Finally had the courage... Just took 25 grams of coffeine now just gonna wait till my heart stops...
See you on the other side fellas
Finally had the courage... Just took 25 grams of coffeine now just gonna wait till my heart stops...
See you on the other side fellas
should've got a bpm monitor to show us with
Hey bro im cuttin myself atm and thinkin bout suicide. How did u consume this much coffeine?
its spelled caffeine you autists. Also dont kill urselves.
I mean, if you are less than 100kg then yes, it's probably going to kill you
but why caffeine? why one or the most retarded, slow and painful way to kill yourself? do you know how fucking horrible it is to die from a great failure?
When I took way less it fucking hurted and I thought I was gonna die, enjoy dying in pain, faggot.
You can get it in pill or powder form on amazon or online supplement stores. I don't think it's a optimal suicide method though, may result in death by heart attack but could also result in the body rejecting some of the caffeine and just causing permanent heart or nervous system damage
Dude life is shit. And it doesn't get better. I have gf and friends but im mentally fucked and i cant help it.
People often discover God when they're at the end of their life. Good luck user.
Why is it horrible?
It's going to start as just general anxiety, but as you start absorbing the caffeine, it's going to develop into a full blown panic attack, sweats, difficult breathing, panic, shakes, chest pain, every alarm system in your body starts to go nuts
your heart and brain feel like they are going to give up anytime, seizures, delirium, allucinations, your heart will pond so fast until it gives up, or your brain will get a short of oxygen
the process is slow, and really, really painful both physically and mentally
putting yourself on fire is preferable
Ugh thagts a terrible way to do die
Basing this off the time i drank too many energy drinks in one day and felt like i was dying
Panic was so bad, heart racing so fast, vision was fading in and out.
I just ended up dropping to the floor and waiting it out.
Show me the cuts faggot.
I thought op said 25 mg and was memeing but he actually took 25 g
I dont think you can die from it
There u go mate
Horizontal cuts... fag.
Fuck off nigger. Why do you feel the need to insult someone who's in pain? Jow Forums is such a toxic place. I hate you all.
I wanted you to like my scars why are u mean reeeeee
cutters are attention whore faggots, im fuckin depressed too but i dont feel the need to cut up my body and then bring it up online and show it off every chance possible
Well maybe he doesn't know how to ask for help or doesn't have anyone to talk to. No need to be rude, user.
honestly, that sounds like an awful way to die. should've went with the shotgun
I know a guy once who played tic tac toe with me on his arms
with a razor
he wrote my name with timestamp at the time, brutal stuff.
Those are shit, show us some REAL cuts.
no shotgun in uk
I dont cut that deep sorry
OP is that you? How are you holding up?
You really are a piece of shit.
That's gonna be anxious and uncomfortable as hell.
im not op, but op prolly has no shotgun in uk
Enjoy the afterlife op
Well, may he rest in piece
>Op thinks that this will be an easy way to go.
Kek, heart attacks are not painless. Rather extremely painful. Have fun desu.
>How are you holding the camera?
Timestamp that shit nigger
Can we get an update on OP's condition? I'm rather curious as to whether he's dead yet.
he's either on the floor suffering a horrible nightmare before he finally dies or in the hospital
this assuming OP wasn't rpying
Can we get a location so we see on news when they find your body?
that must be some epic caffeine.