Coworker starts talking about white genocide and how whites are being replaced

>coworker starts talking about white genocide and how whites are being replaced

Is there a way I can get him fired for this? I don't wanna hear about this retarded conspiracy shit at work.

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tell him you're jewish

Report it to HR

>firing someone for pointing out obvious truths

Why did he bring it up? Are you white?

Get a cheap recording device and have it in your pocket when they start rambling. Then just leave it on your manager's desk or whatever with a note.

>Jow Forums baiting in /r9gay/

Whom is this my wife

No, I'm Latino. He brings up this shit all the time randomly. We could be talking about a video game and he just starts talking about white birthrates. It's fucking sad. He alienates everybody around him with that kind of talk. Honestly the only reason he has this job is because his dad knows the manager.

Lol whites will be replaced when kikes turn black. Until then subhuman niggers and azns can wagecuck

Fucking kill yourself Latino faggot. Go to hell. He is entitled to his beliefs.

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I was thinking of doing something like this. I already complained to the manager once and he said he'll give him a warning but it never happened. Hopefully some audio evidence will convince him otherwise.

Do you think recording it off a smartphone will be fine?

Dude, nobody cares about your paranoid conspiracy theories. People are trying to get work done. You fuck off, loser.

Fuck you Latino sissy boy. Go to hell.

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Why don't you go back to Mexico and work, faggot? You claim not to care but in fact you are so intimidated and care so much that you want your coworker fired over it.

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Just get on with your job and ignore him, this petty bullshit is what women do and is beneath you

Also if the manager values him as a worker and his friendship with his father he will pick him over you. You will be the one who loses their job.

I talk about the same shit lol but only around like minded people. And you need to go back.

record him saying these things and report it to HR, he's fired and its done with

now fuck off

You're only going to make him more racist by proving he can't trust nonwhites.

Shut the fuck up cuckold
>why does he think nonwhite people are trying to ruin his life
>be nonwhite
>ruin his life

I don't really care, he shouldn't be talking like that at work anyways.

>recording someone without his consent
Eww what shithole do you live in?

>says white genocide is a conspiracy
>literally replaced a white person himself

I didn't replace anyone. I worked hard at this job since the place opened. This guy, if anything, replaced another worker who was white.

you sound like a thin skinned faggot, you won't last long with that attitude

How about you tell him to stop talking about it instead of acting like a Jewish snake?

I did tell him, along with other coworkers. Everybody keeps telling him. The guy is obsessed with injecting his conspiracy theories into everything.

Brown people shouldnt have jobs in the US at all. You DID replace a white person

He does his job well. You just hate him because he is white and has pride in his race. Should he try to get you fired if you said you were Latino and proud or if you were concerned about a Latino group being genocided?

If you weren't here there'd be one less unemployed white person

t.unemplyed white people

pathetic wastes of space, all of you are. The white race would unironically be better off is you hung yourselves :]

Dude, I don't care if he's white. I have lots of regular white friends who don't inject their politics into everything. The guy could be a fucking Nazi for all I care (I'm pretty sure he is) but at least keep that shit private. Nobody wants to hear about white genocide at work, dude. Nobody.

Tell him that he is entitled to his beliefs but that you would prefer that he didn't discuss them in this professional setting. Stop trying to tell him he is wrong or you are no better. You have an interest in telling him he is wrong because you want Latinos to take over America most likely. You telling him he is wrong only strengthens his convictions.

Why would we do that when we can just hang you instead ;)

So literally tell him that he is entitled to think that but that if he continues to talk about it on the job then you will make it an issue. It's that simple. Stop trying to Jew him and be a man and tell him to his face. Don't call him stupid. Don't disagree. Just say it's not the place.

>getting trolled that hard
Has working melted your brain wagie?

Just because it's a conspiracy doesn't mean it isn't true. If you truly are a spic you should be happy the Jews want us White devils dead and buried.

you type like a bitch and are trying to covertly get someone fired

you're a roastie aren't you?

>Le day of the rope! Shadillay!
>When it comes, I'll be the one in power!

You're just making a bunch of stupid assumptions. I don't care about anyone taking over America and certainly not Latinos. I don't care about white genocide either. All I want to do is work and go home without hearing about some bullshit conspiracy theories.

>Tell him that he is entitled to his beliefs but that you would prefer that he didn't discuss them in this professional setting.

That is literally what everyone keeps saying, including me.

only if you work for jewgle

since you're here you probably don't

Spics are the roasties of race desu

Reminder that everyone that fills in captchas is working for googls part time

If you are openly disagreeing with his beliefs then you are being political too.

Get the fuck out to r*ddit you creatura, no one likes you here

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Tell him to stop being autistic and even if it is true, work is definitely not the time nor the place for him to be talking about it

Just tell him you don't enjoy talking about politics. Most people can respect that. If he doesn't just ignore him or tell him to shut the hell up.
Your boss is probably hesitant to do anything because he doesn't wanna lose workers. Many entry level jobs will hire anyone nowadays out of desperation. Same reason the Republicans feel about their "alt-right" voterbase. They probably hate them but have to pander to them out of desperation for votes.

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lmfao, the power fantasies you guys dream up to stop yourselves from suicide are amusing

You're literally a cuck baby from Spanish men fucking Native women.

Let me take you step-by-step how a typical interaction with this dude goes.

>hey user hows it going
>pretty good how about yourself, did you do anything last weekend
>i played some football with my son
>nice, wish i could do the same but low birth rates caused by propaganda on TV is making my race infertile

Like who talks like this?

Another time

>hey user can you cover my shift on tuesday?
>yeah i got you, you got plans or something?
>nah its just i have to take care of my grandma she's sick
>oh that sucks man is she in the hospital or something?
>no i dont trust hospitals because they dont give out free health insurance to whites plus they sterilize white people there

Did you approach him about it and ask him to shut the fuck up?

if you're a brown person in a white country then you're not safe, that's all I'm saying

Like multiple times, and not just me but other coworkers too. We're starting to think the guy is a legit schizophrenic or something

How does that hurt you, though?

Why don't you just be a man and ignore him? He isn't threatening you or anyone else. I say leave him alone.

>user gets his coworker fired.
>user's coworker goes postal because he is clearly mentally unstable.
>user gets killed along with the rest of his coworkers and customers.
It sucks thinking about the likely consequences.

thanks for the diversity hire, wh**etoids

I keep seeing this fucking picture around and nobody will give the source.

So you admit you are complicit in white genocide. So you deserve to be talked to this way by him. Get used to it. This is Karma for being a white hating racist.

definitely report him and fuck him up.
I'm also a Latino, though I'm in software (interested specifically CV and deep learning) and Whites are easily my biggest enemies.
These people want to kill you and want to fire you for the most trivial of reasons, and will favor low IQ members of their own race over you.

Here's an example: our previous HR. He'd favor whitetoids who went to garbage, shit tier brainlet schools like CSU Long Beach or UC Davis, over beaners who went to Berkeley or Stanford, who of course had similar GPAs and superior projects (had a carlos who had some spectacular ML work, some white brainlet who fucked with basic servos got the job over him). the only reason I got the job was because I impressed someone at a hackathon, otherwise I would have been absolutely boned. My 3.7 from Berkeley with excellent ECs and research would have been thrown out the window for Ryan Smith, who made some shitty scheduler app.

Of course, they hire plenty of pajeets, loads of em. Chinks and gooks too, but those are actually the only good programmers, save for some really good whites.

I want you and every other latino on this board to get this through your head: Whites despise you. Never let your guard down in the presence of a White. If a White tries to befriend you, he's seeking a jester of some sort, or has another ulterior motive. When given the opportunity, throw the White under the bus, since when the Day of the Rope comes (and trust me, it's approaching soon), they'll slaughter you without hesitation. Go to the gun range in your spare time, and get ready to defend yourself and your family in the future, fellow spicbro.

>What the fuck why does he think nonwhites are out to get him???
>Now, how do I get him fired...
You retarded spic

t. Sissy faggot latina bitch boi

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No hagas que lo corran, nomas siguele la corriente y dile que hable mas para que lo tomen mas a loco y los managers lo correran sin que tu digas nada

latinas are THE sissy race

I recognize that artist from your pic op

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Google image search, you lazy fuck. You don't want the source anyways, it is blobshit.

It's a recent kip pic

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But even then, it's unprofessional to spout that shit at work. Imo, he deserves to get fired. Spouting believes like that at work is highly unprofessional, and I would fire him on the spot, for saying anything like that.

really disappointing desu

it' the truth though

He's right. Your parents didn't hit you hard enough.

The US should be an implict white homeland and Latinos have an entire continent to contaminate by themselves.