Seriously browsing Incels.me is the fucking funniest thing ever. The best thing these fuckers ever did was band together and discuss retarded ideas for us to laugh at.

How can they be as pathetic and retarded as Jow Forums but unironically

Attached: Oh+god+why+am+i+laughing+so+hard+_d120fe1ad8890f194ee58c3a7b8bbd08.jpg (200x199, 9K)

>Jow Forums

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i thought Jow Forums was the incel's site.

dubs confirm that you're a faggot
bottom tier post, consider suicide

These cringeposts are too fucking funny for that. They give me life.

Thanks for letting us know, normie. Now gtfo

Fuck you Norman. You want to know how bad it is as an incel?

Yesterday I told a femoid she had nice feet. She proceeds to run and cry and scream to a nearby Chad. Chad crippled my legs and made me watch as the femoid gave him a free footjob. I tried to crawl away, but the chad slammed my head down on the concrete floor, cracking open my skull as the onlooking normies laughed at me. Every time I tried to move he did this until he shot his huge load over Stacy.

But I just need to work on my personality right? I'm sure it's just that and I'm just a laughing stock to you fucking normans. YOUR TIME WILL FUCKING COME NORMIE.

Nah some people on here just latched onto it and the rest came en masse thinking they were fitting in.

Oh boy I do love the modern day of internet psy-ops.

It's easy to laugh at them when you didn't go through the things they did.
If you were ugly you wouldn't be laughing.

Unlikely you Fucking loser

>If you were ugly
Mate I'm probably 4/10 at a stretch. Others usually rate me 2-5. Still not as pathetic as incelfags

Lmao you're a pathetic normshit trying so hard to b8 the fuckers out. So sad. You're probably an incel in denial, kill yourself faggot

Fucked up my last comment but and didn't reply, but this:
>If you were ugly
Probably 4/10 at a stretch. Others usually rate me 2-5. Still not as pathetic as incelfags

they arent wrong they are just lazy and unwilling to conform to male standards

So then you're in the same position as them but don't complain?
That's not any better. Infact it's worse because you're being a slave to your fate, thinking if you'll be nice maybe something will happen.
Well life doesn't work that way.

>[Serious] Being ugly is worse than the Holocaust
I love it

No. I'm not in the same position as them. They actively decide "well I'm not attractive, it's everyone else's fault and I'm going to make myself repulsive in every way possible." I don't lie down and rot and blame society like they and the SJWs they claim to hate do. I fucking deal with it and move on.

They are literally just SJWs with flipped motives. Probably one of the few times horseshoe theory is actually a pretty accurate model.

There is a difference between a robot and an incel. Robots are humble and more self-aware than vain incel creeps are.

genuine kek. These faggots are priceless

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Post some incels.me screenshots

>the nice guys stereotype is actually true
I saw a documentary about incels once. They're so fucking bizarre. I'm a weirdo but I'm self aware.

I get the impression we're
40% female whom I'm not going to count
5% chad
15% normie
30% volcel who could shape up with confidence (I'm here)
10% actual incel as in, crippling disability or circumstance

I'm not counting homos, traps, etc; they're scattered throughout that 60%.

>40% female
hahaha nice one user

do go back to funnyjunk

nice shill for incels.meme

>40% female

Yea cuz females just loves to suck betas dicks. Especially in the site with crawling hundreds of them like parasites.

you're not allowed to criticize incels unless you are the equivalent or worse of a 5'2" bald indian with a recessed chin

>imagine actually being this autistic

It's obviously a shitpost you autist

>"y-y-you're not authorised to say these mean things"

Yes because all women are always on the prowl to suck dick and posting on Jow Forums is akin to sucking beta dick

you aren't. your life experience as an average looking tall white guy is not applicable to incels. return to normieville

the serious prefix makes this better

Attached: 2018-06-12_03-19-48.png (1199x608, 151K)

This is peak autism right here lads

FYI I'm half black, 4/10 at best (most people seem to say 3/10 so probably that), and average height. you're fucking retarded

It's funny how robots as categorized to be bottom of the barrel found some creatures even on the lower end, and now can't act all chadlike :))))))

This is literally what SJWs do, all incels do is try to one-up eachother and everyone else with their victim complex. Then when compared to SJWs all they say is "BUT IT'S ACTUALLY TRUE FOR US THO". Which incidentally, is exactly what SJWs do. seriously how do they bit see the the irony in this.

half black >>> indian
4/10 (in the average range) >>> ugly
average height >>> 5'2"

opinion disregarded

pretty much what said. You're just tumblr but you found a way to apply it to yourself. How does it feel to be an even bigger laughing stock than the tumblrinas?

>4/10 (in the average range) >>> ugly
good one mate

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unironically posting 11000+ times in an incel echo chamber w e w

It's actually a good thing that website exists as a containment board for r9k. Imagine the amount of REEEEEEEEEEEE that would be here if these pitiable men didn't have somewhere else to shit out of their skulls.

Holy shit you're right.
Original comment original

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Jow Forums has always been a normie chan. All of you "incels" get out. You don't belong here.