1. Your country?
2. Is your country robot friendly or is it normalfag turf?
Normieville nightmare
pic only to call your attention
1. Your country?
2. Is your country robot friendly or is it normalfag turf?
Normieville nightmare
pic only to call your attention
Other urls found in this thread:
nyc, normiemania
Normalfags and immigrants galore
I know that feel, i also live in Normietina.
It's hell on earth for us robots and wizards.
To make matters worse i live in a rural area in the middle of nowhere.
God, wish i could run away from this shithole of a country.
Not really a good place for people like us. We just don't fit in and it's hard to find people to relate to.
Dominican Republic
Don't need to explain
Alto culo tiene la villera esa
Most normalfag country on earth
1. USA
2. Very normalfag but you can live a robot life without anyone bothering you.
Do you think it's different by state?
this. normans everywhere. unless you live in one of the territories
>1. Your country?
Argentina as well.
>2. Is your country robot friendly or is it normalfag turf?
A lot of normalfags.
Re fea tu villera.
Sup OP. Where are you Argentina? I got to study there for a few months a year ago. I was in Buenos Aires. Definitely normieville.
But I got to smash some gatos while there. That was fun.
Normieville, communism made us unaware of what was happening in the world so we are like 20/30 years in the past from the rest of the world
US (Arizona)
Lots of retarded normies with tattoos and shit. Fuck the weather here
Chupame la pija gato
New Zealand
1/16th robot
>communism made us unaware of what was happening in the world so we are like 20/30 years in the past from the rest of the world
Same in Argentina minus the communism part (at least not fully)
Is having the same fate as Sweden, full of nigs n normies
1. Austria
2. normalfags, but you can go live in a secluded mountain hut
Bumping dat ass
normiechile here, pibe
not him, but I'm also a burger and yes, it varies quite a bit by region of the country and by urban-rural how much people will leave you alone.
Yall retarded if you dont think every country is normalfag turf. It's literally human biology to like socially fluent behavior. The rules may differ from place to place but the essence is the same
i think the countries with more introverted people and social isolation tend to be less normielike. argentina is very normie like since everyone is outspoken and we have tons of chads.
you all living the good life . italy here, the most normie country on earth .
Australia. Literally SJW heaven. I want to get out of here or go live in the outback bush somewhere with Grant
> italy here, the most normie country on earth .
Tell me more pls. I always thought that be France
>quite normieland
>no neetbux unless you are a gypsy
>no mental health care
>nature is destroyed by heavy industry
>good underground dsbm bands
>good train infrastructure so you can easily kill yourself and piss off hundreds of people
>only if family is insanely wealthy, ignorant masses are disgustingly normified, priveliged middle-class shits love larping anxiety and depression
At least people here don't smile all the time.
I actually like living here.
Prague btw. Where you at?
It really depends.You could actually live a comfy neet life with a good healthcare, infrastructure depending on the state ect, but you still need to deal with a lot of bureaucrats to get your neet bucks and paid rent.Also, nowadays they're trying to make young adults who are neets to workcucks, so they're trying to force people into shitty low paid jobs nobody cares over the time
USA, but it isn't even worth mentioning that because each state can be different. I live in California. I feel like an outlier here.
Every country is obviously going to be majority normalfag, or else its population would either cease to exist through lack of procreation or everyone fleeing to a more stable society
It's normieland central, quite literally. Even the spergs here are super-normies, to the point where normies can't even fathom people like me exist.
That's also kinda good because they're usually very friendly and try to approach you.
It is okay, because mental health care is free and you get state assistance in lots of cases
Just surrended to normieville
>Became an actual normie
Fucking normie ghetto but it's comfy to live for outcast
pic unrelated
Apo thn psuxi sou kai h alhtheia..
>It's mostly a normie hive but I do also see weirdos with band shirts and unironic trenchcoats walking around so I guess it's safe enough
Ireland. Very robot friendly.
in this country if you are not a druggie or a thug, you're automatically a robot.
No it isn't you fucking retard.
Yes it is, you muck savage cunt.
If you have problems in this country then you literally are incompatible with life and should have been aborted.
Where the fuck do you retards think ISN'T normieville?
>hell on earth
I really need to escape sometime soon
Let me bump dat culo
shh let them figure out the truth
>chad thinks he's a robot meme
I'd consider it a cyborg zone.
If Argentina is a normie nightmare, this place is hell
are you fucking stupid with the whole drink culture everyone who are young adults going to clubs and drinking unless you are a culchie then you know everyone in the fuckin pub
1. Chile
2. Normieland shithole
3. Dat ass
Alta burras
Canada not as bad as the US I feel
>t. fellow snow nigger
I fucking hate all the immigrants though Jesus Christ they literally fucking stink
I'm from Israel and it's pretty much full of normie and retarded Arabs and Jews.
>tfw hated for being Christian
>hurr durr get out
I can't I came here from some other country to take care of my grandfather so I'm here for like 5 years max.
Southern California
We have Uberchads, Superstacies, hyper-normies and minorities.
Australia, Canberra
Normiefucks run this city. Its USA 2.0 in this little plot of shit, although its got nice housing.
Tons of pakies and lazy cunts who gulp beer at the local pub. A lot of people are pretty based tho.
Italy is beautiful. I didn't think it would be full of normies but hay I don't live there.
Viva Galtieri el libertador de Malvinas
I couldn't handle being surrounded by Jews 24/7. They are the OG normies.
>I didn't think it would be full of normies but hay I don't live there.
Yes it is
That's why songs like this are in the top 3: