... do you believe the MBTI test result you get is accurate? Do you research each personality and function for better accuracy/understanding for the personality you were given?
>Your fucking type
>WHat drives you up the wall?
>WHat do you love above all else?
>Are you a virgin?
>Are you depressed?
>DO you think you are above average intelligent?
SLE/ESTp is the cliche 'Chad' type.
at the beginning of the last year i did the personality test and the result was istp
weeks ago i re-did the test and it was istp again.
do i have any hope anons
Yeah i thought so too
Would you say ESTP/ESFP = CHAD/STACY?
>people forcing me to do certain things
>freedom to contemplate and think
ESFp/SEE and SLE are definitely the populars of society. ESFj/ESE too. ESTj/LSE less so, but they're just well off most of the time.
>Ni ego type hating change
I don't think you're Ni-dom user.
School popular stacy - enfj, party slut stacy - esfp
>irrational people who lack common sense
>fast cars
>Probably not - I try to make myself laugh everyday, which alleviates emotional pain
>no, but being around certain people makes it feel like I am
I am though
I just don't like it when my plans change, or things don't happen the way I expect them to
Ni-doms tend to have no problem adapting to these situations, though. Is it possible you have yourself mixed up with EII/FiNe? They really don't like sudden change, they appreciate stability because of HA Si and suggestive Te. (rational type)
Do you know a lot about types?
I wonder about my friend, he's really Chad, and a drug dealer, but i dont know if he's an estp
Sometimes i think that he is my rational other half, but he can also be a bit unsensitive. Are there any defining characteristics i should look for?
You can be Ni-dom and autistic
When some types always say depressing shit, is that legit, or is it ironic?
Yeah, but they'd probably remain catatonic, without any response towards change, just following it.
Postivist thinking/negativist thinking. INTp/ILI/NiTe tend to be really negative and pessimistic because of Ni-.
Is it possible to be E, but to have such a well-developed I that you think you are an I? Is it possible to change from one to another?
>Is it possible to change from one to another?
Theory states no. Some extraverts can resemble introverts and vice versa, but it's more about how you process information and your phenomenological relation to a given object, both physical or mental.
I'll give you a test. Try to describe the first associations that come to mind when i say:
i mean
Sounds extravert and sensing for the first two.
Introvert and sensing for the last one.
Take this with a grain of salt though, it is just a short exercise, don't read too much into it.
Introvert and sensing, also ethical.
Sensing, possibly introvert.
What about:
wtf, i tested ESFP?
How does this exercise work? I thought Intro/extro had to do with energy
ESTP is literal autism.
same except with INFP
I want off this ride already
What is my nemesis according to theory? The type i would have the biggest difference in thought, action, policy and how i live my life? And i would clash with because we think differently
Im ESFP btw. I've read INTJ, but im open to your points of view
Possible ISTj/LSI/TiSe. Finish and Life/Death seems like Ni/Se valuing.
ISFp/SEI/SiFe possibly.
Se-dom maybe, ESFp/SEE or ESTp/SLE.
Sensing type definitely. ISTp/SiTe/SLI seems most likely.
You guys don't have to only post words, sentences would be more helpful, this is kinda vague. Here's another pair of words.
>not having enough time
>martial arts
>I am a virgin
>Not depressed, just apathetic
>no, I think that my IQ's at about 85 - 90
If you're ESFp you would clash with INTj/LII/TiNe. You hit his PoLR or weak spot constantly, he hits yours constantly.
Si-dom. SLI/ISTp or SEI/ISFp.
Like what we think about it or our assosiations?
Inhibits the body
Ugh gronk cold, need warmth gronk kill big tiger
Children learn in school
Fight to the death biatch, one rule of fight club
DUnno if that was helpful
>Not being taken seriously
>Talking with people about stuff
>Yes (not for long though ;))
What is going on man? The test pegged me as a ES, you say IS??
>Natural warriors in an age where barbarians are extinct?
What exactly does this mean?
>Si-dom. SLI/ISTp or SEI/ISFp.
Doing the last one
>Invisible thing
>They can define your body
>Doing it fast
>Win or lose
Yeah, that's a bit better.
ESXp maybe? ISXp maybe, but still leaning towards extrovert.
Some tests vary in quality.
okey one more pls man :*
I will be 100 % honestly myself this time
Alright, leaning more towards SLE here.
You guys should still not really base your types on this.
Internet tests are (mostly) better than me.
>Life and consciousness
>Warmth and protection
>School and friendships
>War and progress
>when someone doesn't fall in my charisma, also when people ask me to do things for them
>dominance on other people
i legit get harder ignoring or dissmising females than actual contact with them ( excluding sex) same for men although i have no sexual desires for them
I thought so too, but I'm starting to think I'm SLE.
Its the real person hidden underneath.
Style, fashion, and that kinda crap.
Its what you do to understand everything.
Conflict. Trying to take something away from someone else.
>Internet tests are (mostly) better than me.
any good ones?
Let's play a game user :)
>ur type pls
>WHAt is your favourite interest
>WHat kind of music / band is ur favourite
>What is your types biggest misconception/steretype? Is it true?
>If you could give one sentence to explain your viewpoint to people who cannot grasp your thoughtprocess or actions, what would you say
>describe yourself/ your type in three words or somthing
Sounds SLE.
Any one of these are good. Tests are not as good as self typing though.
stat me
>people who project their way of life onto others as if it were gospel
>daydreaming and being left alone in a relaxing environment
>not self-diagnosing but probably
>considering what average is like, probably, but I don't feel intelligent
Kills people, but maybe not cuz guns doesnt kill people, people kill people ya know lol?
My password is strict as a priests dick, i will not hesitate
Morality is impossible to define, it's subjective. Law and moral is not the same things, but then again what is good/evil, one doesnt exist without the other
Si-dom, maybe ISFp/SEI.
Hard to say honestly. ILE/ENTp maybe?
Bideo game or masturbation
Shitty rap mixtapes off datpiff
Durr handy man, no
Why do it if you dont like it
Mbti is gay
And how would an ESFP answer?
>Si-dom, maybe ISFp/SEI.
how did you figure based on those three words?
Why do i wanna suck dick so bad? WTF
Comfort and sensations, people focus.
SLE again
Portable bullet launcher
Privacy and secrecy
Justice. Balance. Evenness.
Fags whos entire personality revolves around video games
The lord
ESFp would be harder pressed to think morality was subjective
No objections to SLE here.
Because they believe in God?
Could u recommend the best personality test?
Cuz maybe i took a bad one :/
Not necessarily, they don't have to believe in God for that. For tests, see
>When people use logic to justify being mean
>A specific person
>Very much so
>Even more so
>I think so
>people who study and or talk about philosophy
Big and mysterious, permanent activity and anxiety
Deep and crushing, feeling of helplessness, nature
Protection, safeguarding, a place to relax
Source of knowledge, library, mystery
Everything and all-encompassing, leads somewhere interesting
Unnecessary and stressful
Abundance, pizza
Unity and purity; meaning and symbolism
Personal style, functionality and harmony
Knowledge, constant improvement, excitement
Strength and power, sometimes justified, sometimes not
I kinda cheated because I thought about the words a bit, instead of just writing down anything I thought about stream-of-consciousness style.
Here's another fun test.
What figure do you spot first in this image?
Ill go
Talking and chilling with friends
party party YEAAAH, but kinda true though
People need to relax, life isnt that serious
i love you
Sounds like IEI/INFp.
All of them m8. The black pacmans are more noticeable but the triangles (and jew star) aren't hard to spot either
Pacmans black cousin
That's INFJ, right? I really, really don't think I use Ni, much less lead with it
I saw a weird-ass star of david
What now
Did you spot the white triangle before or after the other figures?
You know yourself best.
>You know yourself best.
Sure, but your input is valuable, what makes you think I use Ni? I neither have drive, nor goals, nor exceptional foresight.
>Did you spot the white triangle before or after the other figures?
Before, I guess. I still noticed the other figures at the same time but maybe they were more in the background.
A star?
I saw outline first, so i guess i saw the triangle in the back first.
SLE btw
I say it last, after all the others
Supposedly Ni/Se valuers will see the 'white' triangle first, and Ne/Si valuers will see the outline first
>people arguing with me and fucking up
>Depression is relative
>ya but thats not saying much
I see the middle triangle that's not really a triangle but you can clearly see it's there
Also because I apparently can't even read
>friends/significant other