Event on at uni

>event on at uni
>theres a buffet of free food laid out for the attendees
>im sat doing work and decide im hungry
>not part of the event
>no money on dinner card
>grab food from buffet anyway
>a young man comes up to me while im takung a sandwich and asks me to put that back as im not innthe event
>grunt at him and continue with food, he backs off when i stare at him
>leave and go back to table

Did i just ascent to chad dom anons?

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Legally it's not very enforceable , they're free, and fighting for 1 sandwich is petty and irrational

>he backs off when I stare at him
Because your breath smelt like cum and tuna

I'll add if you're white feel free to this because they'll only think you're rude. But if you're a minority. The whole race gets judged for your actions.

Found the redditor lads

He is right though you know

>fighting for 1 sandwich is petty and irrational
t. beta male

This. He's 100% correct. Guess that makes us all from another website. Whatever the fuck that "argument" is supposed to imply.

Fuckin idiot. If he was a "minority" he could have went away with all the food and receice a blowjob from some thot or even the beta that let op away so they prove they arent "raycistttts!"

he is wrong though you know

Christ. This shit gets obnoxious. Shut up already.

Fuck you you fuckin idiot. Cucks and soiboys like you are the reason all minorities still existm

That doesn't actually happen in real life.

Yeah, real alphas fight over scraps of food

>Did i just ascent to chad dom anons?
Nah you're just in the shithead uni student tier. I go to about 4-5 catered events a week so I don't need to pay for food.

Without the blowjob yes it doesnt really hapen. But either way it happens. Niggers get everything for free and dont have to do anything because no one is even wanting on them. Everyone waits the white man to make civilization better and then blame the white race for the current status disregarding every other white accomplishment like everything we do is to plot on killing all niggers while they are the ones plotting on wiping us so off the face if the earth. You cant argue with me about this because you know its true. If you dare to do it then I will know you are just paid by the jews to shill here your kike propaganda while screaming anti semitism
Suck my dick

verdammte Juden, amirite

>people can steal food and get applauded because they're minorities
Do you seriously believe this?

I live in fuckin swedistan, what do you think?

So people in Sweden can just walk in a supermarket, do their groceries and calmly walk out without paying because they're black or muslim? Somehow i don't find that too believable

One nigger chimped out trying to get in concert without paying. He was thinking everything in sweden is free. He got let in at the end so he just stops niggin

There's your problem, user.

It's not so much about the value of the item, it's about the fact that someone else disrespects you and you'll look weak if you don't do anything.

Take a load of this fagYou think injustice doesn't exist? Just because you're sheltered doesn't mean the world is fucking rainbows, that history is just history because all bad is gone with the advent of 21st century and the defeat of muh evil nazi regime.

Well here's something else, my country is the university for politicians to learn how to be corrupt. Foreign politicians come here and learn how to be a bastard that belongs on a cross.
No-go zones across Europe, South Africa is exterminating whites and received the title "rape capital of the world", human trafficking, child trafficking, corrupt media and so fucking on, and you find it hard to believe that an animal wandering into supermarket cannot be removed because of said corruption?

And people stood around him celebrating him for fighting against the patriarchy, amirite? No, they just didn't want to deal with a violent nigger chimping out and causing more damage by creating a scene and possibly scaring others away. There is also a very high chance that he was later removed by security.

Look, i'm not argueing that niggers do these things. I'm just saying no one is applauding them for it or even denying it happens. Sure they won't admit, but pretty much everyone knows deep down that they do. That was also the point from the beginning of this conversation. Minorities get judged more harshly for crime and disturbing the public order, people just don't want to admit it openly. We don't really disagree.

How bad is Sweden really? I mean, I know it's fucked, but just how fucked is it?
Cuz I've had a Swede tell me it's not as bad as people usually say.

>be me
>catering some event at a local uni
>everything is going smoothly
>spot a morbidly obese male, hunched over the food looking like a jew over a pot of gold.
>approach him
>stench is overwhelming, maybe jizz, definitely feces.
>kindly inform him that the food is for guests of the event
>obese boi lets out a snarl like he was a german Shepard over a bowl of dogfood.
>realize that anyone that is willing to fight over a sandwich has absolutely nothing to fucking lose
>walk away due to not giving enough shits to deal with situation
>overhear him scream "i am the chad now" to himself as he shoved Hors d'oeuvres in his cargo shorts.

Attached: fatty.jpg (450x360, 38K)

>look guys i made fun of someone on r9k, i'm such a badass now

This is just false. There are far too many real world occurrences that disprove your bullshit. I don't live in Sweden but in America minorities get shot for whatever reason. Even whites are getting shot by police nowadays lol. You can't get away with things unless you're both rich and white. Sometimes just being white will help you if the crime is minor.

It's an ancient tradition to describe the story from the other actor's perspective, usually describing the OP in a silly way. You need chill out.

Hes a summerfag