Would you attend a gangbang if someone invited you?

Would you attend a gangbang if someone invited you?

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Yes, even if just for the sake of losing my V-Card ffs

Jow Forums would only get invited to a gangbang if the rest of the people were unable to find someone to bang.

It's gay if there aren't as many vaginas as dicks
So no I wouldn't

Youre right, its much better if you stay at home and fuck your hand.

it's not gay if your balls don't touch, you faggot

Not into gangbangs
but I kinda like the idea of getting a train run on me

Why would you want to fuck a girl WITH other guys?
I'd much rather use my hand even if I was first in line

How is sloppy seconds not gay af?

Yes, then film it and take pictures, and then later tape it all around their workplaces and their children's schools (if they have any). Public shaming is the only way to cull these degenerates.

I'd get stage fright because i'd probably blow my load in less than 2 minutes

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Orgy, yes. Sounds like fun

Gangbang, no. I don't see anything appealing

Done it before, would do it again.

Only if I get to fuck the dudes too.


And again why?

No this shit is gross

I was horny and curious and she looked pretty good in the craigslist ad

See above

>again why
Because sometimes you just want no strings attached sex.

In my fapping imagination it seems fun, but in reality it looks disgusting, awkward and gay.
So no.

I have done both permutations. MMF is awkward as fuck and you feel dirty afterwards because you swordfight with the other dude with a thin line of ass/vagina tissue seperating your dongs. Getting a rythm going is hard as well.

FFM is way better but still it's kind of awkward in the sense that you cant really focus on both chicks. You always feel like you are neglecting one or the other. Maybe because the chicks were both "straight" and didnt really play with eachother apart from heavy petting and making out. I dunno.

Anyway, it's a unique experience.

If you've had a ffm what the fuck are you doing here?

Also you and are fucked up in the head

Nope, not going to share pussy

As long as everyone's being safe and everything is consensual, who cares what six guys and two girls and a trap do in the back of a porno theater?

A ganbang? Maybe. An orgy? Most definitely.

I've got no power to stop you I'm just condoning your degenerate behavior

Please show us in the rules where people who have had real-life sex experiences are not allowed to post here.

Wanting to experience things in life, and do something interesting or wild, does not make someone fucked in the head.
Sitting at home in your fucking hovel and telling people on a Jow Forums board that they don't belong -- now THAT'S fucked in the head.

I think you mean condemning.

Ive been in a gay gangbang. Three of us tops and 1 bottom getting fucked by all 3

Yes if I'm single, everyone's clean, and I find everyone reasonably attractive.

No if I'm in a relationship.

I would attend but would not fuck her

I did

I asked why are you here
Why would you willingly spend time in this cesspool?

Only if I was just watching/filming
Call me a cuck if you want, but at least I'm not getting naked with another man.

Would you jerk off? Just sitting there watching is pretty creepy.

During the month of Ramadan?
Absolutely haram!

I couldn't jerk off and film at the same time so it depends on what I'm supposed to do. If no filming sure, otherwise no and I'd just jerk it to the video.

is it all girls? Yes, maybe, probably not.

And not in all "Well, girls as in they still have dicks"

It's never all girls. It's usually one or two girls and a dozen dudes.

Then he probably won't

>tfw I almost got my ex-gf and her little sister to fuck me together when we were high but then their parents came home

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I like it here. And I hold out hope that Jow Forums will return to a place for original topics like it was originally intended to be.

I would not jerk off. I just think it would be interesting to see. If I could I would bring my SO and some popcorn.