Are there even any aspie neets on this board left besides me?

are there even any aspie neets on this board left besides me?

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I'm still here fampai. I don't post here much anymore cause of the summerfag tidlewave.

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does he vomit on the floor in front of him, what the fuck

I mean I see that gatorade bottle and if there is a god and he is kind, that guys dead and the city he lived in bulldozed that hovel, but thats gotta be what that stain is from

Looks like bloody alcoholic vomit. May the lord mercily end his life

depends what you mean by aspie and how aspie we're talking
I'm extremely hateful bitter spiteful and toxic and lack social skills and I'm also an ugly shut-in if that counts i also don't really take care of myself

I'm here. I don't know how long i can stand this normalfag shithole though this place just keeps hitting new lows

Aspie wagecuck

I stim by punching myself in the head lightly and run around the house flapping my arms while making animal noises

i've been formally diagnosed with assburgers but it's bullshit. i'm not face blind and know how to behave around people.

>I was misdiagnosed with something so it doesn't exist

top tier critical thinking skills buddy

they don't call it high functioning for nothing buddy, good job acclimating so well and working around your facial blindness

I've never been diagnosed with anything but I hit myself in the head and face when I am angry and obsess over my toy soldiers and talk to myself about them and when I don't like someone but have to interact with them I try to do it without talking. I don't know if I am a autismo or just weird. Havn't been to a doctor in about 10 years.

i'm here still (because we're always here, forever, remember)
same, but see above
headpuncher here too, but it's not my primary stimming (fidgeting with things and rocking and flexing my fingers and toes and tapping my feet)
i have a pretty hard time with perceiving and understanding facial expressions and body language fairly often. behaving around people can be a learned thing, to a superficial and occasional level at least. i've consumed enough media that i have a library of what i feel are standard socially approved and accepted responses to things that i can sometimes use when all the retard stars have aligned (comfort level, memory, internal and external noise,environment, situation, people involved, etc)
it's a shitty disguise that falls apart under scrutiny but it sometimes works.

this picture looks like its from the early 90s so hes probably dead by now

not an aspie, but I'm a neet that's been here since the board was made

kind of have a hard time sticking around, though. It's really changed so much over the years. Especially with pol bringing in the dregs of normalfags and other detestable sorts of people

lol, Holyshit. Is that pic from circa 1986?

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I'm the same in I manually learned how to not annoy people in social situations, although I still do just by existing. When I was a kid my symptoms were a lot more severe. nobody thought of getting me diagnosed though. I suspect everyone in my family is on the spectrum. As a kid I just understood nothing about socialising worked but eventually I learned to mimic well enough to blend in

i don't punch myself but i do stab walls and soft objects putting in lots of effort to pretend its a person

mimicry is probably the only reason i haven't been beaten to death or left for the wolves so far

i also sometimes have random outbursts of rage for no reason and break shit

Same. Origanoli origami

Same. Not original at all.

unless he's still alive

m a x i m u m
c o z i

If you call yourself an aspie you are a fucking normalfag

i've been a NEET for 2 years and am damn sure i'm somewhere on the spectrum, may even be developing schizophrenia

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only fucking normalfags call people fucking normalfags
it's one way to be less lonely, in a sense

I don't like to talk about myself

My friend has been a NEET for 3 years.
It's pretty pathetic.
Just doing nothing all day, not even trying.
His parents put him through college for Computer Science and he hasn't even applied to a single job.
Pretty sure he just spends all day looking at Anime / Jerking off.

you sound like a complete normalfag

fuck off

Then he's probably dead inside

What anime is dis? Help a bro out pls

I'm a NEET aspie. What do you want

NEET, yes
aspie, no

the saddest part about this picture is that it reminds me of my dad

this board is for chadlike normaldicks now, robodude.

sorry for the mass (You)s but can i get somebodies discord please.
