>play against braindead yasuo
>get camped by duo zac
>yasuo talks shit
>i do the same
>reported and banned
well fuck me, i've invested too much time into this game to quit now time to make a new account
Fuck this game
League of legends is straight trash, play some OSRS.
Mad cause bad.
Also League of Legends is literally /ourgame/.
Robots are always being punished while the normies get to do whatever they want.
What exactly did you say?
Hell yeah. OSRS is great
>this faggot again
Stop being an edgy underaged faggot and you won't get banned.
I've inted about a dozen times this season with my patented 0-25 then afk and told people I was going to murder them but since I have 1100 games this season and I only act toxic 1/100 games I don't get actioned.
Post the chat log u homo so we can all see it and decide if ur the fag or if riot is the fat
imagine being a hardstuck silver who gets permbanned LMAFO
the only way to get permbanned on LoL is by using slurs like faggot or nigger, or by telling them to kill themselves in detail. OP confirmed manchild with anger issues
I said in all chat "you are all stupid faggots and I hope you die IRL" for 100 games straight and didn't get banned
>Pay company for their services
>Say words they don't like
>Get scammed out of your money
That's a great business model
>tfw got banned for 2 weeks because i said kys 3 times
>tfw in the ban log this was the only chat
then noone reported you, lucky. i got a smurf permbanned with a clean slate for saying "you're a dumb nigger" to my ADC who kept luring minions into my shaco boxes and then complained about me being useless in lane
tho this was during Riot Lyte's reign of politically correct terror. these were dark days
Nigga, if shit talking affects you that much, then Just use my technique, i call it "The White wall of silence", you Just have to type "/mute all" and then your chat Will be filled with White letters telling you that you muted every single player (allies and enemies). Then you can play without worrying about anything.
Also, don't be retarded, everyone knows that you could end up banned if you talk shit.
league is such a shit tier game and gaming is a waste of life. the end. move on.
So is whining about tfw no gf and orbiting online whores, both things you do.
Whenever I play League I treat it as Jow Forums-lite and attempt to get the most anger out the players. Never got banned. I don't know how you autist manage that.
>brainlet got out lanes to a gas
>yas gives bait banter
>OP takes bait
In my experience you can say some pretty horrific shit in lol. You must have been a massive faggot to get perma banned.
I suspect you are downplaying it to join the 0.006%. Did you sperg out? What did you say
if you think that league of legends is /ourgame/ you should leave
>teammate does a retarded engage and dies
>pings missing enemy on my champion 10 times
Have not been banned or chat restricted a month later than they added these things . Got to a promo for d5 last season . When will you low rank plebs learn that chat is useless . Pings ftw and being a metaslave .
Post your top 10 on Steam and I'll tell you why you're an autist who has no idea what you're talking about.
I get banned almost every 2 weeks. Once i get like d3 to d1. I type too much and yell at people. One time i got banned after placing silver. Riot should let me typr whatever i want. I have no friends. I dont go outside. I think about death or hurting others. Back in 2011 i wouldnt have been banmed. Oncr riot sold out to tencent and made lcs popular the game went to shit. I also hate twitch. If i knew how to shoot guns the offlinetv housr would be gone.
>Play teambased games
Legit riot can make money by letting me buy back my perma bannrd accounts, but it doesnt matter. I can get fresh level 30 on playerauctions and just start over and flame the shit out of fucking dumb fucks. Also how the fuck are people same level if im double the creepscore. Shits catered to retards who want catch up exp n shit. Its frustrating. If i didnt play league i could be so much better in life. Maybe i would have a dayjob amd a gf like a normal fucking person. Pic related remilia is a trap and gets more attention and can get away with typing shit to people, but i get banned for calling someone inbred nigger
Who /snitch/ here?
I love it.
>You are among 0.006% of League players negative enough to be permanently banned.
nice one
At least isn't a blizzard game where you can be banned for saying something """wrong""" outside the game
>picks shaco support
>calls others dumb niggers
my god I am happy people like you get actually banned
people still play ASSFAGGOTS?
>tfw dota is a steaming pile of shit right now so I'm back playing this absolute abomination for shits and giggles
It's a feel.
I once got a smurf permabanned for playing roaming support garen many games in a row even though most were wins.
I remember when that Russian fag alex ich wanted an lcs team so badly he got a tranny to fill