
Pounding dance music edition

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Quintessentially British Adverts


2nd for /areziggeh/

Attached: ziggs.png (1505x977, 1.39M)

my cat would have that dog

No white couple or man on their site.

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It's quint Brit, lad

Attached: quint brit3.jpg (541x768, 86K)

>bigger dicks
>more fun to be around
>better eyesight
how can white bois compete?

talk shit to ziggeh's face mate
he's 80 lbs of pure muscle, perfectly streamlined for dealing with retarded cats. he'd bite its neck open

who would win in a fight mr cuddles or ziggeh

You forgot
>confident and charming instead of neurotic and anxious

My cat is wild m8, it would pounce on it and rip it to shreds

*paths your block*

Attached: Pavement.jpg (343x350, 53K)

ziggeh is still /arelad/ but mr cuddles would win there. nigger pikey dog

Attached: mr cuddles 1.jpg (540x960, 84K)

About to watch Blade Runner 2049. Heard good things.

100% of British women would agree

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>tfw no well trained attack dog to maul non-whites with

it would leave a couple of bite marks mate, that's about it. ziggeh would shake it off effortlessly, then bite right into the nape of your cat's neck and tear the tendons out, killing it instantly

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Lebrons hairline going to be as bad as Williams soon

how did the pikey get the dog so strong. he must make it pull weights or somethingg

Had top breeding. People would pay the lad to send it over and mate with their bitches

too weak to fight them on your own? typical

no, my cat would quickly claw its eyes out leaving it blind, then slowly torture it to death for fun.

It goes running with him. I guess a dogs uses pretty much all of its muscles when it runs. And good genetics.

>wanting to touch non whites with your own hands

>it's GREAT being a presa canario in this neighbourhood
>all the bitches want your dick
>they literally pay you to fuck them
>all the skinny greyhounds are jealous

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Why are English people so unlikeable?

what things?, i've not looked in to it

people often hate their betters

Because we have to put up with non-English people all the time and it puts us in a bad mood

because we've all fucked yer mum

We're not the ones who always end up getting enslaved desu. It's like Pokemon black gotta catch Jamal over there in Libya and Sudan right now

don't be a sausage, lad

So English people hate their betters then

>Back home from uni
>Want to tidy my room but it's filled with boxes of my brother's shit
>I'm the only person in my 7 person flat to not get a year in industry or summer placement, and my dad is being snarky about it
I love it. It's just great.

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>Pokemon black gotta catch Jamal

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Did an English guy fuck your gf? Top lad

thinking of starting running but I'm a bit concerned about the quality of the air.
is there any point in wearing a mask?
was thinking of buying one of these masks that are used by construction workers

Who else here is claustrophobic as fuck?

i bet you aren't even making a cringe compilation fag

I've onIy gone and triggered the perpetually butthurt shitskin poster.

Spent all day removing stuff from my room and taking down shelves because it feels fucking suffocating in here.

I'm so tired, lads.


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Was in me mates car and he popped into the shops, locked me in and I had to do everything I could to stop myself from freaking the fuck out

absoIute madIod

English males tend to be either left wing low testosterone faggots or lower class animals.

I'll have you know I'm a right wing low testosterone faggot.

I'll set my wife's black bf onto you

as opposed to you, a chad middle class 'high tory' I take it?

Why is it normies wear these ridiculous outfits when they graduate?

Attached: graduate.png (840x388, 408K)

>"user, I went to shop and I didn't know what to get you"
>Look in the fridge
>It's a S I P

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I'm just telling it like it is bro.

>go to evening class
>come home and heat up my dinner
>"user I drunk one of your beers"
I love you mum but you canny be drinking my beer

where are you from, Iad?

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I have one of the black/greenies in the fridge but I'm saving it for a special occasion. What's so good about the white ones?

London, England my good sir.

monster zero ultra is a meme

i find ot less sickly than the green

>Constant acid attacks
>Muslims everywhere
>High rent prices
>Slave away all day 40 hours a week just to have enough money to survive

Why haven't you moved out of the UK yet?

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This. I'm planning on moving to America, the last bastion of the strong white man.

because i live in a rural area where none of that stuff applies

this desu

the amount of trannies in this thread is shocking, they must be putting something in the water

I don't live in the south lad, most of my area is white and rent is cheap

I think i have permanently damaged my hand. a while ago i punched the wall and never got it seen to because the pain was not that bad. its 5 months later and i still feel a bit of pain and there is a bump in my hand.

not him but,ooo it's not good

based 56% will save the white race.

The last two apply in all the white areas though.

Sounds like cancer, textbook case lad.

Not everywhere has crazy high rent. And what country should we move to where we dont have to work?

is sub 100 quid a week rent a lot for you? I work part time and live comfortably

seeing those little fucking midge flies flying round my computer screen dodging all my swings JUST FUCKKKKKK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Don't forget violent stabby niggers on mopeds

sounds like gender dysphoria, how would you feel if you woke up as a girl tomorrow?

why is big black cock so much better than white cock? what is it about the bbc that women want it all the time?

my own fucking mum wont shut the fuck up about black panther

>not Svalbard

Fugging bleb.

How does it feel to be treated like a child by your own government and not having the balls to do anything about it?

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>The last two apply in all the southern white areas though.*

I dont think you can get cancer from punching a wall and you're quite an evil person if you're making that up for a joke

your mum is a slag and is basically cucking you. drop her or put her in her place

>not having the balls to do anything about it?
yes m8 I'm sure you're a real resistance fighter

lad, go shot another school up and leave us be

Why are Americans so annoying and also fat?

The difference is you're trying to act superior when thats clearlly not the case.

i cant drop her, i live in her house. im fucked

I never should say anything serious on here. Dont even know why i come here anymore, the thread is shit most of the time, thanks for reminding me.

>you're trying to act superior
can you give examples? I'm not in another countries thread shitting on it's people

even if rent isn't high, they'll get you on all your bills, and car insurance etc.

I used to live in the UK and made 1500 quid a month after tax and i'd be lucky if I had 100 quid at the end of the month.
And I lived in a small village around Birmingham, hardly prime real estate.

Glad I moved out of the UK

popping to specavers tomorrow, so I can see my wife fucking her black bull clearer

They try to act like they all live a life of freedom when in reality they're more cucked than most of the world.

go to the doctors and get it looked at. might as well and save the wondering

That's great lad. Off you pop to whatever thread that country set up now.

mate I feel for you. getting psychologically cucked is just as bad as physical cucking

I assumed you were the guy talking about le 56.
Also loving the only comeback you guys ever use >y-you are just a jealous american!!!
When I'm actually English.

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How can your mum 'cuck' you ffs it's not his wife

whilst you're out i'm going to nip round and fuck yer mum

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reminder that only BRITISH NATIONALS residing in THE UNITED KINGDOM can post in /Britfeel

Stay mad britcuck, don't forget to pay for your tv and hand your butter knife to the police.

How the fuck? I'm on roughly the same and I have more money than I know what to do with it. Live below your means.

slavery backfired bigtime

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>I'm actually English
>have loads of bait images saved and spends hours trolling his own people
ok but why?

it doesn't have to be a wife to be cucking