What's the best way to get under people's skin?
How do you truly upset normalfags?
What's the most hurtful thing you can say to a girl that will ruin her day/life/week or make her cry?
What's the best way to get under people's skin?
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>man trying to be a woman
she will be upset if you point out a truth about her that she seems to want to avoid. don't know why you'd want to ruin someone's day though, sounds awfully mean for no reason. why not improve yourself instead?
Tell her she smells/ has bad breath.
Tell normalfags they have no right to talk about animal rights if they eat meat.
Gets them seething every time.
you can't get under a narcissists skin, you can only not give them what they want, and what they want is attention
>Muh pop-psychology about how only insecure failures want to hurt others or be mean
Damn, better tell all those Hollywood execs to just read a self-help book.
do they actively enjoy ruining other peoples days or just do it when it benefits them
execs are the pinnacle of heartlessness, not malevolence
Dude... If you want to do this right, there is no giant net for this... Each individual needs to be specially worked if you want top results. This rule tends to apply in so many other fields, I am surprised that you don't already know and understand this.
Humans are pretty simple, a lot of them are similar and even those who are not are predictable.
You can do it from the first time meeting someone, you just have to understand human-emotional-behaviour.
If you can do that, you could hurt them badly.a
I don't know man, I just don't see the reason to go out of your way to make someone's day worse, they're people too man
In a non-hostile way, show her that she is average... As in, she is not in any way unique and/or special...
I know this but there you will almost always be able to find general statements that are a catch-all for at least "types" of women.
>I'm glad you got raped
If a girl was raped she'll freak out. Chances are though, they have a friend who was raped or have consumed media that makes them very sensitive to the issue. This means they'll get ridiculously offended on their behalf. Most girls aren't used to this ramping up a conversation like that and therefore will give an entertaining reaction.
The problem is doing this in a way to not let others hear because it's obviously going to negatively effect you.
say a woman is ugly, fat or old
say a man is not good enough to attract hot beautiful women
If she's fat, remind her how much it shrinks her dating pool and how easy it was to avoid
>it's okay to forcibly inseminate animals for profit but totally wrong to let one mount you
What do they mean by this?
Unless it comes from a person close to her, it would do nothing to her but make her mad
That is a fucking awful larp dude. Really obvious.
you will never ever pass, profilgate
You're both really, really bad at this.
You will both always be internet scum who judge and belittle anyone to get your rocks off because when it comes to the actual bedroom you're either to fucking ugly to land a chick, or you're stamina is so bad that once is all you'd ever manage.
Seriously, kys, publicly, so everyone can watch human waste self destruct.
You seem upset, tranny.
How is that even a negative? Lmao.
Not even the tranbot that posted, and I'm not angry, in fact....
Batmans already did it.
Fuck that giant fruit...bat.
based girlposter
All of you are gigantic fucking faggots. I'm not even gonna listen to that bullshit. You are literally fucking retarded. Eat shit and then die.
i usually just ignore them, if I see a hot/cute girl wearing clothes designed to attract attention i pay them no mind, usually makes them not feel pretty or special if you just ignore them and treat them like anyone else, don't put them on a pedestal, they don't deserve it just by virtue of being women
a scaple tend to work well to go under peoples skin
Unironic antinatalism pisses off almost everyone.
i dont like to be rude to people
"I dont know what you mean, I have actually never loved anyone or anything. *shrug*"
Roasties are not people.
>stepmom starts asking about kids
>just keep repeating
>"to what end?"
>until she shuts up
Normies can't answer that question.
I doubt it.
>I don't think people should have kids
>Yeah totally I agree! Woo! Drink and have fun! Woo!