Has there been ever been a bigger mismatch in history?
Has there been ever been a bigger mismatch in history?
your mom should have enrolled you in summer school
We got this fight right here
How much money do they pay the white guy to do this
what are groids doing about their people being hunted down ad sold like pokemon in libya? it seems like you're always getting enslaved without white boys to look out for you
oh man this is sad
the sad, fat, balding white man looking at his wife being fucked by a healthy strong black guy
just depressing
he does it for free, the seed he eats at the end is enough for him
but they prob him max 300
Giving money to charity's of course! Which only about 15% will be used to help people and then a 50% chance that money will be used to help a warlord by accident.
>are you a 12 year old white boy
>are you a turk/cockroach
>are you a pissed of HAPA
>are you a micro dick black boy
he was cllose to this
and what r u a raging white incel
ah, so either a HAPA, or a 12 year old cool
Probably the one between their respective IQ's.
>getting this angry at low grade memes
If you stay any longer you might OD on the more offensive memes.
guess I should post asian women being fucked by white men and asian men being cucked
Wouldn't call being a cuckold a Offensive meme. also, seems like you are offended by my copypasta
is this u
gotta be smart to be a cuck right?
Aw yes, found out you are a HAPA, stay mad chink
not true just posted asian women before u whitey
die you dumb chink, get raped
I'm offended that you think I'm offended.
>>nah I'm arab
KEK, pic is me
whites in full flag mode
andy r u so upset?
HOW DIS MAKE YOU FEEL WHITE BOI, leaving the thread , you have to go to bed soon, school is tomorrow
You guys taking part in this cuck shit is degenerate. Nothing wrong with interrracial relaionships, but being a cuck is wrong. Pls stop