Can you guess who is a virgin from this group of people?

Can you guess who is a virgin from this group of people?

Attached: virgin.png (1842x782, 1.62M)

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Nope. Virginity is determined by personality, not looks.

White guy with glasses and silver jacket

the crippled midget

These are fake bro, none of them are virgins

blue jeans stacey

nope, hes a fag and took cock in hes teens.

Then it might be beanie white guy

autism shoes on the far right

beanie flannel, fat salesman, fat ogre, and maybe old guy

yeah, its the Jesus looking guy with the beanie.

i have seen this before. its probably fake anyway

That's weird, based on how he looks you think he'd bang some slut while doing drugs at one point.

a book, nigga

you need to watch the video, hes robo self comes out. it was also misdirection caused by the guy next to him, but hes gay twink so cock is easy to get.

probably fake like some other user mentioned before me.

It is the beanie guy, the khaki paints guy, the fat girl and the old guy.

Can you guess who is is a sex worker now

Attached: sex worker.jpg (1866x890, 379K)

either one of the white women

the 2nd guy is a porn star. ill stop ruining your fun. im out.

Attached: big cock.jpg (600x696, 70K)

>he recognizes male pornstars

what are you, gay?

Is the guy on the right the bastard child of Costanza and Gaben?

>attractive guy is a virgin
>must be fake
But the Jesus looking guy admitted that he eats pussy on the reg just hasnt fucked

Third from left for sure.

plaid shirt has the virgin stare

Can someone link to this video please ?

>start of the video
>"you want to fuck me"
>"yeah watchu doing tonight?"
>"so she's not a virgin"
Is this actually how normalfags think and communicate?
I'm so jaded and disconnected from their interactions that I honestly can't tell if this is considered normal anymore.

Attached: shocked cat.gif (319x243, 1.81M)

>the 52 year old guy
>just hasn't found the right one yet
that's actually sweet.

I fucking knew it was the beanie guy on the left. You can always tell who is a robot by looking at their hands, feet position and eyes.

the beanie wearing dudebro

imo seems really stupid to have a show where you try to find or spot the virgin, granted i didn't watch the video

My votes for the slutty crippled midget as well op

Kek, so all of the men except for the fag? Should've guessed

you have a fucked up idea of sweet

How are you guys not amazed at the idea of that fat nigger in the middle getting laid? He must be 500lb its a miracle he can stand.

Same, I'm so used to my talking being the absolute minimum with no room left for filler talk.

So the virgins are:

>Guy who wears a polo shirt tucked in to khaki pants
>Guy who wears Newbalance sneakers with floodpants
>Guy who is unemployed and dresses like a drifter

What the fuck are you fags all surprised about? You're all virgins, you should spot the signs

>mfw all three of these people share elements with me

guy on left with glasses

the guy in the flannel with the beard is the virgin? lol.
He must have autism and one of schizoid personality disorder/avoidant personality disorder/social anxiety disorder. If you look like that and you're a virgin, there is something wrong with you mentally. Sex is not a big deal anymore. I've had plenty of one-night stands and short-term hookups. The thing is that on online dating women don't like to advertise that they are a slut because people we know in real life find our profiles and gossip.

He isn't my type personally. Because I'm into black guys. But I know hipster type chicks who dig tall white guys with beards and flannel. It would be harder for him if he's autistic and not very social. But there is definitely a chick out there who would fuck him.

My brother is an autistic introverted white guy whose less attractive than him and he has gotten laid. He messaged a bunch of women, went on dates with a lot of women until he finally found a woman who was slutty enough and/or desperate enough to overlook his autism to sleep with him.

>person saves themselves for someone they like, preserving their sexual purity
>that's a messed up idea of sweet
So promiscuity is better?

>So promiscuity is better?
promiscuity isn't ideal. But I couldn't imagine "saving myself" for the "perfect guy" either though. Sexual chemistry is probably the most important thing in a relationship. Otherwise what is even the point? It's important that you find out that you and the guy you're with are sexually compatible early on. You don't want to waste a lot of time on a guy you don't have chemistry with.

No, what I meant by that is the guy still has not found a partner he can share his life with at 52. If it hasn't happened by then, his romantic life is over.

>guy in glasses on the left probably got some tail on college.

>Bearded guy was a female two years ago, ultra dike.

>Spic in kakis looks confident as fuck, probably have a qt latina gf who cooks for him every day and take it on the ass. Also looks like someone who would spend a paycheck on cheap hookers.

>Old guy in newbalance is there just as a prank for his grandson.

>Fat fuck in the middle is the virgin. The only time he almost fucked, he had premature ejaculation before taking his pants off. The girl started laughing and leave the place. The psichic scars never healed, he never tried again.

Total garbage, sluts like you are everything that's wrong with the dating scene. Do you have any fucked up fetishes? Does he? If no then congratulations, you are the 99% and have compatibility. It only takes a single conversation to determine this, yet you'd rather permanently destroy any chance of ever having meaningful sex instead.

This guy with a virgin stance.

Attached: virgin stance.jpg (121x330, 13K)

He seems like a bro though

>Sexual chemistry is probably the most important thing in a relationship.
until you get to the age that they can't do it anymore, right? then what?
or do you not plan on getting to a mature, refined age?
it's a short-term thing that doesn't determine shit in a relationship.

Yep, he's a virgin.

Just watched the video.
>drifter guy
>Manlet spic
>56% sheboon
>Old autistic grandpa

Looks like some kind of buzzfeed faggotry, so I'll assume they're disparaging my race.
It's one of the white guys.

Attached: image.jpg (551x436, 52K)

>until you get to the age that they can't do it anymore, right? then what?
or do you not plan on getting to a mature, refined age?
it's a short-term thing that doesn't determine shit in a relationship.
Watch the Vox "Explained" video series on Netflix. There is an episode on monogamy. Humans are not life-long monogamous creatures. In hunter-gatherer times, babies were taken care of by the mother's family and the mother would have children with numerous men during her short life span.

I don't even live with my boyfriend. I've tried the cohabitation thing before. And I just end up getting sick of the other person. I prefer living by myself or with a good room mate. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I don't need to see my boyfriend constantly.

God damn I can smell the onions in that room.

>In hunter-gatherer times
Is there any evidence at all supporting this or is it all speculation like every evolutionary psychologist does?

>Caring about if someone is a virgin or not

Are most normies fucking 12 years old?

>There is an episode on monogamy. Humans are not life-long monogamous creatures. In hunter-gatherer times, babies were taken care of by the mother's family and the mother would have children with numerous men during her short life span.
In hunter-gatherer times, humans also probably committed plenty of infanticide.
>I just end up getting sick of the other person.
>I don't need to see my boyfriend constantly
Then you clearly aren't meant to have a modern, civilized family life. You deserve to fuck around like a primitive human and die at a young age, just like your ancestors did, and have a large portion of your offspring die.

>during her short life span
this is one of the many things that are different from then that make this whole thing not very applicable now

Why does everyone of these videos have the fucking mountain king intro looping non stop? I thought royalty free music was easy to get nowadays.

The more i see these kinds of comments from roasties, the more i want to not be involved in any communication with any woman.

girl in black shirt and blue jeans that are folded up at the bottom.
She seems like the "wait before marriage" type.

>blames promiscuity on biological behavior patterns meant for barely sapient animals rather than lack of self-control and tolerance for a normal human being that is a loving partner
>thinks it's also a valid reason to live with other people

>giant mutt hambeasts
>channel is named (((cut)))

why is paulie shore in this pic?

(and ten bucks says it's the asian thot second from the right)

Every male present, and only the males.

Lies. Watch the porn film "gay nigger tranny bug chasing homos VIII" and it will explain human relationships better than whatever the fuck it is you suggested. Humans are a monogamous species, strict monogamous. Denying nature doesn't make it true.

She totally knows because she hopped in a time machine and interviewed like 9 or 10 different hunter gatherers. Why don't you believe her? Misogyny much...

>interviewed like 9 or 10 different hunter gatherers
That's totally not enough to make an informed conclusion. Opinion discarded.

(((Big Cave))) is misrepresenting the numbers to skew the results

If humans were a monogamous species, there wouldn't be so many incels.
I can't imagine having to sleep with someone who I'm not attracted to on a regular basis for the rest of my life. That is the life that women in previous generations like my mother had.

Nonargument. We also don't have dicks tattooed on our necks yet plenty go out of their way and against nature to do exactly that. If you are not monogamous then you are a child of Satan. I don't consider serial adultery to be monogamy either, so don't even try going there. One cock rule.

This shit is triggering my autism. It's all based on assumptions they would crucify you for if you said them out loud

>you're ugly and there's no way anyone could ever love you
>you dress like a slut so you must be getting some

They just play around with the dumb questions like it changes anything. I'd have more respect for the show if they actually went hard and said the unpleasant things

you have shown absolutely no proof that monogamy is the natural standard for humans. meanwhile there is a documentary mini-series (Explained on Netflix) that argues otherwise and an entire book (Sex at Dawn).

You are a man of low sexual market value. So obviously you're going to buy into the Jordan Peterson enforced monogamy thing. I would rather share a guy with high sexual market value than date a guy that I'm not attracted to. Sorry, not sorry

Does nobody really recognize arya fae?

It is the cornerstone of our society. Without it, we return to the dark ages.

Attached: image.jpg (1136x640, 874K)

>we return to the dark ages
can't return to something that didn't exist user

He's one of the people guessing, not one of the people in question.

>It is the cornerstone of our society. Without it, we return to the dark ages.
It probably is the cornerstone of our society. Thing is, human sexual attraction is based on what was adaptive in hunter-gatherer times. Not modern times. The lizard brain is a lot older than the pre-frontal cortex (rational-logical brain). Sexual desire is ruled by the lizard brain.

When I'm getting fucked by my sexy bad boy black boyfriend and he's deeply kissing me, I want him to breed me. But my pre-frontal cortex knows that this is not a good idea. That's why I take birth control. Birth control and legal safe abortions are the big game changer. And abortion and even straight up infanticide is very old.

How is this a refutation of what I said? Monogamy is the cornerstone of civilization, without it we fall apart. All you said was some crap about getting blacked and using birth control/aborting the niglet.

Never plowed pussy = virgin.

Fags are coping incels most of the time.

based coalburner poster

>>It is the cornerstone of our society.
>It probably is the cornerstone of our society.
>How is this a refutation of what I said?

Attached: image.jpg (983x655, 171K)

I really don't care if it's the cornerstore of society or not. Western civilisation just needs to last another 50+ years or however long it takes until I die.

It's pretty pathetic that getting their dick wet is the primary driver for men to be productive citizens of society. lmao. When men feel like they don't have a role anymore, they retreat into the basement and play video games, watch anime, etc. Not that I blame them. But it's just hilarious that pussy is the motivation behind men working hard. And then when they don't have pussy, they lose almost all motivation to work hard.

this is why i support artificial wombs.

The motivation is that your genes pass on. If you aren't getting anything from society, then why give to it? There is no reason.

Then what was the point of the post?

i can't answer that, i didn't make that post. i just thought it wasn't a refutation and that you asking how it wasn't was dumb.
it probably was and i'm extra retarded tho, i dunno, fuck it.

plot twist: i don't want my genes to pass on. there is a biological imperative for it (and the act of breeding) from the lizard brain but i am not a lizard.
i do not want to breed.
society becomes a lot more tricky to navigate if your primary drive isn't breeding.

>Virginity is determined by personality, not looks.
Are you retarded

Attached: 1528233558305.jpg (913x1024, 84K)

And it's hard to convince women to be collectivist in their thinking (settle down with beta cucks to continue civilisation) when we are accustomed to a certain lifestyle. I don't want to sleep with a guy that I don't feel like sleeping with. I've slept with whoever I wanted since I lost my virginity at 13. I'm 32. I'm not about to stop. And the guys that I'm attracted to tend to be bad boy types.

Shit has to hit the fan before people change their behaviour. Late-stage capitalism IMO seems to be more fragile than monogamy. Though late-stage capitalism goes hand in hand with promiscuity. Capitalism commodifies human relations. Including romantic relationships. Your daddy's capitalism or your grand daddy's capitalism is not our capitalism. Life was a lot better for your father and your grandfather in general. Not due to monogamy. Their employer paid them a living wage out of high school. They supported a family on that income.

seems to be more fragile than promiscuity*

was i talking to you in another thread about why you can't just live in the wilderness somewhere in the US...?

>i don't want my genes to pass on
You browse this place, so it's not like you had a choice in the matter.

>was i talking to you in another thread about why you can't just live in the wilderness somewhere in the US...?
no i didn't have that discussion with you

literally 80% of humans don't gain anything intellectually past high school
high school prepares you for the real life because that's the way people act until they die

The guy khakis.

upboated :)
neat. felt like i did. oh well. it's a longish thread now but this is where i thought you were from:

>I've slept with whoever I wanted since I lost my virginity at 13. I'm 32. I'm not about to stop.
Exactly what the problem is. It used to be that the elders of the community played matchmaker. They were involved in their grandchildren's lives and helped them get together with their equals.
Now, however, that isn't the case. Women sleep around until their biological clock is screaming at them to make babies, and they settle for a beta provider that they cheat on, or fail at doing so and die surrounded by an army of cats that will eat her corpse. Men sleep around with whores before they settle down with that one girl that kept her virginity (this is Chad), or failing that, they can take their pick between marrying used goods or dying alone and having their mummified body found months after their death.
The world is broken, and it will never be fixed in our lifetime. This generation, and all the ideas it holds, must die out.
So, for anyone bothering to read this, congratulations, your life was rigged against you from the start.

>your life was rigged against you from the start
but if you want out, don't fuck up and fail at doing it, because shit will be even more rigged and restricted.

Jordan Peterson and faux documentaries don't mean shit. I could write a literal shitpost by shitting and then dipping my dick in it to paint some shit letters on a canvas. That doesn't make it true, but that's the only kind of proof you offer, some Kermit the frog sounding kike and a television show that couldn't even get televised. Let's just hope you can still find a liberal basedgoy willing to settle once you are 30 and trying to step off the carousel. The best men want the best women. I'm getting a virgin and wifing her ass down. You're just a cumrag getting passed around until even a night of heavy drinking and last call not being enough to make a man consider a shameful ONS.