If all women are whores, how the hell are you still a virgin? Are you just retarded?
If all women are whores, how the hell are you still a virgin? Are you just retarded?
80 20 rule. The dating market is more skewed than the wealth in 3rd world countries.
Because they all just want the 20% of men, you silly anus cucker
And immediately the incel liar squad comes out.
Because I don't try to have sex?
>Are you just retarded?
You realise 90% of this board are autists/aspies right?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH because they want Chad you fucking brainlet
No, but maybe you are, animeposter. Probably an avatarfag too.
Liar? Ahem sweety
women are whores for all the same men. no one wants to fuck a creepy ugly autist
Your retarded meme graph doesn't conform to the reality that 99% of men and women have sex. In fact getting sex today is easier than ever. Incels cannot exist by definition.
>there are 10 times more men than women
Incel math is amazing.
Not true. many guys get sex very rarely or not at all. 1 in 5 millenial men are virgins past age 21.
Not what it means. It means majority of women gravitate towards the very most attractive men.
Get out, newfag, he got trips, he's right - them's the rules
And since every woman has different tastes it evens out. That's why anyone can get sex if he wants.
Tranny psyops? Why do you keep lying? Those who are virgins past age 21 are so by choice and will have sex sooner or later.
Most virgin men are just physically unattractive to women. They didn't make a choice.
All women have the same tastes in men. At least 80% of them do.
Nonsense. Virgin men just haven't made the effort or aren't mentally ready yet. Anyone on this board could go out and get sex if he wanted to.
If what you said was true then only 20% of men would be having sex. So obviously you are wrong.
You can't effort your way into becoming attractive to women. You are either born tall with a good face or youre not.
Most guys here couldnt get sex outside of paying for it
So you acknowledge the existence of incels?
20% of men are having 80% of the sex. The rest of the men go on long dry spells with occasional sex thrown their way or are totally celibate.
>1 in 5 millenial men are virgins past age 21.
Sauce please
It would make me feel a lot better about my fate
Why do you keep lying? What's your agenda? Anyone can become attractive to women. It's your choice that you're a sickly basement-dweller. And you can change that anytime.
Incels are volcels in denial. That's all there is to it.
Official stat is 1 in 8 millenials are virgins by 26. We can assume its 1 in 4 for men and 1 in 16 for women
>source: my ass
Stop living in your cuck fantasy world.
>We can assume
No we can't. Quads wasted on a retarded post.
No they cant. Women rate 80% of men as below average attractiveness. Majority of men are genetic garbage who can only be redeemed through having lots of money.
Because I have such cripplingly low self esteem that if my oneitis offered to hold my hand I'd feel so guilty for manipulating her into caring about someone like me and decline. It would probably ruin my day
We're practically invisible to them. Past a certain point, women will just not notice you; not in the same way they notice Chad or a normie anyway.
Self esteem has nothing to do with anything. Youre physically unattractive is the problem
>We can assume
Eh, no, youre simply biased.
So 1 in 8 millennials is an incel. Still quite a lot tbqh.
>"assume" is a term used in math class specifically algebra and up to calculate unknown variables i.e (1+x^2)
How does it feel to be a brainlet
>dude just fuck a prostitute xD
You privileged normie fucks dont get what we actually crave, so you?
While this is true, it doesnt change that I wont even attempt to ask a girl out due to the massive wave of guilt that hits me when I imagine the (impossible) scenario that I get a "yes" response.
I've even had two girls offer to fulfill my greatest nonsexual fantasy and I turned them down because of guilt
>your choice that you're a sickly basement-dweller. And you can change that anytime.
>just be yourselfeee xD
Fuck the fuck off Chad
They have to tell themselves that they have 0 chance to get women due to something they can't change or else they'll collapse under the weight of knowing that their life could have been better. Don't bother.
because I never leave my apartment
>how the hell are you still a virgin? Are you just retarded?
No, I'm not just retarded. I'm autistic, too.
Dont even try to do it, user
I once went to the beach after staying shut inside for around a month.
All the ripped Chads and their hot girlfriends made me even more depressed. Dont repeat my mistake
The 80/20 rule states that for every man only 20% of women find him attractive because all women have different tastes. That's why all man can get women.
Nah man, you're doing it all wrong. I go surfing and steal waves from Chad and his gang just to fuck with them lol.
It's all about self esteem you pathetic liar. Many robots are physically attractive but virgins because of sperginess.
If she wanted to be with you, she would be with you already. Even if you werent afraid to ask her out, she would still reject you because youre not physically attractive.
Totally different things. Most virgins are so by choice. Incels are virgins who never try, and lie about it.
You privileved incel fucks want a 10/10 virgin loving waifu to magically appear in your basement without doing any work towards it.
I can't live like this forever, though.
Probably. Doesnt help though. Wouldnt let her be with me if she wanted it, she deserves better
Many incels grow out of it eventually. I should know.
That is what happens to the privileged men
Yeah, of course, we lot would have to work out for years and survive dozens of humiliating rejections to get a chance with a used up 4/10 once
hai, watashi wa retarded desu
20% of the men attract 80% of the women.
>have to work out for years and survive dozens of humiliating rejections to get a chance with a used up 4/10 once
Oh... oh God. Being rejected by a girl sounds so traumatic. I'm so sorry, user. What a terrible injury. You're such a strong man to have to live with being told no. I hope you're getting the treatment you need to overcome this terrible ailment.
Attractive to guys on r9k =/= attractive to women irl
They are whores only for selected men
Towards us, they have the libido of a nun
Pretty much every male virgin is an incel past a certain age. I peg it at 21
They are literally only fucking the top percentage of men and then settling down when they are old and use up there are university studies dones this year because of beta male shooters panic/scare mongering that showa more men are basically incel then any other time in recent history.
True as fuck originally
Becoming a decent man is so hard indeed. That's why only the top 1% of men get sex. Better to give up and never try and stay in the basement.
False. What do you have to gain from lying? Tranny psyops?
Incels are a tiny minority and will always be. Maybe 1% of virgins are incels, but most likely a lot less.
That's why robots should leave the basement and talk to girls. You have no idea how easy it is to get girls. The only thing preventing it is your sperginess, which can be improved.
If you are in the beta male cohort, is certainly is
Spares you a lot of humiliation and unfounded expectations
Giving up without trying. Sad. Many such cases!
What am I lying about? Not saying to go tranny either. Why you bring them up?
No theyre not. Lots of sexless guys out there who wish they had a gf
>You have no idea how easy it is to get girls
Those sexless guys have never once tried. It literally is as easy as getting on tinder.
The denial is strong in this one. You have literally never once asked a girl out.
Less than 15% of males on Tinder ever actually sleep with a woman they met on there.
Never did. I know my place. Im ugly, short, poor and non white
There you go, you admit you're a volcel.
Source on that 15%?
>You have no idea how easy it is to get girls
>You have no idea how easy it is to get rich, just be a millionaire son like myself xD
Holy moly, normalfags are so deluded I cannot even fathom
>Getting a girl is as hard as becoming millionaire
Holy moly, incels are so deluded I cannot even fathom
But most of those traits aren't things that he can choose in the first place.
are you too retarded to understand what "women are whores" means?
It doesn't mean that they're literal prostitutes, it means that they're sluts who have sex with men easily, but the men they have sex with easily are chads. They'll jump on a chad's dick in an instant like a cheap slut. that doesn't mean they'll jump on anyone's dick.
You must be really stupid not to understand that.
They are whores for certain men
Certainly not for balding 5 foot 6 with horrible faces
>women are all whores because they won't have sex with me
got it, bitter incel
It's easy.
Imagine you are in a room full of food. Just shelves stacked to the ceiling full of it, food smeared on the floor and tucked into every crevice around. Nice hard rock like chunks from an impaction that had to be digitally removed to the mostly water and mucous from a c. diff inection and every consistency in between. Why then, are you likely to leave this room still hungry?
>people are actually this delusional and retarded
I'm not surprised honestly
Yeah. We are bitter incels
That is the point
>Normie cope
Keep deluding yourself, faggot
He just threw a bunch of nonsensical excuses. He literally has never done a single thing to try to get a girl. Volcel all the way.
You must be stupid to not understand "chad" in this context means "any of the 99% of males who are not raging sperglords".
Would you play a bad hand if you knew all the other players had Royal Flushes?
Found the delusional retarded volcel. You can keep trying to deny the truth but you will always be a volcel in denial.
>This is what privileged normies ACTUALLY believe
Get a dose of reality, faggot
You know how I know you didn't read that article? It's complete utter bullshit. Even the author admits it.
Retarded analogy. He has a royal flush just like everyone else. He just gives up.
Because I don't want to have sex with a whore, are YOU just fuckign retarded?
Complete this sentence:
I cannot get a girl because...
[Citiation needed]
... I have non of the traits the brutally selective dating market demands
It's called Pareto distribution
>inb4 knowing that is why ur a virgin
But you literally don't know that. He could have just been dealt garbage. You can't do anything about that. It's the (un)luck of the draw. All you can do is fold.
Because of statistics
Incels can do nothing but spam fake "studies". That one was made up, you know?