Stop wasting your life playing video gaymes

stop wasting your life playing video gaymes

it's just a dopamine trap exploiting your weaknesses

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And what do non-trapped people do other than work for kikes?

Video games let me do things I could never do in real life. Like space travel, time travel, fighting demons, fighting extraterrestrials, having superpowers, having meaningful control over my life, being a girl, etc.

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>Haven't played video games or watched porn in two months because of my living situation
>Pretty much all I do is work out, go on extremely long walks and lazily practice guitar

I miss video games.

meet people
find a girl
make some cash
do something meaningful and lasting
videogames is not reality

all that shit is 100x better than vidja

im proud of you, anonkun

>meet people
to what end?
>find a girl
fuck that
>make some cash
necessary, but to what end? I would only make cash to continue living and continue playing video games.
>do something meaningful and lasting
fuck that
>video games is not reality
is better than reality

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>tfw don't watch TV or play video games

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I stopped vidya like a year ago.

There's just no good games anymore. Everything is trash. And all my old games that used to make me happy, don't do that anymore.

>Meet people
I don't really get along with people. Everyone feels either fake or is far too depressing.

>Find a girl
Refer to above. Plus, girls here are... well, to call them enormous, horrendous sluts and obese single mothers would be giving them too much credit.

>Make some cash
Economy here has kicked the bucket. Everyone in my demographic is dirt poor.

>Do something meaningful and lasting
With all this money and freedom I have in a country where liberty was taken out back and executed two decades ago so the elite ruling class could rule more safely and comfortably.

I guess, but I am just as unfulfilled as ever.

stop wasting your life posting on Jow Forums

it's just a dopamine trap exploiting your weaknesses

>stop wasting your life
This is a silly, loaded statement. 95% of humankind spent their time focusing on food, water and shelter in order to survive.

you know there are better ways to occupy yourself than video games right? learn an instrument, learn to paint or draw, any number of things. better yourself as a person instead of pretending you're somebody else as a form of escapism
hell even just listening to non-degenerate music is good and takes zero effort

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>you know there are better ways to occupy yourself than posting on Jow Forums right? learn an instrument, learn to paint or draw, any number of things. better yourself as a person instead of posting here as a form of escapism
>hell even just listening to non-degenerate music is good and takes zero effort

Most people who don't play video games just binge watch Netflix, stare at Facebook, smoke weed, drink, stare at a slot machine all day, etc. They're not all learning a new language or writing a book or some shit.

Most people who play video games as a hobby will eventually get a job, get a girlfriend, married, kids, etc. You don't have to give up on an enjoyable hobby to not "waste" your life.

i post on Jow Forums mostly to do what i am doing now. i'm trying to help people better themselves
when i'm not doing that, i'm usually just keeping up with news

dude i just want to play mario shut the fuck up

how will playing mario better your life in the long run unless you're a professional speedrunner?

i agree! prove to me why facebook is any better and try get me off it.

I decided to stop playing games a few months ago. Tried to be more productive with my time etc.

Wasn't worth it. I'll take my bits of escapism instead of building up towards goals I don't have.

I have Major Depressive Disorder, I don't enjoy shit user.

if you stay here long enough, you learn that the majority of posters are not interested in anyones help or advice. instead of trying to help people here, you could be working on that instrument or drawing or any number of things that would directly benefit you more than trying to dole out your wisdom and platitudes

the ONE THING I CAN RECOMMEND if you havent tried it is drugs. go soft first. try and use them socially. or use them with the intention of leading you into a social situation. im talking fucking weed not pcp. work your way down. research first. peace

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i do too bro, and i even see a shrink for it, but the first step is trying. i quit drawing for a year and am shit now, but guess what. i just drew something like half an hour ago for my grandma to paint. you have to force yourself to take the first step
i've been here for 10 years mate. i know what i'm doing

it makes my life better by giving me something fun to do lmao

refer to OP's post then. it's "fun" to you but it doesn't grant you a thing in the long run
if you're the kind of guy that is okay with that then i'd hate to be you in 10 years
have "fun" pal

>i know what i'm doing
what else are you doing other than not taking your own advice m8

how am i not taking my own advice? i just finished a drawing and i'm getting ready for bed, figured i'd come on to check the news and to possibly help some anons out like this guy who has a real issue that can get better if treated properly
genuinely trying to help you guys out mate. no need to get pissy about it

not every single thing you do in life has to be for self-improvement. i work full-time and am enrolled in college and maybe after a long day i just want to play zelda or some shit and shut my brain off.

you utilitarian morons will work yourselves mad

great then dude. personally i don't think college is the way to go but if you feel like it is then power to you. play mario or zelda or whatever the fuck once in a while, but don't let it rule your life like the faggots over at /v/ and /vg/

Isn't fun a value in its own right?
There's no doubt that spending every waking moment on a game is unhealthy, but this "every action should be improvement" mindset is just as ridiculous.

not being pissy mate, i just think that posting here is effectively a form of self harm and escapism.

how do i treat it user, by just forcing shit?

refer to i'm more upset that people will turn video games into a lifestyle or whatever rather than just play them once in a while
i mean i'll play super smash bros. with my little sister when i visit her and it's fun, but i'd never spend hours and hours playing video games in a single day. that's when it gets bad, when it becomes a priority
maybe. maybe not. i've helped people before on this site and i enjoy it

>maybe. maybe not. i've helped people before on this site and i enjoy it
no issue. compare to
>playing vidya is self harm and escapism
>maybe. maybe not. i've entertained myself with them before and i enjoy it

yeah dude. seriously. this might seem off-topic but it'll make sense when i'm done; when i entered high school i was a miserable faggot. then one day i heard the "fake it till you make it" thing and really took it to heart. i'm not going to say i was an alpha or anything, but i managed to get a girlfriend within a few months. anyway my point is you can adopt a way of thinking if you try hard enough and it will stick. start by choosing something that seems cool to you, whether it's music, visual arts, or whatever. make it something constructive. then just go for it like nothing else matters. get good at it. get remarkable at it. then, say you picked drawing, you'll draw a picture one day and look down at it and be like "holy fuck i am good"
seriously dude. you can turn your life around right now if you really want to. all it takes is a decision. but you gotta stick with it
i think you're confusing me with another poster. i never said playing video games is self harm. i did say it was escapism though, and it is. it's fine in moderation, but don't let it become your main hobby. do something productive for that

>don't let it become your main hobby
why not?

because it doesn't better you unless you're a professional gamer. think about 10 years from now. would you rather have been playing video games or have had 10 years of piano experience?

personally i would rather have been playing video games because i like playing video games
why can't you be okay with other people choosing to spend their time in their own way
not everyone has to be minmaxing their life.
are you american? you sound american.

i'm canadian, so basically american. i'm not angry with you for choosing video games, i just don't understand it. if anything it seems very american of you to value video games over self improvement
anyway as i was saying, i'm not angry with you, just disappointed. like i wish i could take back all the time i spent playing video games as a kid and replace it with musical practice, but i can't

Videogames are legitimately one of the few things I enjoy in life anymore. I'm stuck in some dead end wageslavery and the only thing I wanna do when I'm home is crack open a beer and play vidya. I've been rejected so much that I don't feel anything toward women anymore. Just a vague disgust at them actually. I don't wanna work more than 40 hours, if I'm forced to work more I'll shoot my nearest politician. Lifting and working out just makes me wish I was at home playing videogames.

The only people who shill the ideology of OP are corporatist cunts who hate fun and feel the need to alpha-flex everywhere. Videogames are no worse than any other escapism. People like OP unironically believe work makes you free.

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moosefucker here too.
i'm not angry with you either, i'm also a bit disappointed like you though, because i wish you could understand why some people are okay with having gaming as their main hobby.
its okay that you don't.
its okay that i like to play vidya.
i have constructive and productive hobbies also, just vidya is my main hobby.

well at least you have productive hobbies. that's better than nothing. cheers mate

glad we can agree on that. cheers m8

video games are simply way better than real life right now. That's just a fact. If it weren't then people wouldn't play them so much

>GOOOY!! NO more vidya! They are the source of ALL of your problems! Keep breeding! Keep working! You will be happy!

i hate Jow Forumstards with a passion at this point

>do something meaningful and lasting
let me guess, making furnitures like your best man Jesus? Holy shit

What makes meeting people any different?

You gonna scare the last of Normans around here in which case we truly become faggots for life.
As far as I'm aware robots are self-aware and even if they don't admit it they want to have normal lives.

Everything is dopamine trap if you really think about it

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there are good games, you just haven't searched enough. faggot.

is that asmongold

I am okay with that dopamine trap

Suck dick, experiment.

>muh self-improvement
>muh productivity
>he unironically thinks slaving for all your life, then die, is the way to go
>he unironically thinks his "life achievements" matter at all

No one cares about it, not in your life, and not after your life. Even if you have grandchildren, they will barely know you, and their children will probably never meet you alive. Unless you become a top 1% star in any productivity, no one will remember it after you are dead (and even then no one will give a damn).

No one will ask what did you spend your life on, and how many good boy points have you farmed. If that makes you happy, feeling a false superiority because muh piano (which nowadays doesn't need more than a laptop to produce the same results), then by all means do it.
But looking down on others just because they aren't interested in pursuing a generic lifestyle for any reason (marriage, kids, 40 years of work, house, smiling and confidence), is not showing you in a positive light - despite most of these preaching types "jus wan to help bro xd".

And at the end of the day why should you do anything, that isn't necessary for 'survival'? Social pressure, because others do it too? What about "jus b urself" then. If I don't enjoying something and not interested, you can be sure I won't do it at all.

>inb4 atheist virgin
No, im none of that. But this sounds just like the missionaries sent into the jungle to make the people convert. And genuinely thinking that they are here to help, and poor nogs need the word of God to make their lives better. If you don't feel lost, who's to say you are?