Why are men like this...

Why are men like this? For reference this guy went on a date with this girl and within 5 minutes text her and she didnt respond and he sent this within those 5 minutes.

Fun fact, she later told him she has a further drive home than he does...and was looking forward to date 2 until she read his messages.

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men? normal men are like this?

>Why are men like this?

hot flash: not all men are the same, not all men live through the same things and have the same inadequacies
sounds like this person dodged a bullet, but she dodged an individual bullet, not half the population on this planet's bullet

I can't even conceive of a way to describe just how LITTLE this matters to anyone, living or dead, past, present or future. Nobody cares.

Actually that did ok.

he's very lonely and insecure, the perceived rejection caused him to lash out. not really that complicated afaict

>hot flash

so excited u goofed news flash like a toxic shitter

Funny how guys don't think the same about females

Guys, approach the lady. Sitting around waiting to be flirted with is like going to the pond with a fish rod but never casting out, then you get aggro over catching 0 fish

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normal men are like this? i thought it was just me lolll

It's obviously fake. Nobody actually talks like this, ever.

Unironicaly this


>Why are men like this?
They're not.

Well, that was easy.

but there is mountains of evidence to show that women really aren't very varied but men are. So this doesn't work

user, I think you misspelled low T beta cuck

that man is clearly a high-T alpha sir, just look at the raw aggression and confidence in that post, only a true alpha would be so willing to take such a strong stance with a femoid who had wronged him

Not trying to attack you or anything but can you provide evidence for this claim?

But they do, there are threads daily about how horrible women are and how they lack variety

When you try and fail over and over and over and over sometimes you get a little bitter.

Not him, but looking at IQ distribution he's not wrong. Men have more genius but also far, far more retards. Of course, IQ distribution isn't a great indicator for variance in other areas.

better to not date than be THIS guy

t, that guy

he fucked up,still a pretentious insecure little faggot

that girl should contact me

??? You just agreed with me. Guys tell women "we all aren't the same. This guy is crazy" but dont think "not all women are the same. This girl is just a boring bitch"

Ok so can you give evidence on something that would be a better indicator or did you just want to say men are smarter? Because that was completely left field

Men are smarter AND dumber, that's my point. Men run the gamut from rocket scientists to literal braindead trolls far more than women do. As far as distribution goes, women tend to middle out a lot more in this particular area.

Look, all I'm saying is that all people are individuals and one half of the population shouldn't be able to group the other half together and not expected the same. Its similar to when women were making small dick jokes and were shocked when the roastie meme came up. Its hypocritical