What did r9k think of this album

what did r9k think of this album

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All memes aside I love it and love Kanye West. Him being a genius is not a meme at all. Everyone was pissed at him saying hes crazy for liking trump then he basically puts out 3 albums in a month and kills all of them.

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t.Memethony Cuntano

i thought is was shit, but i guess it is a 10/10 according to melon. after maybe 20 listens I'll give it a 8 out of 10 , with the bests songs being Reborn and Cudi Montage. I'd say for an album to be 10 it must great on the first listen. I'd give DAMN a 10

listening to it right now, it's fucking amazing

You listened to the entire thing 20 times already???

What the fuck do you mean, it's only 23 mins long.
You can do that in about a day.

lol thinking Kanye is a genius is you just sucking him off. He's a pretentious-ass dude.

But he changed Hip Hop. And is the very very fucking few solo Hip Hop artist to have such a consistently quality discography.

on the 4th song. I dont think it's great at all. I just dont understand why people think this this so great

i dont listen to nigger monkey noises

Im not saying youre wrong by still why do it?
Only a complete moron thinks this is a bad thing. Name me one fucking legend who isnt pretensious? Alexander? Julius caesar? Michael jordan? Etc

It helps to get a good opinion on albums. The lyrics, how sounds merge.
You probably aren't going to get that on the 1st, 2nd, or 5th listen. Helps to repeat songs a lot to get a good sense of them.

yeah, you and everybody else who sucks him off say that. But really he didnt.

I get thqt but wouldnt you want that over time? not to burn yourself out on it by over saturation?

except his ideas are flawed and sound sucks.

Except thats your opinion and it seems the overwhelming majority of people disagree with you.
But ill give you the benefit, point in the direction of better music.

Eh. I do both.
Don't mind either.
Listening to it over time makes it more enjoyable.
But listening to it multiple times in a row helps me understand and analyze it better.

Yeah and the majority of people in the world are morons who cant understand topics deeper than 25 cent chip bag. Danny Browns newest album. Oblivion Access by LUM, Bedwetter - Flick your tongue against your teeth and describe the present. All genuine shit. not pretentious

Again, that isnt a bad thing. Get out of that mindset.
And you wouldnt happen to be a hipster would you?

then our definitions of pretentious are different. My idea is it's somebody trying to be something theyre not. Quit taking the high road.


he might be an asshole, but he isn't pretentious.


>then our definitions of pretentious are different. My idea is it's somebody trying to be something theyre not.
ok so youre definition is made up and not real.
>Quit taking the high road.
I dont think you know what that means either

I seriously don't understand the massive praise this albums is getting. It's going to be a soft 6 to strong 5.5