Acquire first GF

> Acquire first GF
> She demands I install this app

Wat dooooo?

Attached: consent app.png (1585x768, 1.12M)

If you like her enough, install it. No reason not to

You don't have the intention of raping her, do you user?

Tell her she's crazy and leave

this for real, if you've met a girl you actually care about shouldn't even be something to think twice about. What are your reservations if any?

Attached: 1454584562110.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

Those numbers tell me there's a degenerative slippery slope behind such an apparently innocent action.

run for the hills if a woman thinks something like that is necessary
what happens when you two go out drinking one night,come home wanting sex and forget about the app?
Nek minute, you've raped her

>Conset App
>muh blockchain
She's some dumbass feminist. Either leave or actually rape her.

This. These types of women will find everything problematic and WILL control your life... unless you are into that sort of thing.

Plus a fucking app isn't legally binding, if she says you raped her that fucking app won't save you.

Attached: 1512993943093.gif (500x250, 1022K)

i'm not totally following here, why would you install this app if you already have a gf? is she interested in having a threesome or something?

What is up with this obsession for using blockchain for every kind of useless shit?

>No reason not to
The fact that she has been with enough men to be this cynical about sex and wants to turn intimacy into a legal transaction doesn't turn up any red flags for you?

People still have to consent, even in a relationship.
Giving consent is more natural and is usually non-verbal when in a monogamous relationship. Not the case with a hook-up.

Do it. Be sure to track and record if she does anything that you didn't explicitly consent to.

decline her

ask her for consent through the app, then when she accepts say you don't feel like it anymore


It's not a dating app. I assume it's supposed to be proof of consent between the two stored in a blockchain

right, makes sense but at the same time it seems unnecessary to give digital consent to a girlfriend, like you could save the hassle and just say yes let's do it

Is this a trap to make it seem like a legal consent but really it holds no legal power? She gains nothing from this considering its always the woman who cries rape. There's no other reason.

>it's real
You fucking white people need to get your women under control.

Attached: 1451545168939.jpg (1581x886, 1.13M)

Women go mad with power when given an inch.

Attached: 1528069115792.jpg (331x163, 30K)

I looked at the site and it's supposed to be about clear consent and all that, but really what use does it have?
At any moment you can decide it's rape by clicking a button, meaning if anything this is just a power tool for women.

The practical application of it is as a shit test, seeing how a partner reacts to being asked to do something so inane.

only have to wait 2 hours for the confirmations to go through then we can have sex

Huh this thread is still up
It would raise some red flags but she could also just be scared about sex. If the costs of downloading this app outweigh the benefits for OP then he should refuse and dump her.

Can someone explain the use of this app to me? Who is it designed for?

Ostensibly its for men to avoid getting slapped with a rape charge. You have your girl accept the sex and it becomes impossible to lie and say she didn't consent.

But the website also states that consent can be taken away at any time. Wouldn't that negate the use of the app? Whats the point of requiring consent if it can be removed at any point?

And I don't see how this is going to stop.... ACTUAL rapes. A rapist isn't going to send a consent request.

I don't really understand who this is for. Its seemingly designed with women in mind but all I see is beneficial for men?

"Useless" apps like this are meant to be used for mining as much personal data as possible. I can guarantee you this app asks for your location.

isnt an app like this a good thing for men? women arent fucked over by consent, why would feminists care?