Penis inspection day in school

>penis inspection day in school
>they check on me
>think everything is fine
>nurse comes and asks me if have masturbated earlier that day
>says i am lying

how was your penis inspection day robots ?

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Passed it again because my d*ck is so smol (in a good way) and a-d'aww-able and kyoot and femmy! ^_^ :) :3

Is penis inspection a real thing?
Sounds like pedo danger

It was a thing when I was growing up, so about 20 years ago.

underage b& reported faggot kill yourself ig irl irp ooc ic

i would fucking scream to not do it, prob fake to do it and kick the nurse in the nose

penis inspection come
>youre penis isnt very manly
>"you can't be a man with that thing lol"
>we will have to surgically alter it into a vag

is over frens

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The nurse and gym teacher used to openly mock me for being embarrassed and avoiding looking at everyone else's penis.

>It's like it's his first day of school!
>Come on user, Sean's penis isn't going to bite you!

It's like they didn't understand that I wasn't born in the US and where I come from standing in a room with 20 kids with their pants down isn't a thing.

>be me
>fat with mantits
>just tuck my penis and avoid getting molested

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You can be both 18 and in HS

wait is this an actual thing?

thofft OP was trolling

Why would see ask if she already knew? Fucking roasties

>wait is this an actual thing?
No, it's just some retards indulging. How stupid do you have to believe it's even remotely true?

>hes never had penis inspection day
no wonder your dick is undesirable

>be 6
>first day of "real" school
>old granny school nurse inspects every boys' privates to check if their balls have dropped (one lad at a time behind closed doors of course)
>asks if I can retract my foreskin
>dont know what it is but say yes anyway

Penis inspection day is real, in France.
I've had it only once, when I was maybe 12 or 13.

>undress (behind curtain) to boxer shorts while another boy is examinated
>lie on doctor's "couch" (the normal doctor stuff)
>female nurse does blood pressure and other things
>ok now put down your underpants
>pull down, while completely terrified
>she looks, then leaves to go write something while I'm nude
>I say, "i-i have a known veins p-problem" (in muh left ball, which shows a bit even w/out
>"I know, it was written in your health record"
>it's over
>she just looked and didn't touch
>she didn't perv

Fap furiously till end of life.

>Penis inspection day is real, in France.
No, it isn't. Quit lying, retard.

Fuck man I hated when the old granny bitches did the inspections. They were always so slow putting the pega on my foreskin. It's like they were just testing it out man it was creepy

>>asks if I can retract my foreskin
>>dont know what it is but say yes anyway
haha that sounds too true to be false!

see >high in content

There was always that one kid who would answer a question wrong and end up getting an enema.

Poor fucking dumbasses.

They checked your height, weight, eyesight, spinal angle and motor skills too. My balls were only fondled once because they had dropped by age 6. I'm sure boys who had not had their balls dropped got referred to a real doctor or something, but I dont know since I never asled anyone else.

Oh and they also administered some sort of vaccines I think. Long time ago..

He's lying too.

Post one piece of evidence this was ever an occurrence.

Like a timestamp?

Man, it was not called "penis inspection day", of course. It was just the "visite medicale", the medical examination, a national health thing, a socialist, or hygienist thing.
Makes a lot of sense for sons of peasants whose parents fear science, or never saw a real Doctor.

I'm sorry you didn't have a nurse working for your school to tell you to show your wee-wee.

>implying doctors and nurses care about your tiny child penis
Stop sexualizing everything.