Are sanpaku eyes a robotic trait?

Are sanpaku eyes a robotic trait?

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i have this and people have told me its kinda intimidating and i give a bad first impression

wow I never noticed I have this until I checked in the mirror just then

explains why people say I'm scary and intense

i have the creepeist eyes imaginable and part of it is because of this. i hate it

>squint your eyes.
>sanpaku gone
Figures Asians would invent a disease for NOT being slant-eyed

same. i've had people say it feels like i'm looking right through them so now i don't like to make eye contact.

>tfw asian, sanpaku, downwards tilt eyes
its still okay bro dont let something small like this make you think less about yourself

No, they're just the result of looking up.

>posted in an eye rate thread on /soc/ years ago out of curiosity
>all the responses were people telling me I have the eyes of a psychopath
First time I'm hearing of Sanpaku. You learn something new every day

It looks qt on girls

Attached: sanpakugan-girls-cute-10-600x379.jpg (600x379, 33K)

holy shit i love negative canthal tilt so much tbqh

quick image search for this sanpaku thing reveals hitler had it.

oh shi

Like 80% of americans have it. I just looked up a few celebrities and they all have it. Seems the "normal" eye is the uncommon one.

i dont really take with the whole lookism shit and think people can look good with or without 'superior features but yeah im satisfied with how i look and my negative canthal tilt

im glad you do, thanks. there are a few "unconventional" things i think can be really attractive, that is one.

do -> are satisfied
i'm retarded from thinking about qt eyes now

I am proud of my eyes. If i want to creep you out, I just look at you in the face and my creepy looking eyes will do the rest

lol no prob bro, have a good night cheers

can't post pic atm but my eyes are very robotic, the
white part is always kinda red from sleep deprivation and they're so dark people have described them as black.

>tfw no sanpaku eyes

Who's with me?

>tfw only one eye
who's with me tho

That's retarded.
It depends entirely on the angle your head is and the direction you are looking.

>It depends entirely on the angle your head is and the direction you are looking.
unless it's a specific direction/angle your head is in, then there's basically no such thing.

ITT: newfags don't into creepychan

creepy chan is garbage cancer.

you mean "LOOKING UP" goddamn you robits and ur pseudosceience I outta put ya in the ground

>garbage cancer
no u
was just saying she had some sanpaku going on, that's all, you pillock.

I bet you were one of the faggos that forced that shit. whore was never the queen of anything but looking like she kept ferrets up her arse.

did creepy kill your cat user, wtf
i only mentioned her in the context of sanpaku and now you're reeeing about memes like queens

mfw i have both 1 eye smaller then the other i get the best of both worlds fuckers

>not being triggered by mentions of old shitposting epidemics.
must be nice.

doesn't bother me much because they're dead memes, the best kind of meme.

if stress is the cause then yes it is a robot trait one of which i have.

some have said i have "bug eyes"

I don't have it, but I also have fucking tiny eyes.

it's in every angle for me

Never even realized this was a thing. Have sanpaku as well.


Hey cool I have this naturally when looking straight, but it goes away when I smile.

>I'm far from religious, spiritual, or any of that stuff. I am grounded in science, but I swear there is some serious truth to the thought that people who are sanpaku are f*cked up. Next time you come across someone who seems a bit off or maybe just a bit weirder then normal take a look at their eyes. I'm willing to bet they are sanpaku. I can't see this thread going far. I guess I just wanted to relay a weird piece of trivial knowlage that might stick with you for life.

Oh shit. I wonder what /x/ has to say about this?

Attached: 1pw9ta.jpg (250x236, 7K)

>what /x/ has to say
nothing of value really, just some RP shit

who gets scared by looking someone in the eyes? some people are just fucking pussies

They're a sign of stress and I get them on and off, but usually have them.

So yes.

i dont have the above the iris kind so i dont give a shit desu

Slight sanpaku is normal but heavy shows extreme stress. If it's on the top though, they are 100% always fucked up. Either mentally or fucked up because they're on something. Always.

I think it looks good tho I mean don't men want to look intimidating? Once again normies/some robo's are pussies.
>it's so creepy! Tee hee!
>man I got some psychopath eyes feelsbad.jpg
>hey bro look at anons eyes, they're so creepy man
Just don't make a creepy smile and you're fine

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hapas are always crazy tho, this is inconclusive

> having creepy eyes

What is this dumb normie tier trate?
Try my scary smile.
When I smile hard I can make my mouth whiden up to the sides of my face. Then I open my eyes to negate my normal sleepyeyes
Then if I want to creep them out more I can open my mouth and show then my perfectly in a row teeth (that actually creeps people out more then normal somewhat unsorted teeth)

Plebs have nothing against this.

they don't even look creepy or intimidating.

Which one makes me an eyelet

angela merkel eyes

Sounds spooky desu

Attached: sanpaku.jpg (325x550, 70K)

People have said I have the eyes of a serial killer. Mainly due to sanpaku eyes, dark circles, very small pupils and my eyes dart around because autism/paranoia.
I hate my eyes.

I don't have psychotic tendies though
>run away!
I fuckin hate normies :^(

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>what is confirmation bias
Please ignore this original string of text below

The fourth eyes are pretty hot

my negative canthal tilt appreciating nigga.

I'm number 3 fuck

moreso the shadows and the overall dead stare but yes. I love angry dead eyes like that

gemma whelan a CUUUTE

It's white showing above the eyes that you have to watch out for.

Lower whites means weakness, passitivity. Upper whites means mania, aggression, you're exerting too much force.

If you correct your behavior do your eyes start looking normal again?

From what I know yes. The eyes relate to the rest of the body. The lower ones would be saggy or overly open because of a weakness in the hips and perineal diaphragm for example.
Same way you can develop sanpaku from mental breakdowns or go through phases of it.

I have low ones but what do hips have to do with it? I never had hip issues, I don't get it. Tell me more about this whole thing though, I'm honestly curious.

The common idea in old asian medicine is that below the naval is related to the under eyes and above is related to the upper. Same way low blood pressure is lower, higher is upper.

I don't think I had this a couple years ago but now I do for sure. WTF happened?

this is so dumb all the pictures of "sanpaku" are of people looking up, anyone with their eyes looking up is going to have it

Your eyelids might have reshaped over time

I don't have any lower body issues tho so can I just assume the droopy eyes are from some mental disbalance? And I didn't know about the eye halves represented the body, that's pretty cool, all I know are acupressure points

Mental imbalance would definitely cause it. Depression and anxiety is a major factor for causing it.

Have you had success using traditional medicine for these things?

Yes. Though it's more of a slow and steady process than a one night surgery

I have sanpaku eyes. I think it's related to me having aspergers and anxiety disorder

Because they are known as crazy eyes. You don't know what to expect out of crazy people.

That isnt even that bad. Check out this niggers mugshot, i wouldnt want to meet him irl desu senpai

Attached: getty-tiger-woods2.jpg (603x683, 96K)

I don't have this and I'm still called creepy. Fuck off with your delusions, it's how you carry yourself

I have aspergers as well, how does it relate to aspergers exactly?

I know this feel.
>tfw big iris

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Are you guys roleplaying that this is a real thing? Because is not.
It's literally eyeliner applied to the inner lid of the eye. Anyone can do this provided they want to get eyeliner inside their eyeball.

>People with non sanpaku eyes are not fucked at all
Her you go proved you wrong faggot

Attached: Xxxtentacion.jpg (800x1000, 77K)

You can see he has over tension in his eyes. I imagine he has had a very fucked up life.

he is a very famous musician now but he is mentally fucked and got in trouble for beating up a roastie that cheated on him or someshit like that

Attached: xxxtentacion-blue.jpg (700x467, 104K)

You can definitely see his mental stress/ anguish

Hmmm. The only one person who has it in my freind group is a wog. Guess that says something about americans

Mine are on the border. A couple more milimeters and i would have sanpaku eyes

>tfw people actively tell you to stop smiling when you sincerely smile because you look like you're about to murder somebody

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You know damn well that this guy is one haircut away from being married to a model like the other handsome nigger got

I just look ugly when I smile
Atleast its a cute ugly and not a gtf away from me ugly
Im irish

That's it, I'm sanpaku pilled.

Attached: no country for old men.jpg (1920x1080, 639K)

Actually I think he has very pretty eyes.

Do you also happen to write love letters to convicted murderers?

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No. But don't tell me the delicate yet intense almond shape coupled with the sultry, heavy lids don't send YOUR heart a-flutter.

As a side note, who is he? What did he do?

I do
Can confirm, got way too many comments about my stare

why do you alwys bring up some new shit?
i just got okay with all the other shit which make you less worth.

Same, someone even said that they'd befriend me not to get mowed over in a school shooting kek

Also have sanpaku

they dont tell me they were scared of me just that i seemed cold and uninterested. im also pretty tall and thin so that probably adds to it

peope have told me the same
>crazy eyes
people used to tell me I had the look of a serial killer

it's tiger fucking woods lol

>According to Chinese medical face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain.

>Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. It was held that stress and fatigue may also be a cause.[2] In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence

>over consume sugar and grain
>anger and violent tendencies

>tfw senpaku eyes and all this is true

that's a feminine trait so no its just gay