To all the young Jow Forumsizens still in highschool, I just want to say it gets better.
To all the young Jow Forumsizens still in highschool, I just want to say it gets better
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Highschool fucking sucks if your not the cookie cutter beta they want you to be
>Be me
>Get in fights cuz momma didn't raise no bitch
>Hurr Durr zero violence policy
>Probation till 18
>Can't walk across graduation stage (like I wanted to)
>Derpy mc suck up steals all the radios out if the school buses
>Detention for two days
GTFO with that gay suck up shit
At least you didn't let people walk all over you
But in the end you weren't a bitch so It had to be worth it
Sounds like momma raised a retard.
Be honest to your self, you will find people that are worth your time
coward cope
>there are fucking children in highschool posting on Jow Forums at this very moment
>momma didn't raise no bitch
>bitches on the internet about the faggots who abided by the one rule that applies in real life and in school and labels them suckups
I won the Science Fair, didn't do my homework, had two gym classes because lol fuck class, gifted, skipped school whenever I felt like it, graduated in the top 15% of my school (3.85wgpa) and would literally wander around campus instead of being in class. I had three actual classes, senior year, and just fucked around the rest of the time. You just needed to know the passwords. All you had to do was not fight the beaner kids, user. It wasn't hard.
You just sound dumb.
You also sound poor and/or insecure.
Just like the beaner kids.
What was probation like?
Your head is so far up your ass it's popped back up through your neck
and then the bus driver stood up and started clapping
>bragging about high school
Take it from a 30 yr old boomer. It doesn't matter as much as you think it does.
Highschool was shit for me.
I don't miss those days at all.
I got into WoW my freshman year and it completely killed my social life. I turned into a complete shut in until I gave it up my junior year. I've partially recovered since that time and still carry a lot of insecurities of rejection and social anxiety.
>dropped out
>did online classes
>graduated 2 years early
>spent 16-18 as a NEET, played plenty of vidya
>entered CC
best strat imo
High school was boring and uneventful. If I had to relive those years again, I wouldn't complain, I'd just do more dumb shit.
You're retarded.
whats up
>Being so bitter
Get a regular haircut and clothes, lift, talk like a non-autist, dont sperg out over muh jewish media conspiracy
Only thing I miss about high school is miring a few crushes I had. That's about it. Everything else about it sucked. I was miserable for most of high school and things only got better when I left. Also, whenever people talk about high school being the best years of their lives, they can never answer why. Youth? Maybe, but you're still pretty young and fit for at least another 10-15 years after high school. Friendships? Most of them sucked because a vast majority of 16 year olds have shit personalities. You still live with your parents and are under their rules; which really sucks if you have shitty parents.
t. brainlet
tfw i do all this and still don't have any friends
I miss being able to do stupid shit without any actual repercussions. that shit was lit.
lmao I'm a burnout who just got his first job interview in 8 years.
I know who I am. I know who I was.
Your head is nowhere to be found, dummy.
I just had to stand next to faggots like mommas little bitch, and I looked like an angel by comparison. Got away with multiple misdemeanors. About six feet from me is a sign I stole from the parkinglot while I was drunk at 3am.
git fucking gud
Normal shit when compared to this faggot is bragging, I guess.
It didn't matter at all. It was pass/fail.
Even if you failed, you had the GED to fall back on.
Sure about the autism thing? Humans are animals after all, small details like mimic, eye contact etc count
Or you are looking for friends in the wrong places
haha you're such a faggot. Everybody in high school hated you, I guarantee it
>lmao I'm a burnout who just got his first job interview in 8 years.
Wow that's pathetic
>Your head is nowhere to be found, dummy.
Scathing, you gonna call me a poopyhead next?
>About six feet from me is a sign I stole from the parkinglot while I was drunk at 3am.
Wow some vandalism in the middle of the night you're too hardcore
Based. The school system wants you to be a compliant herbivore, you did nothing wrong.
Fighter user here
Bragging? More like ranting about suck ups like you that got away with murder, while the others got the book thrown at them
>Hurr Durr I stole shit I'm so cool
Whilst simultaneously saying other people are bragging
Probably mad cause someone like me pushed your shit in for being a douche
Oh yeah like it's so easy to look like you lift when you have a soiframe and shitty hair
thanks for the advice dickhead
It was pretty hardcore, thanks.
That's my point, though. You could do whatever you want, just do it at the right time. That other user could've fought to his hearts content outside of school grounds but somehow managed to still get kicked out for doing the exact same things I did.
It was fun, poopyhead.
Being a "suckup" was fun.
I miss highschool girls...
I want to be young again
The only person I've ever fought is my best friend.
I was robbed a few times in college, but that doesn't really count.
It had nothing to do with sucking up, dumbass.
it had to do with letting retards like you be the distraction
it had to do with being overtly average
>being so angry
Too much coffeine in your onions mocca?
Lift heavy you twink. Stop eating proccessed shit, go back to basics on food and lifts. Stop jerking off and be productive.
Your bloodline made it until you, dont put your family to shame and stop being a bitch
It's been that way since day 1.
I missed it the first time, but you misinterpreted part of my post and that, in itself, is proof of my claim that you're a below average bitch.
Just FYI.
You sound like a degenerate
>Too much coffeine in your onions mocca?
Probably, I hate how everything these days is bad for you. I'll keep trying man.
Lol how bout this
>be you
>act like ooga booga
>get punishment befitting nigger behavior
>bitch on fitness board for closet homos
It was an alright album
>there are newfags so new that they think this is a recent phenomenon.
t. former high school child Jow Forums poster from 2008
Do you want to know how I can tell you peaked in high school?
high school was a lot of fun. I wish i could hang with my friends doing menial tasks for 6 hours a day and getting free food.
t. 27 year old boomer
You fucking coward. You're more interested in conforming and being cool than confronting actual issues. If you don't think the jews are a problem and you don't voice that opinion at every acceptable opportunity then man the fuck up. Time to stop being a coward and face the real world issues. Its only a matter of time before shit gets very real for the Jews. They're walking on thin ice. In fact the entire white race has had about enough of this shit in America. Fucking coloreds better conform to American Ideals or you can get the fuck out. And for you to pretend nothing is going wrong while you try to impress everyone by how much you don't care is fucking cowardly. Man the fuck up.