You are lost souls wanting to find happiness and belonging. Why don't you turn to the church? You will find a meaning to your life, you will find people who will love and respect you, and you might even find companionship.
Why not at least go to church this Sunday and try it out?
Are you willing to sacrifice your happiness just to hold on to prejudice against Christianity?
Lincoln Campbell
i'm too far gone to be a normal person, i'm just a lie at best.
Daniel Brown
I'm not a jew, so I'm not interested in semitic desert cults. If I want religion, I'll try to find it among my actual european religions traditions.
Julian Hill
I'm not faking belief to infiltrate a religious community, that would be wrong and rude.
Jaxon Gonzalez
You do not need to be "normal". God does not ask of you that you follow the secular word's social conventions, or that you have a minimum amount of skill with women; being a "Chad" is not a prerequisite for being a Christian.
No sheep is too far lost that the shepherd would abandon him.
Jace Howard
You are not infiltrating anything. Christianity is not an exclusive club. There is no church in the world that would turn away someone who wants to learn about God and find contentment.
Cooper Campbell
amen user these threads save souls
William Cox
But I don't and won't believe no matter what kind of services I attend, because they certainly didn't keep me believing back before I deconverted. I'll always be an atheist. no church goer wants to go to church with a non-believer who has no chance of conversion.
Julian Taylor
I'm slowly losing my faith, feels bad. Something just doesn't sit right to me about having the entire rest of my life decided based on this brief human lifetime. It's like a professor giving you an A in the class just for showing up on the first day. Idk man, I still pray to our creator every day though.
Luis Jones
You should talk to your confessor about this, and find help. Life and faith can both be hard, but they are hardest on your own.
Andrew Reyes
Y'allah! Habibi, why would you want to become christian, when you can become muslim instead. Islam is a religion of success, a religion of empathy, and a religion of all peoples. trust me, it is the way to go
Noah Thomas
they'd rather jerk off to traps and crossdress like fucking fags
Noah Miller
You better either be a Catholic or Orthodox because I'm not going to give the gorillion other churches any time of day. I'm no fan of Islam either, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't quite a bit of Arab qt's.
Easton Lewis
In the unlikely event that you're actually a practicing Muslim and not just a troll, I have a theological question for you. Why is it that Zoroastrians are counted as people of the book? They aren't even monotheists. Surely peoples like the Sikhs would be counted before dualists?
Jayden Young
I'm not a child who thinks that after being good "here" I will get some form of eternal happiness. Not everything in life must be fair. That's how nature works.
There is also this big problem: imagine that you love someone here more than anyone and that person just doesn't believe in God. Do you think you would be happy in Heaven knowing that this person will suffer FOR FUCKING ETERNITY in Hell? And if you would be happy, does that mean God brainwashes you? And you are no longer yourself in Heaven?
>inb4 le epic fedora meme xDDD
Ian Robinson
I am a member of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church, that being the Roman Catholic Church. The Orthodox (Eastern and Oriental) are both alright, though. And I would not begrudge user for visiting a Protestant church, if they were born into one: find God where you will find him.
Xavier Lee
why do you Catholics limit yourselves, I'm denominational so i can freely go to any church and feel comfortable
William Jones
Catholicism is satanic. Also, church is not needed to find christ
Caleb Johnson
>I'm denominational
Which denomination? (I think you meant to say "nondenominational".)
Benjamin Campbell
I honestly don't know, some of the stuff is outdated and illogical, but for a pious muslim living in the west, you can lead a spiritually and realistically fulfilling lifestyle
Plus, there are very few zoroastrians left anyway, so not my problem
John Cruz
I'm a disgusting person who has committed grave sins. I have had sex with another man and deserve Hellfire, user. But that's just one thing out of many. I've never raped or killed anyone, but pretty much every other sin out there i've done at some point. Why would God want me? I've practically spit in His face time and again, cursed His name even when I know its my fault. I'm a son of perdition. We can't all be angels on high, now can we.
Blake Powell
>Why would God want me? God will forgive if you are truly sorry user
Noah Powell
Part of being sorry means forsaking your sins. I know I will just fuck up again. I've tried religion before. It works okay at first but I always fuck it up and bring shame to myself.
Ryder Perry
I don't know. Something about worshiping a magic man in the sky just doesn't sit right with me. Well, something about worshiping ANYONE doesn't sit right with me, magic skymen or otherwise. As far as that whole "belonging and companionship" meme goes, I doubt I'd find either of those from a group of people that are different from me on a fundamental level.
Xavier Wilson
In addition to this, part of me thinks religion is all silly-ness. But a larger part of me believes in God, the devil, Heaven and Hell. I believe The End is indeed on it's way. It scares me but I also feel comfort that at least some people will not suffer anymore. I'm not sure of the exact nature of Heaven and Hell, though. Hell being eternal just doesn't make sense to me when the Father is supposedly all forgiving and merciful. What loving Father would make his punishment indefinite? Harsh I can understand, but how many of us are truly irredeemable?
Noah Davis
Luke 15:4-7 "Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.' Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."
It is never too late to make your case to God for the forgiveness of your sins. You are human, and humans are weak and prone to falter.
Nicholas Myers
How did you end up on r9k fellow Catholic user?
Also, what do you think happens to those born into the faith, brought up in it and later become non believers. Would God hate them more as they were given the opportunity to believe and knew about the Word but ended up turning the back on it?
Alexander Cook
i've volunteered or worked in medicine my entire life and at risk of tipping my fedora god fuckin hates us all desu senpai
So you believe that you came from nothing? You just poofed into existence?
Joshua Ward
I don't claim to know how or why things are the way they there. I don't claim to understand the nature of reality. I honestly don't have any realistic answer for where it all came from, and anyone who claims to do so is either a liar or a fool as there is simply no proof. Not yet, there isn't.
Any suggestions on which church I should go to? There's plenty where I live.
Nolan Rodriguez
literally just go to the closest one mine ended up being hussite moravians. weird bunch, but they welcomed me and i like them. they do the same shit every church does, sing and eat together and try to be kind, plus got to learn about eastern europe. life was unbearable before, now it's still mostly shitty but i'm okay with it. 10/10 would recommend.
Blake Brooks
literally the only reason to pick a denomination is if you just can't wait til sunday, cos then adventists got your back on saturday
Blake Anderson
>Why don't you turn to the church? because it's a financial scam
Hudson Wilson
Gib me qt virgin GF and I'm in
Hunter Hall
No church provides an atheist with the tools to find God. It's good for those who already know God, and useless for atheists. Meditation provides atheists with the tools they need to find God.
Ethan Carter
>Whether pure or impure >Whether full of purity or impurities >Whomsoever remembers the Lotus-Eyed >Gains inner and outer purity English translation of the first verse of the puja, an ancient sanskrit ritual song for awakening.
Austin Moore
You should unconvert and stop filling your head with rubbish.
Chase Reyes
God is fake and all religious believers who claim they know of God and what happens after death are disgusting liars who deserve torture and castration. Stop lying to depressed robots so they join your cult of cucks, faggot
Blake Ross
>Meditation provides atheists with the tools they need to find God.
Partly... Here's how I've arrived where I am
>Have a miserable upbringing >become hardcore new atheist faggot in the mid-late 2000s >live vicariously through Christopher Hitchens winning debates on youtube >finally realise after a while that I'm not rational at all, I'm just behaving like that because I feel like I have nothing but "intellect" that I can use as the basis of my identity, and I enjoy the feeling of being "right" >realise I'm not as smart or rational as I'd like to believe and that I'm entirely driven by emotion >By 2010 or so start getting into self-improvement >learn social skills and go to the gym >life begins improving and start to make friends >do pickup because I have no idea how to talk to grills >find meditation through pickup because they were into that shit >at previous times in my life I'd have dismissed it as nonsense >give it a try and get some improvement practicing that >my life has improved greatly in terms of friends, grills and career >but getting tired of meditation as there's no real substance to it or the new-age thinking that surrounds it >Jordan Peterson starts getting popular a couple of years ago and find his lectures interesting >has lectures that explain the bible and mythology in a way that can be reconciled with a scientific worldview >shows how Christianity is the foundation of western culture and philosophy >shows how it provides practical answers to the existential problems of life from a purely psychological perspective >now actually contemplate going to church in an effort to reconnect with my lost tradition and culture
I don't know if I'll ever be a full-on christian. We'll see I guess.
I wouldn't say that meditation will help anyone find God on their own, they could more easily find Buddha or Krishna. But no matter the path forwad first the robot has to shatter whatever mental prison keeps him in this terrible place.
OP, I'm a believer in God. I'm a Catholic, I've been baptized, had my first communion, first confession, etc. However, in my early teens and late teens, I did something I regret. Not going to go into it but it's a mortal sin... I feel like I fucked up and I feel I can never be forgiven.
Carson Roberts
Confess and repent. What else do catholics do with their time?
If you broke some laws then repenting may involve accepting responsibility for your crime.
You're already paying for the sin, look at where you are. Is this not hell?
That's really not finding God, it's finding a morality that you have determined to be good via the only real method available, reason. The Peterson argument for Christianity is utility; that you get a good culture and environment out of it which promotes human happiness; which is something Sam Harris was consistently knocking down as an argument before Obama got elected. If Kermit ever makes more of an argument than that, he'll find himself running into the same problems all Christian apologists have, and if he doesn't then he hasn't defended Christianity as true, he's just found that some of the ideas it promotes seem useful for reasons X, Y and Z (which he'll probably have to quote statistics to defend). Sure, you might find moral wisdom in the Bible, but the foundation of deeming that as "moral" is coming from your reason, not your religiousness.
It's ultimately a problem of epistemology. In order to be religious, you really have to believe in divine revelation as a source for truth; that just discovering something in your own head, or reading about it from someone else, provides objective truth. The scientific mindset is that this isn't true, and the scientific mindset has reproducible results that stand up to inspection, while divine revelation shares every attribute of a daydream or wishful thinking. This is the huge weakness of the Peterson idea of reforming everyone around Christianity to form an "objective" morality; if you don't have proof that your religion is true, and nobody has sufficient evidence for that, it's not any more "objective" than any other philosophy or lifestyle. It's just a book and a tradition, and you will have to defend it with actually objective metrics (like happiness surveys, neurology, etc) that people can be forced to accept, and in that case the basis for your knowledge about why Christianity is good is scientific, not religious.
Christian, Muslim, Buddhist... there is only one God, there is only one Soul. To call yourself a Christian is to separate yourself and God from your fellow men and their God; it is a violent thought. I'm no Bible reader but Christ supposedly said the following things: >God is within >The kingdom of heaven is at hand >Seek the kingdom of heaven first, and all good shall come to you God wants us not to worship idols. Abandon your icons, abandon your scriptures, abandon your churches and seek God within yourself. To direct all your focus towards the presence of God is the noblest of all endeavours. Meditation is the highest form of prayer and prayer is the highest form of meditation.
I'm obsessed with cults and want to join one or start my own. Churches are too normie, I need to be brainwashed in to living on a farm growing vegetables with my fellow cultists.
Liam Gutierrez
>Why not at least go to church this Sunday and try it out? because i'm angry with how christianity destroyed 90 percent of greco-roman knowledge such that reconstructionist paganism has to be reconstructionist in the first place.
Camden Gutierrez
You can still be Forgiven user just show you are Truly regret doing it to the Holy Spirit!
Landon Murphy
Peterson and Harris had a long conversation to nowhere on the waking up podcast over the nature of "truth". It was like listening to a poet argue with a robot. I'd guess that you side with Harris on that argument, I side with Peterson. And if they couldn't figure it out between them I doubt I'm going to be able to change your mind.
Suffice it to say that we're thinking in entirely different paradigms, and I understand where you're coming from, but as with many of Peterson's more rationalist critics, I think you're missing the point.
Yeah that's the wishy-washing new-age crap I was talking about. I read the Kybalion and Eckhart Tolle already, I didn't find that viewpoint very fulfilling.
>destroyed 90 percent of greco-roman knowledge That was Islam.
Owen Jones
You can be saved Brother just show that you are truly sorry to God even in the last moment you can say you are Sorry.
Easton Hill
>I read the Kybalion and Eckhart Tolle already, I didn't find that viewpoint very fulfilling. But of course. The presence of God cannot be processed through reading; it can only be experienced.
>That was Islam. >muh christianity preserved european traditions because aquinas appropriated aristotle. you are wrong. islam actually preserved ancient knowledge better than did medieval christianity. both of these religions are foreign to the european people. lookup your favorite saint from the late classical period to the dark ages and there's a good chance they became famous for killing europeans who refused to convert, boniface, john chrysostom, charlemagne are a few examples (i know the latter wasn't a state but the point still stands)
>I'm not convinced. of what exactly? that islam preserved pagan knowlege better or that christianity isn't european? even if the first is wrong it doesn't change the fact that christianity is an offshoot of judaism. like a typical christian you play the islam is evil card almost immediately. i'm not interested in islam either. i'm not interested in monotheism because i'm not interested in emulating judaism. i'm proud of my heritage.
Jason Miller
what is it exactly that you think I owe to a god that made me an autistic, introverted beta male?
Kayden Allen
furthermore before you say that the only reason i'm not interested in christianity is because of racism i'll give you some more reasons for why i don't like it. it encourages weakness. it places humans in subservience to the god for creating them when there is no way to repay god for doing that. the christian god is also jealous and vengeful. the christian god is also impossible to identify with as a single entity that somehow knows everything and can see everything. that's just a vacuous idea that nobody can really grasp. i also dislike the christian urge to convert the whole world for two reasons. i appreciate religious diversity. i find learning about foreign religions interesting. christianity wants the entire world to be all christian except for the jews. meaning every human worshipping the same deity. boring. also christians believe the lie that if everyone was monotheist we would all get along. that has never happened and will never happen. christians can't even agree on which interpretation of christ is correct. it's ridiculous to think a religion will bring peace on earth. it will never happen. religion should be about improving your life and understanding who your ancestors were so you can honor them as well as prepare yourself for the inevitability of death and for the necessity of doing your best to ensure that you don't die out. i can do all of that with polytheism. the only thing i'm missing is communal worship but that isn't even required in polytheism so becoming a christian would not be worth what i would have to give up in order to be surrounded by fellow worshippers IRL.
Lincoln Butler
Good thing it's hard to convert to the greatest religion in the world, judaism. You robots/NEETs aren't worthy.
Alexander Gray
Gatekeeping is not an indicator of quality. In fact, it is the opposite
Eli Barnes
>of what exactly? that islam preserved pagan knowlege better or that christianity isn't european? I'm not convinced of your claim that Christianity destroyed 90% of classical knowledge, and I provide evidence that Islam actually did that.
>i'm proud of my heritage. So am I, but if you're a westerner then your heritage is Christian whether you like it or not.
Any worthwhile ideas that existed in pagan religions have long since been incorporated into Christian thought. The self sacrifice of Wotan on the windy tree is a clear parallel of the Christ archetype, and to it's credit it is just one of many examples of genuine religious truth.
Please do reconnect with the traditions and culture of your home country, but remember they are Christian traditions, and to deny that is to delude yourself. But to attempt to manufacture some imagined rose-tinted pre-Christian facsimile of pagan culture out of thin air is really not possible at all.
>like a typical christian you play the islam is evil card almost immediately Yeah that's because it is. Especially when you literally accuse Christianity of some great historic evil that was actually perpetrated by them.
I don't believe those things so I can't really argue with you. And while I won't call you a racist because I'm not a SJW, I don't think that picking your religion based on nationalistic sentiment reflects an appropriate value hierarchy.
The appropriate hierarchy is: >God & Goodness >Family & Civilization >King & Country >Self interests
Your pagan gods were chosen on the basis of nationalism or some other desire, they are not at the top of your heirarchy of values, that means that they are not really your gods and you are in fact just LARPing as all modern pagans do.
Lincoln Anderson
you can just enter without necessarily being a priest or something
Gabriel Torres
>I don't think that picking your religion based on nationalistic sentiment reflects an appropriate value hierarchy. as i said that's not the only reason. you know that. you read my post. stop being disingenuous. >you are in fact just LARPing as all modern pagans do. how are you not LARping? all religion is LARPing. you're following the teachings of a guy who's been dead for almost 2000 years and you have NO way of knowing whether his words were correctly recorded. >Any worthwhile ideas that existed in pagan religions have long since been incorporated into Christian thought. The self sacrifice of Wotan on the windy tree is a clear parallel of the Christ archetype, and to it's credit it is just one of many examples of genuine religious truth. again the fallacy that paganism was just this means toward monotheism and the noble pagans would have been monotheistic had they lived after jesus. there is no evidence of that. monism is not monotheism. and why should i accept the baggage of christianity if i like the idea of the wotan's self sacrifice? i'm not germanic by the way. >But to attempt to manufacture some imagined rose-tinted pre-Christian facsimile of pagan culture out of thin air is really not possible at all. it's not out of thin air. fortunately the culture i'm interested in wrote down some of their religious practices and miraculously those texts avoided being destroyed. >So am I nope. anyone who would choose to worship different gods from their ancestors must think they were either misguided or shameful or embarrassing or something like that. nobody's ancestors were perfect but trusting in what they believed in should not be shameful the way christians guilt trip you into believing that it should be.
Wyatt Scott
No thanks.
Ethan Edwards
>Yeah that's because it is. Especially when you literally accuse Christianity of some great historic evil that was actually perpetrated by them. it's a well known fact that christians destroyed classical knowledge. whether islam did it more doesn't even really matter. i'm sorry i brought it up as now you'll act like you've enlightened me to some great truth. you haven't. both you and the muslims are just following a heresy of judaism. i'll include another criticism of christianity since you are assuming, as typical of christians, that i'm a racist pagan. why did god take so long to send jesus to save mankind when it was obvious that his creations were not listening to him from the start (adam and eve) and obviously he was able to create the world so why couldn't he send his son earlier and save pericles and cicero among others from hellfire?
Julian Reyes
Church is mostly fruitless for me. Read a bible with explanations to the verses. Book of revelation is lit even from a non Christian point of view
Samuel Sanders
i worship the gods because it makes me a stronger and improved person. if i stopped worshiping them they would not strike me down. the tales of the gods as cruel and vengeful are mythology. but christians think that just because of the admitting that the stories are mythological the pagan religion is therefore bullshit. it's entirely possible to have a religion that is related to, but separate, from mythology. i don't owe the gods a debt for creating me because they didn't. they are blessed examples of excellence to follow.
Jaxson Edwards
This is the truth. Stop feeling the need to identify with a certain camp. Infighting is the reason the world is so shit today. Christianity vs Islam, Catholicism vs Protestant, Warriors vs Cavs, Republicans vs Democrats, it's all constructed to keep us infinitely fighting with each other so we'll forget why we're here in the first place.
Bentley King
>Please do reconnect with the traditions and culture of your home country, but remember they are Christian traditions no they were literally stolen by christians that murdered pagans if they refused to convert. that is the only reason. christianity and islam exist so that non-jews can be saved by the jews. stop worshipping a foreign god.
Jack Johnson
Religions are for nigger who are working in coal mines. Religions tell them that if they work well and respect laws they'll go to paradise. If they had no structure they would fucking kill all people to take over capitalism and end this slavery.
Religion is a weapon of mass control
No god No hell
Xavier Anderson
again you've been brainwashed by monotheism. paganism doesn't believe in paradise. in paganism there is uncertainty about the afterlife so you take the steps to make sure your line doesn't die out by having children. it's entirely possible to believe in god or gods and not believe in hell. epicurus for example didn't believe in any kind of afterlife but he was not an atheist. it's frustrating to see people dislike religion when they have been conditioned to understand that term the way monotheists do because they really dislike monotheism, not religion. but they are either afraid to say that or too ignorant because christianity did its best to eliminate religious competition in every continent it spread to.
Evan Nelson
How the fuck can I be brainwashed by monotheism if I don't event know what it is.
It is proven that people doing superior studies leaves religions ((((cults)))) because rationality takes over
Caleb Bell
if I join another cult my psychiatrist is gonna lock me up again, I ain't fallin for these mate
Some girl fucked someone else got pregnant said it was gods and started a religion. Literally a religion of cucks.
Lucas Morales
>How the fuck can I be brainwashed by monotheism if I don't event know what it is. because you've been told that the only real religion is some variant of jewish monotheism and all other religions are false. this is especially true if you grew up in europe, africa, and north or south america. less so for asia because the christians didn't conquer those lands as extensively. >It is proven that people doing superior studies leaves religions ((((cults)))) because rationality takes over the term cult has a derogatory connotation. and the assumption that a religious person can't be rational is just false. christianity makes it difficult to be both whereas paganism is more flexible because your beliefs about the gods are not fixed. all that makes you a pagan is worshipping the gods the way your tradition does so. beliefs about the gods vary in paganism which allows for rationality. christianity is far more dogmatic and orthopraxic.
Julian Johnson
That's why jehovah's witnesses are becoming popular. They go doors to doors hoping to find someone truly unstable and force them into their cult. Someone who lost a relative will be very upset and willing to do anything to give back a meaning to their lives. So they accept getting into religions in hopes of finding a meaning to their lives instead of killing themselves. Religions is the worst thing that happened to humanity
Blake Foster
I forgot to mention that Jesus is a nigger and North America can't stand this
Jackson Fisher
>I forgot to mention that Jesus is a nigger and North America can't stand this so what they do is they pretend that whites were the secret israelites. they've been doing this shit since the 18th century. that's what happens when you worship a god that says you are second class citizen because you're not jewish.
I'm considering it. I don't believe in god, but my friend tells me I could find a gf at church. I'm just not entirely convinced that's true. Might be worth a try though idk.
Joshua Price
you don't have to believe that jesus never existed to believe that christianity is a religion for jews and that jesus was the savior of the jews. this is why christians fear pagans more than atheists. pagan's don't do the predictable "god is fake xd" and yet still find spritual fulfillment. christians can't stand that, just like they couldn't stand it 2000 years ago.
Ryder Brooks
i would even add that as a polytheist i believe jesus is a god, just not the only god who has ever existed. jesus is the god of the jews and of those who want to follow jewish values. i belong to neither group but that doesn't make me atheist.
Josiah Cooper
God is real and he is vengeful.
Ryder Green
Convert to HRT
Charles White
I'd be forced to join a black church. Black churches are god awful and corrupt
Hunter Flores
>that's what happens when you worship a god that says you are second class citizen because you're not jewish This always annoys me when I hear it at church. Calling non-jews fucking dogs begging for scraps.
Dominic Miller
>Religions is the worst thing that happened to humanity It's a key part of humanity.
Jayden Jones
>This always annoys me when I hear it at church. Calling non-jews fucking dogs begging for scraps. i don't understand are you saying christians call non-jews dogs begging for scraps?
Blake Gomez
>Calling non-jews fucking dogs begging for scraps. i'm from a very religious area and I've NEVER heard anything like this from anyone
Ryan Hernandez
The church is a dying memeplex and the vultures will come pick at its corpse.
Cooper Ross
I'm a sick fuck and don't deserve anyone or anything other than a bullet to the head
Isaiah Bennett
If he gives me a pure christian virgin loyal wife and helps me move up in my career to support a family I will be the most loyal follower God ever had. I will make his past prophets look like jokes in comparison. All he has to do is offer it and I will dedicate every Sunday of my life to him entitely and follow his ten commandments full time and do whatever else is needed. He has to offer up first though to confirm I am not wasting my time.
Oliver Thomas
I can never believe in God, though, and if I were to join a religion it would be a far more authoritarian one than Christianity, likely Islam. Christian girls are sluts.
There's a big investigation of the Catholic Church going on in Pennsylvania. Lot of boys there got reamed and, as usual, the Church shuffled the pedobears to some other parish.
Caleb Gomez
There's always Catholicism, which happily conformed to Roman/European culture and language a long time ago.