Black men are better, white men are losers, black men have better porn, black men looks hoter, black men are dominant with other race, black men always have big cocks, black men cuck other race in media, movies, porn, black men are dominant males with women of other race in media, porn, movies, black men are the gift for the women in the narrative of the media, movies, porn, black men are the desired males with women of all races in media, porn
White men represents evil, white men represents cuckolds, white men represents bad sex, pets of white women, are the only race who had the women of own race who prodduced everything to lower their sexual market, to relate white men with cuckolds for men of other race, boycotted them with non-white women, promoted white men as bad sex to try to lower their sexual market, forced white men to be only with white women in media, movies, porn whiile white women are with men of all other races in media, movies, porn, white women produced everything to turn white men in ridicularized jokes as the only loser race of men promoted as cuckolds and inferior male for other race in the whole world
White women are promoted above women of all races, white women are with men of all other races in media, movies, porn while white men are undesired losers only with white women and portrayed as cuckolds for men of other race, black men, white men only produce neutral porn, with white women only, don't have porn brands focused in the white male with the best non-white women praising him, the white male looks always fake, non-dominant, neutral, plastic, boring, undesired
Black men constant have the best tv shows, porn, media with the women of other race praising him and cuckolding the men of other race, white males are the sexless non-male losers who don't have sexual scenes and looks like cuckold pets of white women as the racial queens, white men like the boring, tasteless, sexless neutral loser only living for promote white women like losers