Just date a black girl. If you're white it's basically free.
Just date a black girl. If you're white it's basically free
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What kind of porn site name is this lmao are they memeing?
Why are they making faces as if they had a stroke?
>tfw starting to harbor disdain for black women due to insane std rates and having nothing in common with them
shame that the ones i do have something in common with end up becoming nigger race traitors. it's almost as if they want me to date white.
It's crazy how many black women on tinder explicitly say they're looking for a white guy.
Why is it crazy?
White men are the most desired race of men on the planet so ofcourse any black woman that isn't looking for a thugged out Jamal doesn't want to settle for a beta of her own race.
A beta white guy still has a higher chance of getting laid than a beta black ever will.
Same company as blacked.
Being born White confirmed easy mode.
>dating nigress to procreate
>preserving white bloodline
choice is a tough one
I can't tell if this poster is black or white
Isn't the retard with the long hair the one who fucked Hanna Hays? That infamous "he pretended to be my bf in a video and he was also a nice guy."
I'm black. Probably spent a little too much time on Jow Forums and Jow Forums (6 years so far. Been browsing since the Trayvon case)
Lmao, deadbeat niggers on suicide watch.
Keep busting caps into one another while we fuck your qweens blackboi.
Is the longhaired person supposed to be a male
Is that guy on the right the one from the reaction pic?
Also racemixing is for kikes only. White people have a natural tendency to keep their blood pure.
yeah it is, definitely. original.
I did and the roastie got ghostie after a month, we never had the breakup talk she simply stopped answering my calls and that was that
yikes, two of the worst possible boards
I will never date a nigger who has dated outside of her race.
White males make more money.
That's why it's so stupid to make a big deal out of educating only women in poorer communities, because they won't want anything to do with anyone who is low status, which means black males.
Same reason why Afghanistan is never going to be fixed with the obsession with females getting an education. You just get a bunch of low class, angry, suicidal men women want nothing to do with.
Basically it's about status and money more than race.
>question "would you strongly prefer to date someone of your own race"
>white girls say yes
>black girls say no
Except they have to pay that woman upwards of $5000 dollars to do that scene while white women do BLACKED for free.
>white women do BLACKED for free
best joke I've heard all day
but why? black guys do it constantly
If a nigger has a child(trash) it will be half or full nigger. If a white man has a child with a nigger or chink it will be mixed not white at all. Thats why whites should not racemix
Nice bait friendo originally
my question had nothing to do with that but ok
Never, fuck you, nigger lover.
Lmao, stay assblasted tyrone.
I'm white and I've only ever dated and date white women.
the kikes are trying to normalize los creaturas, so they keep putting that thing in porn.
I find it adorable that Jow Forums unironically believes that jews give a fuck about the kind of porn you jerk off to.
That has nothing to do with it. Indians and East Asians make multiple times as much as semen skins do and still end up lonely.
If you're a white boy, you're pretty much set for life unless you're very poor and/or ugly. Being a tall white man by itself guarantees you a large portion of women. In Disney movies who's prince charming? Never a brown or black man. Never a yellow dude. He's always white and tall. Each fucking prince is a slightly different tall white man. That's all you need. Even if you're a short white man, you're more desirable than every other non white short man
They're not connected to reality at all. Even if you present evidence that discredits their opinions, they just call it jew propaganda. They engage in a lot of circular thinking
>Each fucking prince is a slightly different tall white man
>who is Aladdin
>who is Li Shang
why do all these guys look like total shit? is the dick size everything?
Male pornstars dont have to be attractive
But white guys have small dicks, and black women have deeper vaginas than any other race of females, so why would they want a guy who can't even please her?
If they wanted white guys for money, then they'd be better off dating an Indian guy since they're wealthier than whites on average.
oy vey vey
Penis size is the most important part of a man to women, yes.
>all the broscience in this post
What if she wants money and not to smell like a fucking curry 24/7?
no blacks have a very high chance of giving me an STD.
Not even white women really like white men, but society brainwashes women to tolerate their small dicks.
no shit not even prostitutes want blacks because of crime. you always see blacks acting like violent animals for no reason and playing the games like the knockout game.
so if a dude sends a picture of his big dick to a girl she would date him?
It's crazy how there are no black women here and the ones that do don't say that at all.
Possibly, if she has a bf or husband she'll cheat on them and probably not date you. But will definitely consider a frequent casual thing hidden from their cuck.
It's true, all women here always spout how they would never touch a white guy.
give me a black bf purrizu
disgusting batty boy
what did he mean by this original b0st
>See black gf thread
"Yay, I love these"
>No one's posting cute black girls
Are you on kik ?
Doesn't the dude with the glasses on the far right usually do tranny porn?
Here have the magical black qt with no origin
I already have that one but thank you for your consideration all the same.
Peace and blessings be upon you.
Shut up you stupid battyman
Black women do not have deeper vaginas than any race of females and white guys have the same amount of chance to have huge and small dicks as do black guys.
White women have the largest vaginal openings, and black womens' vaginas are a different shape usually
Why would you name a porn company, or anythign for that matter, fucking "Dogfart"?
What the fuck is wrong with Jews?
Why are they like this?
Thought I was the only one. All those guys look awful.
They do primarily interracial so they know they're disgusting
Dude with the black shirt with the gun on it look okay to me
None of them look especially ugly, but there is something about them that makes them look disgusting.
>thinking these guys are ugly
wtf are the real robots
We'll they're sleazy pornstars. The dude i said looks okay is just the least sleazy looking one cause he has no piercings and isn't making a douchy face or hand gesture
I tried to date black girls, but generally I can't find any who are interested in nerdy straight edge white guys. I get the impression we might not have a lot in common.
I've never had any kind of sex that wasn't interracial and I haven't found it disgusting.
pls tell me what this means
It's disgusting morally, of course white women and niggers just don't care about morals
What about wmaf?
Does that upset you so much?
Yes often the Asian female is degrading her own race for sexual pleasure it's just like bmwf
Can attest, my(wm) gf(af) can't take my whole member but begs for it nonetheless.
Don't knock it till you've tried it my ethno nationalist friend, it's bliss.
Call me old fashioned but I don't want my partner to be self-loathing
Guaranteed replies. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>yes goyim, go and racemix ! do not ever reproduce within your race it's not good ! look at how black women are better for you ! they totally are not subhuman who act like monkeys, with room temperature IQ. What? What do you mean if it's so good why don't we jewish people date nigg.. black women ? We are kind ! We leave this privilege to you, filthy goyi... fellow white men!!
Holy shit. Never going to doubt Jow Forums memes again
>stories based off of myth and fokelore that come from majority white nations feature white protagonists
>must be racisim
>5 inches
I don't think black girls want that.
If you feel like talking. I'll groom my self up.
Kik: EonAero