When did you stop being a "nice guy" aka actually not a nice guy aka wolf in sheep's clothing aka predator in training...

When did you stop being a "nice guy" aka actually not a nice guy aka wolf in sheep's clothing aka predator in training aka dishonest piece of garbage aka boring guy with no redeeming qualities whatsoever?

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1. put yourself first
2. put yourself second too

>non threatening genitalia
what makes genitalia a "threat" exactly?

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it means he's not carrying Poz Loads, you know bugchasing is all the rage among popular girls these days

sounds like a euphemism for small benis

for a "nice guy" to a woman... +4in? maybe?

You can date abusive brutes if you want, jeez. What's it got to do with me? I'm just here behaving myself.

>fast food physique
>non threatening genitalia
>wet shoulder from getting cried on

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until i am not a virgin

except for when you start assuming that every girl who talks to you like you're not some weirdo should automatically have sex with you and slut shame those that don't

Pooooz loads
Viva la raza

You guys both realise that you can be completely upfront with women about your romantic/sexual intentions while still respecting people's boundaries right? Well adjusted people do it all the time.

Basically once I graduated high school. I like to think I'm just genuinely nice now. Doesnt matter if I'm rejected, I'm not gonna lash out or anything. I know I'm not good enough

People's boundaries include never wanting certain people to ever even have intentions towards them, much less be upfront about them.

A forked penis.

It took a while but I eventually internalized the fact girls hate nice guys and started making changes. Deep down I'm still a nice guy but at least I can fake it well enough. It's just hard to keep it going once you've been around a girl long enough that the chinks start to show. The trick is to remember things a person has said and twist the meaning around to make fun of them at a later date, or learn their insecurities and lightly poke at them. If you go full asshole then it's either too much, or you lose steam and quickly revert back to being nice. Storytelling is an easy one because you can embellish, and since she wasn't there she has no way to ascertain the veracity. I keep a few stories of cruelty in the pocket. I'm told I have a very dry sense of humor so people can't ever tell when I'm being serious or not. If the reaction to the story is going badly but they are replying you can subtly escalate until it is beyond ridiculous and they assume it was mostly fake. Backhanded compliments are another good one. You can tell them about something you actually like in them, but in such a way it makes her sad. It's a bit of an art to this but when it works it works brilliantly, when it falls flat they just write it off as something only you'd say.

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I do all this but I don't look like Chad and I'm not a genuine sociopath like Chad so it doesn't work.

>all this work to get girls
i will never understand how people have the mental energy/motivation for all this shit.

You just have to find a way that makes it work for you. I'm a skelly ass lanklet and work as a nurse. I'm not totally hopeless but at the same time money and height don't count if it's underweight and women's work.

The meme about keeping two in the pink is very real. I told discorb bitch I'm head over heels for that I dumped my gf of 7 years and she started acting a lot more distant. Not lost yet but she isn't gushing as much as she used to which has me concerned. I'm kind of fucked because the only other card left is being distant. As soon as we have a pleasant conversation I'll ignore her for a day or two, which is hard because I spent every waking second thinking about her. I've resorted to writing a journal full of pretend thoughts and messages to her that I don't actually send. I just want to marry her already because she has turned me into a girl. When I flirt at work and shit it's mostly just to pass the time, there are slight sexual innuendos here and there but if one of them asked to suck my dick or go on a date I'd have to say no, would feel too guilty over it and e-gf. The furthest I've gone is going out for drinks a few times.

Or you know you could just have a normal relationship with her?

I'm in too deep. A normal relationship is the last thing I want with her. At this point it's marriage or bust. She is not a normal girl anyway, and as gay as it sounds she deserves something better than that. I don't think I'd even know how to do that anyway.

First two girls I had were out of boredom, we lived in the middle of nowhere on dirt roads. Horny+lonely+being told relationships are what you need = why not try each other. Third girl was just me settling. Not fat and does what I want in bed, boring/no personality but the perfect package doesn't exist. I strung her along a few years saying I love you and shit but it was just an exclusive fuckbuddy mixed with a little guilt and feeling almost like her caretaker. Marriage was never in the cards. This time though, I want this for the rest of my life. Very principled girl, a little preachy and aloof, somehow humble and stuck up at the same time, clever but not cleverer than I am, strokes the ego but also calls me out and says stop. That last one I'm not used to getting from girls so it's refreshing. Sometimes you fuck with a person just to see how much they'll put up with and it makes you lose respect for them, even though you started it out of boredom. The fact this girl is a virgin and checks all the other boxes lookswise sealed the deal. She even hates women and is one of those actual-right girls who see through liberals like jordan peterson and alex jones for the libcucks they are.
Also I had sonic 5pc tenders and large jalapeno poppers for lunch last night, now I make ramen before settling down for bed. Night shift lyfe a shit.

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>At this point it's marriage
That's what I meant by normal relationship? I mean, you're not going to get to it by playing these retarded games all your life.

Male sexuality is supposed to be a little threatening. Like she's always on edge about you raping her any second now. Makes her heart go crazy.

Source for that pic?

origami original

>1 of 1

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I thought you meant like pump and dump while fucking multiple guys on the side with thought towards monkey branching to whichever is biggest chad. I tried to make it a no games thing early on, and she's always talking about power struggles and hating drama when things turn meta, but the truth is she fucking loves it and goes out of her way to stir the shitpot if there isn't anything spicy enough happening for her. I hate it too and would have no problem letting her have the power and control but she is a girl, can't be trusted with that kind of thing. I don't want to hurt her but I don't want her to hurt me either nomsayin'? A little controlled drama is good, a nonthreatening wheel for her hamster to play on. When she starts shit she goes overboard and I can't handle it. I'll meet a girl halfway, even 3/4 the way, when I do this it is out of fear, a retaliation or preemptive strike. Please God let me meet her, I'll change everything about myself tier thinking here.

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>but the truth is she fucking loves it and goes out of her way to stir the shitpot if there isn't anything spicy enough happening for her.
Then tell her she's a liar and drop her? Why would you be with someone like that?

>normal relationship with her?
There is nothing normal about robots, why would you assume our relationships, if possible, be normal?

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What if I have no intent in bashing their skull and raping their quivering body?

>tfw ENTP in the streets, INTP in the sheets
they love me until they figure out my true nature

All we can do is wear our thin mask of normalfaggotry for as long as possible.

Because she is basically me with a vagina. Grew up in the church, homeschooled, no friends. Only difference is I've had relationship experience but she only dated a guy for a month before he dumped, and she has difficulty dating since sex is a total no-go until honeymoon.
Deep deep down she doesn't like playing the games, she is scared. That's how she puts up her defenses. There's a lot of tension beyond our chemistry and sexual energy. A kind of arms race. She knows about redpill and manosphere way more than I do so she is wary. Once I break past the shell I could see her being the good little wife. If this shit is going to continue after we leave the altar though then you are 100% right, not worth it. She has some self-awareness at least. I guess now is good time to mention I've never met her irl and only been talking for 7 weeks. She friend-zoned like 4 times already but then comes back a few days later saying shit like "sometimes I think I love you" or "I want to kiss you so badly". After the last friendzoning I gave it a day then beta'd up a sappy note and send to her. 'Cut this shit out already, my heart is vry fragile and I love you, make up your damn mind already'. She is semi-convinced, and from then on I have to keep giving little treats in the form of negativity. I hate it, but not as much as I'd my hate life without her.
If it doesn't work I can always go back to my ex or maybe try a coworker. One is young, bad family life and wants to move out of parent's house, often starts up conversations and asks lots of questions. Other is post-wall divorcee and depressed nympho, said she just wants to settle into something comfortable and focused more on the man's money and loyalty than getting big dick chads. 3rd is fat but good-ish personality and mean/funny while having big tits and short. My first two relationshits ended with me getting dumped because "Nice Guy" and not even aware of that being a thing. I legit didn't want sex, girls hate that.

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Jesus fucking Christ user, what the fuck am I even reading? Are relationships actually this fucking autistic? What a bunch of bullshit.

>Once I break past the shell I could see her being the good little wife.
You're retarded. She sounds like a complete whore and the only thing you will do once she gets some self confidence from you is help turn her into the whore she is afraid to be.

Nope, you're reading garbage and lies that a failed normalfag has made up in his head.

It comes naturally to most people. It only sounds weird when you talk through the process consciously. We both acknowledged the fact we are doing this. Despite that we still want each other.

Biggest fear right there. It's a huge risk but benefits outweigh the risk if it somehow works.

Why don't you share with the class then? If you know so much I am desperate for good advice. I'll take anything except what you think is good. Eat shit, nigger.

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Oops, looks like what I said hit a little bit too close to home. You'd be a lot happier if you kept yourself busy, that way you wouldn't have to embellish every little detail of your life into a pathetic "woe is me" sob story for your own gratification. Get off the internet kiddo.

Did you reply to the wrong post? You aren't making sense. Maybe all those dicks you keep sucking are getting you home.

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The nice guy shaming is real.

I'll spell it out for you one meme wonder.
If you had a life, an actual job and real hobbies (getting angry at niggers over the internet doesn't count) you wouldn't be shooting yourself in the foot with imaginary relationship issues. You have a lot of growing up to do, so get to it.

You're taking a bunch of meaningless games too seriously. It also sounds like you're getting stringed along. This probably won't end well. You should consider spending your time on more useful things, like filling the actual gap in your heart so that you don't need some woman to do it for you. That's the real reason you are not a desirable person.

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How does it sound like I'm shooting myself in the foot here? Things are actually going pretty well all things considered. It's not ideal but we work with what we have.It sounds like you're just jealous because you got dumped by your discord qt and just can't stand the thought of someone else succeeding.

Filling the gap in your heart is actually a good trick to ignoring a girl for a day or two.I don't think it makes me undesirable though. Quite the opposite, it means I get more money and create some scarcity. Both are things that make a man more desirable. You might be onto something with getting stringed along part though. She said she isn't trying to string me along, but isn't that exactly what a girl would say to the man she is stringing along? Very suspicious. Especially how she talks about wanting to get married and have meaningful relationship. One of those too good to be true things.

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i just stopped talking to people over the past year. i never really used the internet til 19 so i didn't understand i was a beta for being nice (i would never not stand up for myself but i've come to understand that doesn't make you not a beta), then seeing all the memes like this and pic related made me realize that's exactly what i am. i can't change so i'm just done with people, or rather forming relationships. life functions a lot better now, co-workers don't see me as a wimp but a tough loner guy and will go out of their way to try to make conversations with me and i just brush them off every time. i hate this stupid world, we could just be nice to each other it would be so fucking easy but you're all a bunch of psychopaths.

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I've never faked my personality, I'm no Chad, I'm a legitimately nice person and have had tons of opportunities with women. I also never let anyone take advantage of me, which is what is most important as a nice person. It just seems like you are trying too hard for something that not only isn't worth it but is probably going to hurt you in the end. I'm sure you're not a bad person deep inside, although it seems you've done everything you can to ruin any innocence you might have had so it's hard to sympathize with you, well not that innocence is a determiner of if you are a good person or not, just in the sense that you don't seem very apologetic about being manipulative towards other people.

You can't beat the game by playing it harder and better than everyone else. You're permanently stuck trying to act like someone you're not because you think you have to to succeed. There's other ways to live your life and other people out there who would probably really appreciate who you are naturally provided you work to try to be a well-balanced individual and have a higher self-esteem.

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The nice guy shaming women do is such a society wide gaslighting campaign I'm sure it's increased the levels of mental illness in men exponentially.

I used to think I was nice because I like to help people and animals volunteering. But now I know that I'm evil because women don't want to date me.

just long enough to stop it all from crashing down ;A;

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Since "nice guy" is just an euphemism for Ugly (recessed chin, big round eyes, long philtrum, etc) the only way to stop being a Nice Guy is to save up 80k-100k and get the surgeries required to make your face more masculine (sliding genioplasty + bimax) sadly very few people can afford these.

Funny you mention ruining innocence, that was actually the thought that emboldened me to dump my gf. I remembered how hurt I was when I found out she fucked some guy while we were still in the getting to know each other phase, and here I am talking to this amazing girl while also fucking some stupid cunt. Went home, had a few good cries, then resolved to marry the good girl. I'd love to just be myself, but things never work out when I do that. Even this most perfect and innocent girl, she loses interest anytime I try to test the waters and show some of my true colors. I just don't want to die alone mang'.
Thank you though, I think I needed that. Fake it till you make it sounds like good advice, until you realize you are stuck faking it for as long as you want to keep making it.

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actually most guys just "see what happens" and "test the waters" like any normal male heterosexual person because who doesn't wanna have a decent spouse/great gf?

the sex isn't that important. companionship and actual love are important.

I think based on this picture it's safe to say if you're not a 9/10+ Chad it's just safer to never talk to women. They intrinsically hate you and will demonize your every action.

This is good advice. You gotta find the middle ground, which is extremely difficult in my experience.

Glad I could be of some use. Just be aware of how deep you are digging yourself into such things. If this person isn't going to love you for who you actually are, then they probably aren't worth your time anyways. That fictitious person they are in love with is not who you are, and it's just going to hurt more and more the more you reveal and the more they are driven away by it. Maybe some dumb selfish women won't like you for who you are but I think you're alright. Good luck friend.

>You can tell them about something you actually like in them, but in such a way it makes her sad.
I kind of know what you mean by this but could you explain this one a little further? Or give some examples maybe?

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