"""fembots""" are a scam

>give in and make an Instagram
>add fembots and other girls Jow Forums orbit
>DM some of them, start making friends
>All of them ""suffer"" from metnal illnesses or loneliness
>offer them my friendship, talk daily to them, support them
>meanwhile, they post pics and stories about how lonely they are and how NO ONE talks to them, and bitching about how ugly they are
>all this while several orbiters dm them and flood their comments with validation and attention

are bitches really this deluded? are these so called "fembots" full of shit, and want attention like literally every other female? Why do they do this? I hope they get one of their limbs amputatd or become blind or some shit

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OP is a virgin cuck

We did try to warn you, but you wouldn't listen.

it's generally best to avoid fem""bots"" who say things like that. if they are getting attention and are still "lonely" the problems comes from within and how they connect to other people.

also girls that r9k orbit are always going to be mentally ill and will never truly love you. they will take anything you say for granted because they are getting the same from 5-6 other guys.

making real attachments with women is nearly impossible.

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>being a beta orbiter
at least you realized the truth relatively quickly
as I said last time you posted this,
don't blame them, it's in their nature
treat them like the children they are, they will enjoy it more too

Fembots dont exist, how many times do you have to read and see it to believe it

That is because conventionally attractive weird girls with orbiters arent fembots. I mean, what did you expect?

yep it's a scam

they are attention whoring on instagram pretending to be lonely because they are looking for a sugar daddy, it's commonplace now, learn the tricks they play

>talking to females that browse Jow Forums online
Sounds pretty nice, do I need Instagram? Girls please talk to me I'm lonely (

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The only experience i have is talking to some girl who added me on MSN because i posted my email in /soc/ like 10 years ago.

After a year or so of talking she sent me some wins. Id give my left nut to have those pictures recovered somehow nut they are long gone.

you are not chad this is your problem

The only fembots that I still talk to is a lesbian and a chick that's 10 years younger than me who's like a little sister if anything.

E-relationships are a spook and you will get ghosted and/or swindled. These women are in it for the validation and ego boost, sometimes for money too. Dont fall for it.

>new contact
>think I'm doing fine, we have lots of common things to talk about
>talk for few weeks tops, and oops! she ghosted me
>oh well, that sucks, but next time will be better
>new contact think I'm doing fine, lots of common interests, good chats
>talk for few weeks tops, andoops! she ghosted me
>oh well, that sucks,but the next time will be better
>new contact
>think I'm doing fine...

Repeat this 20 time in a row, month after month, getting your hopes built up and then crushed like a worthless bug. It's very hard to blame myself when this keeps happening and my self-esteem is not getting any better from these experiences, but when I browse though the messages I just can't see where I go wrong. I don't act aggressively or send nudes or do any of the usual memes. Maybe I'm really just incredibly boring or completely unworthy for love. I thought Jow Forums would be full of like minded loners waiting to be contacted. Feels bad, man.

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I meant it's very hard NOT to blame myself. Shit, I know I'm socially inept but I can't believe I'm so bad that not a single girl has been interested in me.

Exactly this, but replace couple of weeks for literally 2 fucking days. Why would someone talk to me for hours each day for two days, where we are both responding to and proposing topics equally, simply to ghost me at the end of a day without any negative comment of any kind?

My guess is that they started to see it as a chore to talk with someone online even if they enjoyed it at first, and then they realize they weren't actually that lonely to begin with so they just drop the whole thing. They probably don't see any harm in just dropping the whole thing and walking away because they think you also got bored with them as they got bored with you.
Or maybe they met someone more interesting and you paled in comparison, who knows.

It's very frustrating to always have the low ground in forming relationships. I always feel like I'm the one who has to keep the wheels turning, the one who has to impress the other party, the one who is afraid of getting ghosted. It should be equal and both sides should be trying to get something going on, but it never goes that way. I'm still desperately trying to meet someone online, I don't care how many times I get ghosted or rejected before that. There has to be at least one girl who is just as desperate and lonely as me.

>I thought Jow Forums would be full of like minded loners waiting to be contacted.
This is where you went wrong

I don't think that's consistent with the facts. If they saw it as a chore, why drag it actively for so long? Why the complete absence of one-word responses? Why the amount of information shared with the other party instead of hiding behind a wall?
It's also one thing to drop the thing because you think the other is bored, but why go so far as to deadd people and remove the account? This way you'll never know if the other party was in fact bored or not.
Similar with the other person hypothesis, which is further inconsistent because of the lack of exclusivity in principle in talking to people.

I don't know, but I do know some people take internet less seriously. I also sometimes suspect that the person I'm talking to has actual social life going on and they only see chatting with people online as text on the screen. As in, they don't see me as a real person but just text on their screen like a game.
It's very sad situation for people like me who only way to socialize is the internet. I know it's not normal and I know it's not healthy, but that's the way how my life is.
Hopefully if I keep pushing through I will meet someone who is in similar situation as me.

I feel exactly the same way you do about all of this. I've done everything I could to improve myself in real life and reached heights only enjoyed by the top tiers of society in all aspects, but apparently that was not enough, being unable to socialize. So I keep trying online. I will never stop trying and improving (if I ever find something new to work on), and hoping that one day I'll find one (1) person who could possibly like me.
Good luck to you as well. Don't give up. Even on your deathbed.

Newsflash. Women ghost people because they are not really that invested in the first place. You might as well be AI, they are bored and get the added bonus of getting validation and depending on the mood, sexual talk to reaffirm their ability to get a man riled up.
They stop talking after a while because they see it as a chore, they can easily move on to someone novel and better. It might not be via discord, it might be on tinder, it might be in real life, it might be via her social circle. Women get opportunities all the time, to the point where they have to actively screen people. You cant even begin to realize how different your world is.

Just be cognizant of reality and dont get emotionally invested in the first place. Statistically, you wont find an actual girlfriend via Jow Forums, anyone who does is an outlier.

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Problem is, it feels like there is no other avenue open to me. Remote as the possibility is on Jow Forums, it could be my only chance at this point. It's certainly looking better than elsewhere.

You are statistically better off trying tinder and the like.

Trying to get a girlfriend in an anonymous board comprised of underageb&, mentall ill chicks, attentionwhores and literal camwhores is an exercise in futility.

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Not when I get 0 matches in 6 months on tinder. And do you really need reminding that tinder is comprised of ancient, baby-rearing, mentally ill chicks, bots, and literal gold diggers?

You dont have to stick around long enough to learn about their mental illness, marital status et cetera.
If you want to find a LTR via the internet, I've got news for you bud. Scratch that, finding a worthwhile woman anywhere is a feat in and of itself, nowadays.

t. 28 yo that's been around the block.

>be OP
>be thirsty incel faggot
>pretend to want to be friends with mentally unstable girls cause ive heard they're easy to manipulate into having sex
>be such a socially oblivious aspie that i don't even notice i make it obvious this is what im trying to do
>get mad and make a post on r9k about it

ok lol

lurk more summerfag.

Oh, this is a 18+ board by the way, see ya next summer.

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savior that pic my friend cause it's the only pussy you'll ever get lmafo

It isn't always like that. Some girls are really lonely. Fem"""bots""" are a mega scam, but some girls that add people on r9k are really nice and lonely.

A girl added me 4 weeks ago, she replies automatically and even bought me a game to play with her. She plays games with me hours on end, and does this with anyone she adds on discord.

I'm jelly of your experience. So far I've had 2 very rude girls which are probably just catfishing, 4 girls who were kind but ghosted me day 2 4nr, 1 tranny, 1 insane girl, 1 insane nympho, 1 underageb&, and 1 girl from cc who added me on a whim even though she never really browses Jow Forums.

She may add you if you post your discord. She's really nice and bubbly.

I haven't played games for years and I don't want to impose on someone who's kind and lonely like that. All the best to you both though.