Does anyone else ever feel envious of female sexuaI pleasure? I don't think l want to be a woman...

Does anyone else ever feel envious of female sexuaI pleasure? I don't think l want to be a woman, but sometimes l just wish l had a vagina sometimes. l hate having a refractory period. I wish l could have multiple orgasms. It pains me that there's this amazing thing so many peopIe experience on a reguIar basis that I will never be abIe to even comprehend Women are also more beautiful and emotionally mature than men. It makes me feel so inadequate. Women even have a more developed sense of taste and smell so they can enjoy food more deepIy as well.

Attached: Orgasm.webm (404x720, 1.55M)

Other urls found in this thread: hate having a refractory period./

thats kind of a meme. yeah some girls can have multiple but it isnt that great. you lose interest in wanting a second orgasm after your first one. it gets way too sensitive. its annoying like you always could cum again right after but you dont actually want to. i envy that guys cum and its over.

>being able to do something and not wanting to is worse than not being able to and wanting to

no it is like u feel a need to cum again/not fully satisfied but it isnt pleasurable to actually cum again its just sort of painful and dull

I'm going to pin you down and stimulate your clit until you have multiple mindbreaking full force orgasms. Men have a refractory period of at least a few hours, women can actually have back to back orgasms.

>Men have a refractory period of at least a few hours

Attached: 1525933781609.jpg (480x476, 153K)

Practice good sir, it's like you haven't had several decades of fapping practice like the rest of us. I regularly fap twice in a row, somethings thrice, and my record is 13 orgasms in a single session. Now, I naturally have a refractory period like the best of them, but so what if you can't cum for a minute after the earlier one, just chill and go slowly.

I am curious of how a female orgasm feels like, yet I have had ones that left me shaking and moaning myself, so perhaps they aren't that different.

another shitty rep0st

i used to have a discord where i would play with myself all day helping guys cum i would keep going until ever guy there came sometimes i had 6 in a day.

Reminder these posts are made by a mentally ill roast from lolcow who posts roughly the same pasta every time on a regular basis. She also only posts it on r9k. hate having a refractory period./

Infact she has done it a total of 390 fucking times. Jesus imagine being this pathetic

> hate having a refractory period./
>Infact she has done it a total of 390 fucking times. Jesus imagine being this pathetic
This is pure autism

male orgasm is much better than female orgasm, we have to fap every day (if you have normal T levels and you're not a numale).
Women hardly ever fap.
This fact shows how much better our orgasms are.

really nigga?

>Reminder these posts are made by a mentally ill roast from lolcow

Reminder he made that up

>tfw male who 80% of the time has no refractory period and cant get soft until sweaty and exhausted

>Women are also more beautiful

No. Vaginas are ugly.

The only way to do it and be satisfied is if you're with a guy desu. I always stop at one. The only times I have multiple orgasms is when I'm with my bf

It's called a prostate dumbass, get your boypussy fucked good and it'll change your world

Put OPs text in here

It shows female. Tbh you shouldn't need that to recognize that this OPs writing style is that of a woman. It also sounds like something lolcow would spam here, they have done it before. Idk how he spotted it but now that he pointed it out it's fairly obvious.

>Put OPs text in here
you have autism

>they have done it before
No they haven't, people like you have just said they have.

>you have autism
Classic woman response, attack someones person when you have no argument.

>No they haven't, people like you have just said they have.
Are you seriously denying that lolcow raids r9k? Lol

How's this for an argument?

Attached: youre the roastie.jpg (683x381, 74K)

>tfw male suffering from premature ejaculation but refractory period is at least 30 minutes on a good day

Hey that's pretty cooll.

My gender is not relevant to wether OP is female or male. So no, that's still not an argument.

You're clearly male and it shows that your gender determining website is shit.

is that a fucking tranny? FUCKING GROSS

Attached: 1504822351318.png (432x415, 177K)

>Are you seriously denying that lolcow raids r9k? Lol
do you have any proof* of it?

*Note: Anons posting in threads claiming that the OP is from lolcow is not proof

Half of what you put in there was your own quoted post though. If you only put in "Classic woman response, attack someones person when you have no argument. Are you seriously denying that lolcow raids r9k? Lol" it says "unkown" because it's literally two sentences. Where as if when you use OPs post it gives a clear "female".

It literally says it's 60-70 percent accurate.

Attached: 45.png (672x377, 11K)

No it doesn't, quote where you see it saying "this is 60-70%". Either way, it doesn't really matter. It gives the verdict as female which is all that matters. This is also just another argument, it's clear that OP is a woman. And don't give that "gib proof" bullshit, here you say that "im clearly male" which means you know that you can know gender from writing style.


Not an argument, roastard

I'm a man and I'm the OP, I've posted every one of these threads. How can you be so confident in your idiocy?

General Reposti! You are an old one!

>No it doesn't, quote where you see it saying "this is 60-70%".

Attached: tard.png (1859x331, 65K)

Where do you see that in ?

Either way, 70% accuracy is better than no accuracy. You also have to take into account that the statement was immediately followed by "don't be offended", so it's likely it's more accurate than they officially claim, but they state that figure to soothe any butthurt it might cause. But hell, forget about that. Even if it's 0% accurate, you admitted that you can know gender from writing style, you don't need a program for it. The program is just an another argument to add to it.

>so it's likely it's more accurate than they officially claim, but they state that figure to soothe any butthurt it might cause.
Do you actually think this? If it was so accurate there would be less butthurt.

> you admitted that you can know gender from writing style
I know it from your content not your style. Stop making idiotic assumptions and presenting them as arguments.

>If it was so accurate there would be less butthurt.
Explain, because that makes no sense.

>I know it from your content not your style.
Define content

Based autismo user btfo'd roastie so hard she abandoned her thread

>Explain, because that makes no sense.
Because there would be less false positives.

>Define content
>Classic woman response, attack someones person when you have no argument.

If it was more accurate and they stated it it'd cause more butthurt because then you wouldn't be able to deny. The reason why some people get a wrong answer isn't false positives, it's because some men type like women and some women type like men. It's a small minority but it's still there

>>Define content
>>Classic woman response, attack someones person when you have no argument.
>implying roasts don't use roastie remarks when larping as men
>implying self hating roasts don't exist

Why are pretending to understand how it works when you haven't even read the about paige?

It claims to have 60-70 percent accuracy, and that you should use at least a 300 word piece of text. The OP text is about 100 words. (which has been rephrased multiple times to get around the robot.)

*why are you pretending

We went over that in the last few posts. But i'll quote
>Either way, 70% accuracy is better than no accuracy. You also have to take into account that the statement was immediately followed by "don't be offended", so it's likely it's more accurate than they officially claim, but they state that figure to soothe any butthurt it might cause. But hell, forget about that. Even if it's 0% accurate, you admitted that you can know gender from writing style, you don't need a program for it. The program is just an another argument to add to it.

>It claims to have 60-70 percent accuracy, and that you should use at least a 300 word piece of text.
We can do that as well

Use this along with the OP post
>Does anyone else ever feel envious of female sexual pleasure?

>l don't think l want to be a woman, but sometimes I look at my dick and just wish I had a vagina sometimes. I hate having a refractory period. I wish I could have multiple orgasms

>I don't even hate Wwomen. I just wish I had a warm, wet hole between my legs instead my pink/bright red dick

>I get so jealous and depressed every time I see a woman because of this. If I ever did get a gf l'd always feel inadequate and like I'm missing out on one of life's great joys. I'd kill to be able to enjoy orgasming like a female, even once. Yet they get do it any time they want for as long as they want, usually multiple times in a row.

>l believe that all misogyny is rooted in men's jealousy of and feeling of inferiority to women and their vastly superior sexual pleasure. I hate knowing I'm missing out on life's greatest pleasure.

>Even female to male transsexuals complain about male orgasms and try and get their femaIe pleasures back.

Also, OP even admitted to being female basically. look at the filename

>look at the filename

>Use this
only 190 words
>along with the OP post
you can't just repeat the same text

And I'm assuming that you're a guy because of what you're saying, not how you phrase it.

>you can't just repeat the same text
It's not the same text. That other text is clearly different from the OP.

>And I'm assuming that you're a guy because of what you're saying, not how you phrase it.
You don't have to repeat yourself, i already addressed that.

>That other text is clearly different from the OP.
About half the OP text is in that quote

Just a reminder that I'm the one who makes these threads, I'm male and have never been on lolcow.

You made up a theory about me based on a text analyzing website that claims to be roughly 70 percent accurate at determining the gender of the author.

How much FUCKING longer are you going to post this fucking piece of garbage fucking shit thread?
Fuck your FUCKING head.

>tfw the few times ive tried to push through and have a second orgasm its been extremely painful
for me
dont even want to touch myself for several days after that, not worth it.

>It pains me that there's this amazing thing so many peopIe experience on a reguIar basis that I will never be abIe to even comprehend Women are also more beautiful and emotionally mature than men. It makes me feel so inadequate. Women even have a more developed sense of taste and smell so they can enjoy food more deepIy as well.

>Does anyone else ever feel envious of female sexual pleasure?

>l don't think l want to be a woman, but sometimes I look at my dick and just wish I had a vagina sometimes. I hate having a refractory period. I wish I could have multiple orgasms

>I don't even hate Wwomen. I just wish I had a warm, wet hole between my legs instead my pink/bright red dick

>I get so jealous and depressed every time I see a woman because of this. If I ever did get a gf l'd always feel inadequate and like I'm missing out on one of life's great joys. I'd kill to be able to enjoy orgasming like a female, even once. Yet they get do it any time they want for as long as they want, usually multiple times in a row.

>l believe that all misogyny is rooted in men's jealousy of and feeling of inferiority to women and their vastly superior sexual pleasure. I hate knowing I'm missing out on life's greatest pleasure.

>Even female to male transsexuals complain about male orgasms and try and get their femaIe pleasures back.

>About half the OP text is in that quote

>Just a reminder that I'm the one who makes these threads, I'm male and have never been on lolcow.

>You made up a theory about me based on a text analyzing website that claims to be roughly 70 percent accurate at determining the gender of the author.

There you go, i cut out the double text and added this post. 320 words and Female verdict

>You made up a theory about me based on a text analyzing website that claims to be roughly 70 percent accurate at determining the gender of the author.
No i told you before, you can easily know someones gender through writing style, which you even admitted to.

60-70 percent of the time it will get a 50/50 call correct, hardly "knowing".

And I said that I didn't think a woman would criticize somebody for being a typical woman. I'm not looking at your choice of words or you sentence structure, I'm looking at the content.

And again, I made this thread and I am male.

>60-70 percent of the time it will get a 50/50 call correct, hardly "knowing".
It's not a 50/50 call when it gives you the percentages. If it gave you a 1% difference you could use that argument but with a difference close to 40% it's a clear call. Plus we already went over why the 70% number is probably intentionally deflated. Not that it matters but if you geniunely believed that it wasn't an accurate tool you wouldn't have bothered debating the specifics, you'd just have said that it's wrong and useless and proceeded to ignore anything else about it.

>And I said that I didn't think a woman would criticize somebody for being a typical woman.
Yeah, you said that to backpedal after essentially admitting you agree that gender can be known by writing style. I also addressed that as well But whatever, anyone can see you're clearly a woman. Especially your latest replies reek of woman, it's too obvious to deny at this point.

You're literally retarded.

Well, could have asked a male intenet friend to record that for you, that stuff is very common these days but usually the other way around (guys using pics and recordings of female friends to catfish) But actually, i rest my case. If you're actually a man and you have shilled this shit 390(!) times and counting, and actually believe in it that would be even more pathetic than being a woman from lolcow. Actually you'd be one of the most pathetic people in the history of this board which is an accomplishment

>Actually you'd be one of the most pathetic people in the history of this board which is an accomplishment
All I wanted was recognition for my work.

>men have a refractory period of at least a few hours

You just have very severe ED, user.

Attached: 1528752762451.jpg (800x999, 92K)