Horoscope Thread

Since everyone loves mbti threads I thought it would be appropriate to make another thread about arbitrary bullshit that dictates personality traits and success that gays and women follow

>tfw Capricorn
>tfw no Virgo gf

Attached: 3F250869-B1F2-4434-BE55-0585856C3533.jpg (1300x1300, 294K)

>tfw Aries
>not a Chad
The difference is that you can't pick your favorite one with MBTI, but not with astrology.

Majority of the people who fall for this crap are women

Same here my dude, Aries, ESTJ, KHV. This shit shouldnt be possible

What's better, Virgo and Cap or Virgo and Cancer?

Virgo and INTJ, seems sort of legit.

Virgo and INTP/ISTP

Im a Cancer and I've gotten different results on the mbti.

The good thing is, I dont believe in either one so it is irrelevant to me either way

Virgo INFJ desu

rate my astrological makeup

are virgo and capricorn the most robot signs?

Attached: astrome.png (673x940, 111K)

Leo INTP reporting in

>tfw taurus
>tfw no aries bf
They're the perfect match I heard.

>tfw capricorn
>tfw INTP

how fucked am i anons?

Aries can be sociopathic idiots. Really nasty at times. Only Scorpiofags are just as bad.

>muh earth sign combo

you gotta take the whole chart into account. some bitch being Vrigo doesn't make her magically fit your needs and desires.

Find your match guise

Attached: love-chart[1].jpg (932x571, 277K)

looking for cutie long haired weeb bf plz and thank you

Can someone explain Scorpio to me

>Leo the only sign who gets along with almost everybody
>except Virgo and Capricorn

Truly the Chad of Astrology. I'm proud to be a Leo. Rawr +w+

im a leo, idc about zodiac signs compatibility wise they are cool to learn bout tho

Actually this one is better, the other chart is inconsistent.

Why do Leos have the best compatibility?

Attached: zodiac-signs-compatibility-chart[1].png (750x748, 150K)

More like wannabe Chad.

You must be a Virgo :^)

>sociopathic idiots
That's what I'm into.

Nope, superior taurus.

Do you have
1) Amazing Hair
2) Hair that is the most prominent thing about your look
3) No hair

t. leo rising

I hate for Pisces how it always points to other water signs. Scorpio and Cancer are way to emotional for a healthy relationship with a Pisces. Water Signs need Earth

yeah I have really thick wavy hair, barbers always compliment it and when I was a teenager I let it grow really big and that drew a lot of attention

Because that chart is obviously wrong.
Taurus and Aries get along well.

I'm another Capricorn fag

>tfw cap entp
>gf was cap entp too
>we broke up today after 2 1/2 years
kill me

Do you guys take "rising" signs into consideration? It's dictated by the time of day you were born, with a new sign every two hours (24/12). For example I'm Capricorn with a rising Sagittarius, and it amplifies my social faggotry to unseen levels. I missed being a Capricorn rising Capricorn by a few hours and I'm glad, otherwise I would've been fucked hard.

>tfw Capricorn but isn't an empathetic charmer and is just an emotionally dead schizoid

You think you've got it bad, I just found out I'm Capricorn ("level headed and grounded"), rising Sagittarius ("disconnects with people when fazed, argumentative, preachy, tactless") with Taurus in Moon ("level headed and grounded, realistic"). I have the complete and utter inability to dream or feel emotionally connected with people. Sever my fucking brainstem right now

Libra here, also an ENFP.

It's easy to connect with girls over this shit and get laid.

Attached: 1526265602140.jpg (780x997, 185K)

>It's easy to connect with girls over this shit and get laid.
But what happens that you have incompatible signs?

hello user literally same, worst combo

Wtf, this shit isn't even commutative.

it means you're the 8est

>No Sagittarius bf
Where are you, my dear? I'll here waiting for you..

So Aquarius and libra look like gay male strippers
and gemini looks like lesbo roasties
the rest look like furries
virgo is pretty retarded looking too but it's not as bad as the others.

Sagittarius Stallion bf here

>tfw libra
>tfw it says im good and patient with peoplr
>tfw my friends tell me im the most apathetic and emotionless person they know

Attached: 1528730650444.jpg (496x600, 40K)

>has friends
GTFO, you don't belong here.

>tfw Leo but not outgoing or charming or lovable

That's leo rising my friend. It's all about the hair.

My heart. My soulmate.