What's the furthest you've ever gotten trying to pursue a girl? Greentext stories please.
What's the furthest you've ever gotten trying to pursue a girl? Greentext stories please
I got a chick's number on tinder at 20.
That's the farthest I've gone thus far. I'm too shy to even message her.
Shame, because she's really fucking cute and down to fuck, provided we hang out first. I wish my mind weren't so broken. I wish I could just hit myself with a hammer and become a different person, but alas.
I think I asked a girl out when I was 15, but since then the girls come to me so I don't really have to pursue them.
All the way. But it was only once and was a fucking miracle. And I didn't even pursue her.
>be me
>20 years old
>complete aspie shut-in
>my normie brother is drunk at a bar
>my dad orders me to drive over there and pick him up
>don't complain, I had to do some chores like that to justify borrowing my dad's car
>I get to the bar and carry my drunk brother out. He's small and I am kinda big and strong
>Apparently some drunk chick is extremely impressed by this and outright says "I want you to fuck me"
>I thought she was joking, but she literally started feeling my arms and grabbing for my dick.
>I tell her to get in the car.
>drive home and drop my drunk brother off
>drive to the chicks place
>have sex
>leave after she fell asleep.
>didn't exchange numbers or any contact information.
>never see or hear from her again.
That was 4 years ago. Other than that, I have never kissed a girl, held a girls hand, gotten a phone number, been on a date, or anything even closely resembling any kind of romantic/sexual relationship between a man and a woman.
First one was when I was 18. We actually met on omegle of all places, she thought I was very smart and funny so we started texting. She was a solid 8/10 but she turned out to be a spoiled rich brat that got offended 24/7. We went out a week or so after, she kept texting her friends instead of putting effort into our conversation, i got mad but sucked it up, we hooked up and parted ways. She called me after, started bitching about something, I told her to fuck off and deleted her number.
Bonus round: before we met irl she sent me a pic of her walking home. I was a bit of a moron so I checked the metadata on the pic (geotagging was on by default on smartphones back then) and told her where she lived. I thought it was a cool trick that she'd like but she freaked the fuck out, I barely managed to calm her down. In retrospect, that's the most autistic thing I've ever done
Few months later, I met another girl online. I was out of town for a couple months so we texted a bunch and liked each other a lot, we promised not to do it just for the sex and actually build a respectful relationship. Then we met up and ended up having sex on the first date. I dated her for a few months but I broke up with her when she started getting too clingy and annoying because I realized I don't love her and I felt like I'm just using her for sex. She texted me a year later on my bday and we ended up banging again. She got a bf shortly after so we lost touch
After those 2, all my girls have been ones that I've met irl. Online people don't make great gf material
Engagement, didn't make it to marriage.
Cut her name into my arm. Now I'm running around with scars that say LISA 12 years later.
>be me
>decide I like a girl
>start thinking about her, checking her social media at first
>post about her here a little bit here and write a series of handwritten letters to her
>got one response after writing 5-10 letters
>may have mentioned her name and told what I know about her in real life too
>like a year and a half passes
>decide I want to meet her now
>start talking about her frequently to anyone that will listen
>someone contacts her for me, something I was baffled on how to do
>meet her
>right off the bat something about her boyfriend
>I'm familiar with this guy, he's a 10/10 aryan greek god looking motherfucker
>things are pretty awkward, don't recall how the conversation went really. no idea what to say and I've waited a while to finally see her
>she's not as beautiful as she was in the pictures but she's still pretty
>she decides that she won't break up with him for me because she'd be trading down but she she will cheat, maybe they're in an open relationship or something
>have sex for 5 minutes or less
>she leaves without giving me a way to stay in touch with her
>haven't seen her since
>wish I could have gotten a commitment and not sex
Now it's onto a different girl but there is something special about this one.. wish she would stay a while and listen like deckard cain says
>that pic
she would be a chad if she was a guy
>finally have apartment to myself, host D&D every other week
>new player starts, he is ok, funny. He is engaged.
>about 3 months later he calls one Saturday says his fiance is in town (uni break) and wants to swing by so I can meet her. Meh, sure
>comes by, tiny redhead from his photos of his fiance, also a freaking goddess
>fiances roomie, helped her drive
>five seven, milk-pale skin, bright blue eyes, black hair to her waist, hourglass figure with DD tits, gorgeous
>smart, funny, very shy. Went to girls-only Catholic schools her entire life, women-only college, very Catholic, like fiance
>figure, what do I have to lose? Go to dinner, sit with her, just flat out flirt with her all night, make her laugh, be aggressive to a guy that walked over to hit on her while we are getting a drink
>next day they come back, I cook a meal for everyone, do the Martha Stewart hosting stuff my mom did
>she kisses my cheek goodbye, they drive back to uni next day
>she emails me Friday, soon we email once a day each (her idea)
>one call a week
>she visits every other month, stays at a hotel.
>after a year I propose, 6 months later we marry, both virgins
3 years ago. We have a son
>be poor
>have bad genes
>always repeat the question "what do you have to offer" in my head
>never pursue girls
im currently texting with one
she calls me "you stoopid ;3" etc. a lot lately
wants to meet up "soon"
think I could get a date, thing is I dont want to
I just like having someone who appreciates my weird sense of humor
I was acquainted with this black nerd girl, but she only put up with my shit because I was a senior
>fought the teacher over the glassware she broke
>paid her fine over broken glassware equal to my 3 month allowance
>beat up 6 other chads or robots who were pursuing her
>had my ass cracked by one of her orbiters. He harassed her
>left the orbiter's tooth in her notebook once
>bicycled 17 km behind school bus to get an idea of where she lived
>actually got fit for her
>got admission in London to impress her
I was obsessed with her bros. She ruined 7 years of my life. I should end my life
taylor hill is an interesting creature
one angle it's a man, a different angle it's still a man actually she's a tranny.
still hot tho, is that gay?
I was into her, she might have been at the start but I got too anxious and nothing happened between us. We ended up just smiling to eachother and saying hi everytime I saw her, but I knew nothing would ever happen anymore because she got a boyfriend. I missed my shot.
Really hate myself for being too incompetent for any romance, she really was great and I'd have been fine going any route in life as long as it was with her.
That's almost unbelievable. Sounds like a scenario from a cheesy hollywood movie. Not calling bullshit, but it blows my mind that this happened to you. What'd your brother think? Was he trying to hit on her when you drove him home?
>only oldfags will understand this reference
So you stole your friend's girl? Who would have thought Chad plays fucking D&D...
>only oldfags will understand this reference
Are anyone who has watched the most popular episode of Simpsons oldfags now?
>small facebook shitposting group
>this 7.6/10 girl in the group is well known for being kinda slutty (once posted nudes)
>jokingly ask her out when drunk
>she actually gives me her number
>somehow after chatting for like 10 minutes she tells me she loves talking to me
>discover we live nearby and i ask her out
>she accepts
>the day comes
>in the meantime, i had discovered she had a chad/idiotic boyfriend since years but i didnt care
>i wanted to at least kiss her
>we meet and talk for a bit
>she's actually really cool
>we finally sit down in a park
>time to make my move
>chad + autism moment
>i put my arm around her shoulders
>she's ok
>i tell her some romantic shit about the wind or the fucking squirrels in the park i don't know
>she actually thinks it is deep
>tell her "I want to kiss you so bad"
>she's embarassed but we actually kiss
>i literally took her by the chin and kissed her with the force of desperation and virginity
>we hold hands/cuddle/kiss a couple times more during the day, she's qt
>i go home
>we never speak to each other now
I had a five years long relationship, living together for 4 of them.
>wut happened user
I felt an urgent call to break up with her and become a monk.
Back in junior high I used to walk past her house in hopes of here showing up and starting a conversation.
Unfortunately I had social anxiety disorder, so I did it after dark only, except on weekends.
>be me 16 yo
>junior in hs beta as fuck
>Take Japanese because why not fuck Spanish
>See gorgeous 10/10 Filipino brown chick, she everyting big ass perfect smile everything you could ask for
>So beta just stare at her
>This continues on for a while
>Finally one day it was around the end of Junior year and I decided to try
>so nervous sweating my balls of freaked out scared
>ask her for her phone number
>I don't exactly remember what she said but it was someting along the lines of quit staring at me your creepy
>sad feel hella depressed
>Stop staring at her
>She kept staring she still wanted the ego boost that I refused to give her
>Never approach any other girl in hs
She would go back to go Guam mid senior year shoulda probably tried again but I lost all my courage from that one rejection. She was a very pretty girl back then I just wanted to be with her but the fact was she was always getting hit on and was prolly always fucking my teenage mind was totally oblivious to it.
>be 14
>see green hair qt on bus
>changes hair colour every couple of weeks
>Goes to different school noone I know knows her
>Try facebook, countless hours lost for nothing
>Talking to old school friend
>Mention pink haired (at the time)uber crush on qt
>She says she knows someone like that
>Back to facebook
>It's her
>Decide best action is to sit next to her and talk to her by name
>Autistically talk to her
>She is seriously uncomfortable.
>extremely awkward conversation
>I get off bus
>She never catches that bus again.
my brother was extremely drunk, so he wasn't really able to talk in the car. He did ask me about her the day after, so he was aware that she was in the car, but he didn't make a move. He had struck out with her earlier in the night, so he thought it was pretty funny that I ended up with her.
To be fair, the girl was drunk, and also quite the slut. I am Jow Forums, 6'1, and reasonably good looking. She didn't know me, and because she was drunk she wasn't able to sense my industrial grade autism. I was basically just some unknown tall, strong, prince charming who carried a grown man out of a bar, and it made her panties wet. I carried him like pic related. It was like something primal in her just realized that I was the best possible mating prospect in the bar.
The funny thing is my brother didn't really know about my autism, and he had no idea I lost my virginity that night. He didn't live at home at the time, he is older than me and was just home for christmas break when this happened. He is a turbo normie and refuses to believe that someone of reasonable looks like me doesn't get laid on a consistent basis. If he only knew..
Another funny thing was that the chick bit my lip during sex, and bruised it. My brother had a bruised hand from falling while drunk. This led my mom to believe that we had been in a fight at the bar, and she legitimately got pissed at him for having me be around some bar-hoodlums. I obviously couldn't tell her why my lip really was bruised, so I just made some bullshit up and laughed to myself. The whole thing was pretty surreal. 10/10 would do it all again if I could.
>talk to girl
>gets scared and hurriedly walks away
I've never had a chance
That's hilarious. What a heart warming story. It should give you more confidence since you're tall and handsome; you should have realized if you put yourself out there more, you'd probably get laid a lot.
I bought a house to impress her and now I'm in debt for 30 years
congratulations user
no he married the girl's friend
think youre funny well rope yourself fat cunt
I have become friends with several of them, does that count? I've never gotten a date or anything, just kinda keep talking to them after because I'd rather they be in my life than not be in it
>It should give you more confidence since you're tall and handsome; you should have realized if you put yourself out there more, you'd probably get laid a lot.
"a lot" is probably an exaggeration, but you are right. I probably could get laid if I gave it more of an effort. It's not the confidence that is holding me back. I am a diagnosed aspie and social situations always end badly for me. I literally have zero friends, and absolutely no social life. The concept of "putting myself out there" is completely foreign to me. I wouldn't even know what to do, say, or anything. I get no enjoyment from talking to other people or spending time with them. I did really enjoy having sex with that girl, though. I think I could enjoy having a gf, but only if she was as asocial as me. I have been pretty seriously considering getting a filipina mail-order bride or something like that, but I want to wait until my parents are dead. I don't think they would like it if I resorted to such degenerate behavior.
I do have some crypto money, which combined with my reasonably good looks should make women willing to ignore my autism in the future. I figure if I have a pretty nice house/car and stuff that women will more naturally gravitate towards me, which lessens the need for me to "put myself out there". But who knows, that slut 4 years ago may remain my only sexual experience for many more years to come.
>at skatepark
>see qt I recognise from social media
>don't say anything
>get harassed by old man on way back
>warn her by DM
>she says I was cute
>thanks, likewise
>talk at youth club we went to together
>hear that she's interested in me
>confess to her at party incredibly spaghetti-ish a month later
>kiss her at a different gathering a couple weeks after
>shortly after, she decided it wasn't happening, she said she was depressed after her grandad's death and wasn't ready for a relationship
>starts going out with other guy from the youth group a week later
>I've had no romantic interaction since
pic tells everything
After moving to a new city in high school I met a girl during class and she became one of my friends. Started walking her home to the bus stop, eventually it got to the point where we would hang out on weekends and watch films at her house, arm round her and everything. This was over about a 4 month period. Didn't get to kiss her but she did hold my hand sometimes
Long story short, I had to move away again to another city and she just blocked me over facebook, deleted me from everything else, told her friends that we were never together, denied everything, and just completely dropped me out of her life in less than a few days. That was 7 years ago, haven't heard from her since, and now I am unable to build trust with any girl I meet. Fuck women.
Monastic life for me...
I texted a girl asking to go the cinema with me, she rejected me. That's the furthest I've got, there's a new girl in work, I'm hoping to get a bit further this time.
Pretty much the same thing happened to me. Except mine involves entering the relationship and her ending it, and dating someone a week later.
I'm convinced 98% of women aren't loyal and/or are emotionally flimsy.
she look like a skinny tyler1 with hair
Good luck lad! I believe in you!
Kind of surprised that wasn't original
Man, too bad we don't know each other in real life. We'd probably get along. We could go out and autistically try to pick up girls (I've been professionally diagnosed as well). I can relate to you about not having a social life or any friends, I've been living that life for years. The things I said to you in my previous post is kind of the things I'd like people to say about me. I know I'm sort of handsome and tall but I never put myself out there, I'm a shut in for the most part. I do outdoor things but always solo.
This year.. I kissed two girls. One girl sent me a ton of nudes and her fucking herself with a dildo like two days ago, then bailed on our plans to fuck.
>be 19
>take gran to visit her recently widowed friend
>go back to help gran's friend with some things around her house
>she takes a liking to me
>she kisses me as I'm leaving and she ended up coercing me into sex
>get scared and don't think about it for a couple months
>earlier this year go and see her again
>end up connecting and go on a few dates
>before I realise, we're in a serious relationship
>we see each other twice a week, I stay over with her and we have sex regularly
>moving in with her at the end of the month
>I know I'm sort of handsome and tall but I never put myself out there, I'm a shut in for the most part. I do outdoor things but always solo.
yeah same here. I go to the gym, run/hike and play golf.
Somehow I believe that looking normal and having fairly normal interests makes me even more of an outsider. Like I said, my brother is literally not able to comprehend how I don't have a social life. Same with my parents. I think that appearing somewhat normal gives them hope or something, that I am not too far gone. I seem too normal to be a shut-in, but I am far too autistic to be a normie.
I always play golf by myself, and the other normie golfers often ask me why I play alone and ask me if I want to join them. The guys at the gym see that I am pretty ripped and asks if it helps getting girls. They are completely unable to understand that I work out without actively using my body as a means to pursue chicks. I think people would leave me alone if I looked more like pic related.
Got lost from our group at an amusement park and spent the evening and night running around going on rides together, sharing icecream, laughing at dumb jokes, and holding hands. She was a really cute half Spanish girl with pearly white skin, curly black hair, and the cutest face I ever saw to this day on a real female. We almost kissed but I guess we were too shy. We sat next to each other and talked on the bus that morning on the way home. She was 14 and a year younger than me, I had a huge crush on her and we'd been friends for a while. Yet for some reason, after that we didn't talk as much and her family moved a month later so we lost contact.
I still have to remind myself that it wasn't some dream I had, and it really didn't help my feelings for a romantic bittersweet relationship.
nowhere because i have never tried.
I was avoiding starting even small talks to any atractive femos I 'met' in my life, so I wouldn't be thinking about any of them. Only replied shortly when I was asked about some shit, but without any will to continue the conversation for longer. If any of them was pressing on me for some longer chat, I just cut the topic with short, but not rude replies and walked away. It worked for years, but some shit broke down inside me and I think I have a fuckin' crush on that one girl I see a lot. God, I hate this feel since I have total ZERO to offer and additionally have no experience in starting small talks with others. I was already broken down, but this shit brings even more existentiial pain to my fucked up life. And I will not hit on her because I'm sure I'm gonna fail.
Sorry guys, but I couldn't resist to answer to this post.
>had hit rock bottom 4 years ago
>went into therapy, got a job, started university
>eventually start improving my looks, physique, interests
>start talking to girls on an anonymous phone app to practice talking to girls so I can actually try dating in a year or so
>one takes a liking to me
>start talking 24/7 for a week, perfect personality match
>pressures me a bit into meeting her
>visits me with some wine
>after two bottles of wine and some nice conversation, the conversation dies down
>just look at each other
>slowly in my hand towards hers
>touch it
>doesn't pull away, just smiles
>go in for the kiss
Been together for 6 months now.
*slowly inch my hand
I had a gf in high school but we never had sex despite having opportunities because neither of us had access to condoms and I didn't trust myself to pull out, turns out she was a slut though and she cheated on me. I did kiss her which is the farthest I've ever made it with a girl. In retrospect I'm happy I didn't take the risk and end up with a kid also she's fat now so bullet dodged.
A couple years ago I talked to a girl on okcupid who was clearly out of my league, she lived about an hour and a half away though and she wanted to meet up at a farmers market at like, 5 am and I didn't go because that's way too fucking early. She got mad even though I never said I was going in the first place and then we never talked again.
Up until about five months ago, I'd been pursuing the same girl for like four years. Long distance is really fucking hard though. It's a long ass story though and kind of a mediocre payoff, but if you're interested I can tell the whole story in greentext, I've been thinking about it recently a lot more than usual.
I've never pursued a girl irl
They've always mocked or ignored me
I've added a few femanon on discord but they always stop talking to me after like a day
A week if I'm lucky
>changes hair colour every couple of weeks
Ultimate warning sign. Also kills your hair. She'll probably be balding in her 30s
>junior year of high school
>made fun of for not talking to girls
>friend nudges me
>tells me to say hi to random qt
>counts as talking to a girl
>barely muster up courage to say hi
>face is red as fuck
>run away and cry
why do I exist
Taylor is pure
She has an insanely perfect face, its the type youd see on a statue. Its powerful not soft and feminine.
be careful posting pics of Taylor friend
all these fucking normalfaggots.... please....make it stoooooop.........!!!
how old is this woman you're seeing?
>nodded towards a female stranger
I'm 26 and this is as far as i've progressed
She's 71 but she's athletic and fit for her age.
I asked a girl what she was doing that weekend, intent on asking her out. She then went on a whole digression about her husband.
This. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Even if I ask them to please tell me if they ever feel like ghosting me what I did wrong first, they don't do it.
>spent 6 years flirting and yakking with this round little redhead online
>she was engaged the whole time but she complained about him constantly
>she said all he did was play video games and that somehow he had broken 7 fleshlights
>she was very pretty but body like a fridge, nice tits and short, long red hair, green eyes
>waited 3 years to have phone sex
>she went all gaga because she said no one had ever made her cum 6 times in a row with just his voice
>finally after 6 years we meet up
>get very drunk, high, fuck all throughout the night
>after the first fuck she says, "I haven't been fucked like that in years"
>gotta admit I gave it to her with extra energy because I figured I could steal her away from the dud
>affair goes on for about a year
>2 memorable fucks in the house he bought her, where I pretended to break in and 'take' her
>yelling NO while I slammed into her covering her mouth with my hand was her fetish and turned into mine quickly, also what she called 'struggle fucking'.....she struggles to get away....
>one night she tells me it's always been a fantasy of hers to be double teamed, and asks if I know anyone
>week or so later she tells me a guy she plays warcraft wants to join us
>am drunk so I stupidly agree
>we have been fucking all afternoon, am basically spent and drunk and stoned and not much in the mood once he gets there and starts licking her up
>fuckme I can't even get fully hard when she wants to suck on me while he fucks her doggy
>I go watch tv in the living room and listen to her moan out for 45 solid minutes
>oh my god oh my god oh my god
>finally the dickhead leaves
>she tells me, "I can't believe he made me cum using only his cock"
>apparently no man has ever done this, I did using my tongue or fingers or a remote controlled vibrator but never by straight fucking
>the next day she dumped the fiance and me
>heard through facebook she moved in with the new guy
>pic related; looks much like her
I got a pityhug and a pitydate after she harshly rejected me in front of everyone in class.
Im a 30kv, basically nowhere, "lets just be friends". A month ago things have gotten interesting with a girl, shes below average but i cant be picky. She started texting first, we met up a couple of times but she doesnt seem to be interested but shes keep texting. She let me sleep next to her 2 times, still no kiss or hugs, i dont even know whats going on. Im so confused.
had a gf in middle school for 1 week. We awkwardly held hands and kissed but that's it
>getting cucked by a WoW nerd
yeah I know plus he was a fucking ginger too and the asshole tossed his condom on my fucking bedroom floor, she told me she tore it off in the heat of passion but i just know that asshole did it to fuck with me.....my guess is they'd been fucking a while already
>high school, UK (age 14)
>spend all of my breaktimes and lunchtimes walking around the school grounds alone to make it look like I am busy
>some people start to notice that I dont actually go anywhere and they start calling me 'walker' and keep shouting things like "where are you off to today" when they see me
>It wasnt too bothering, it wasnt like I was getting my lunch money stolen
>some of the nice-to-everyone girls eventually walk up to me and one of them called Eve asks me questions in an unintentionally condescending tone, as if I was a baby
>shit like "are you okay" and other bullshit. I just respond with "no" and "yeah" to everything
>Eve then asks me if I need a hug and opened her arms out.
>My spaghetti completely spills and I feel my heart skip a beat, making me feel uneasy
>Quickly respond with "no thanks" and speedwalk away.
That is the closest I have ever been to intentionally touching a girl. I am 25 now
I didnt read OPs question properly.
I have asked three girls out in my life; all of them rejected.
Also, Jesus Christ why is there so many normalfags in this thread
fucking hell man
thats rough
Laughing at others' misfortune to distract from your own
I'd feel bad but you were cucking a dude so you got what you deserved
She didn't though
Ive recently started blinking at girls while driving past them. Being in a car gives me confidence cuz i can scamper away quickly. Could never do that up close.
stacy put hand on my leg when I was at my absolute worst. I looked like your typical sperg virgin loser. Skinny af, horrible glasses, greasy skin, weird posture and messy hair. I've always been so fucking shy it's unbelievable. Once I want on like a summer camp with a friend. He started talking to others, and expected me to do the same. I didn't say anything the entire week apart from good morning and good night. They must've thought I was the weirdest guy ever. I dunno why, but I just couldn't bring myself to say anything, it hurts just thinking about it now
This is normalfag as fuck and you do not belong on this board. Even though you got cucked.
>haven't even gotten this close
Fucking hell, that's brutal. I feel worse for her husband though. Can't believe he married a skank like that.
I've been cucked even harder, but I was cucked by a Chad who was in the Marines, not some nerdy WoW player.
I've been that way for almost my entire life, or at least up until I was 27. My brain gets flooded with anxiety and it's impossible for me to get any words out.
what does your family think of your relationship?
Fuck, some of this shit is really sad. I actually feel pretty sorry for you incels
I've never been close
IDK if that's a good or bad thing
I will try to greentext
>be me
>17 year old weirdo with literraly no experience with women
>I started falling in love with this girl from class a 5/10 chicklet with no body whatsoever but with a cute smile and personality
>She also likes old rock like me
>the only problem, she wasn't single my friend claimed her first
>I tried to forget about her but the desire was greater
> I started talking to her, sharing music with her, playing with her, etc until she became my friend
That's it, the most exciting thing was when she huged me because she thought his boyfriend was cheating on her ( I made sure to tell her that was not true and my friend wouldn't do that, because Bros before hoes ). Then I stopped orbiting around her so much, my friend (his boyfriend ) told me that she constantly would call me "dog " on private and joke about buying me a leash, I laugh it off as a joke but it wake me up from those stupid feelings for good, I was being annoying.
At least i gained a friend
>his boyfriend
You made "mistake" twice
Must be kinda bad, right? Missing out on everything...
Its an accident I swear, I am pretty sure she was female