Do you fantasize about thick thighs and ass?

Do you fantasize about thick thighs and ass?

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I want a thicc woman to jog on a tread mill then sit on my face for hours

no. i only fall for sticc.

>no I only want sex with young boys but that's not acceptable in society so I say I'm attracted to women who look like young boys instead

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I actually went crazy because I couldn't have this in my life so yeah

All the fucking time OP.

It's a curse on my life.

I phatasize about thick cylindrical object killing women

not really. im just not attracted to fat wymen.

yes, every man who isn't a soi thinks about it along with big milkers

i'm halfway there to nutting just thinking about it

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Release it, user.

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Yes. Yes I do.

Amen brother. Good to see reasonable men still exist.

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Patrician response

Yea but 2d does it more for me

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>I want a thicc woman to jog on a tread mill then sit on my face for hours
this. fpbp.

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Op's pic naked, oiled up and squating with POV shot

stop it brehs

I can't handle the test


Just give in to da fap

seek the theek

How tall is the woman they're attached to?

Mock that kid all you like, but at least he knows how to use the subjunctive, which is more than I can say for 99% of you toads

not in particular

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gr8 to b8 m8's

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few more because i luv u guyz

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There's nothing attractive about this at all.

I'm trying to delete women from my mind. Im 18 and still no gf and will never have one

yeh last one keep it real do some deals eat a meal cop a feel

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it's almost as if we have different tastes

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high-t confirmed!

women should be thicc after a kid or two. the ones who look like OP pic before kids become disgusting postpartum

a fucking renaissance painting, contrapposto and all

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