Is it ok to not jerk off for 2 weeks and then take molly at a rave or club?
Is it ok to not jerk off for 2 weeks and then take molly at a rave or club?
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What a dumb questions. Of course it's not ok. Drugs are bad.
>Is it ok to not jerk off for 2 weeks
>drugs are bad
Hi boomer! What exactly is bad about molly? You do know that unless you have a heart condition it isn't physically harmful and isn't neurotoxic unless you have scurvy right? Molly is the perfect robot drug because it allows you to feel pure happiness.
Beware, raves are pretty hard to get laid at, at least in my experience. I was competing with tons of shirtless, tattooed Chads. The rave was like 80% male so only the hot guys were getting any action.
whatever, junkie
I haven't even used a drug, including alcohol since march but whatever you say
t. autistic boomer whose never had fun in his life
Do it OP, your dick probably ain't gonna work anyways lmao
Caffeine is a drug.
Fucking sugar is a drug.
You fucking druggie.
>tfw 3 more months of waiting for mdma cooldown
Is there a worse feel
Using drugs is pure degeneracy and should therefore be punished by death.
>implying I drink caffeine
I think YOU'RE the druggie
End of this month for me brother
I thought the cooldown was a month? How long are you waiting my dude?
>being this defensive and insecure about it
Just drop some Xtc and stop justifying yourself queer
4 months ;_;
in the beginning of my MDMA use I waited 1 month as well, but felt effect decreasing and comedowns becoming rougher; the last time I did it now felt much better after waiting more than a month and because it took so long I had also forgotten what it felt like and had few expectations, making it even better.
The wife of the guy that rediscovered MDMA back in the day used it every weekend and according to her 3 months is the minimum waiting time, this is seen as the perfect time still today by organisations such as Rollsafe. that being said I wish I could do this more often to be honest, those 4 hours of rolling go by instantly.
Main motivation for me to wait is the fact that it'll be my birthday after this waiting period so I can feel pure bliss by myself in my room when I turn 22.
I'm so happy for you, user. Have a wonderful time at the end of the month
Not being insecure, just wanted to know what exactly he thought was bad about it.
>Take MDMA 4 times in my life
>Not once has it made me feel happy
>just gave me a tingly feeling and more energy and made me more talkative
>even tested the shit
>atleast I never got a comedown
Am i defective?
How much was it in mg?
Not jerking off for two weeks is dangerous and can give you a rap sheet. I literally had to stop myself grabbing femoids asses in queues and stuff. Molly's ok though.
0.5g the first time
1g every other time
MDMA is for normies smoke Meth
Huh? A gram of MDMA? Isn't a dose like .1-.2 grams?
I was put off from MDMA for a long time because I figured if normies like it so much it can't possibly be that great (see weed). I was proven wrong the first time I took it.
eats sugar
>punished by death
>Huh? A gram of MDMA? Isn't a dose like .1-.2 grams?
well pills from the dealer where all 1g and crystals where sold in gram bags
only cost 20 bong points so I doubt I should have took less
> boomers are against drugs
Have you heard about the 60s?
A couple boomers experimented, but boomers also grew up during a time when propaganda was at its height. People were told things back then like that if you took LSD you would be turned into a communist
nofap is largely a myth.
Your testosterone levels slowly start to increase on the 4th day of abstinence and spike during the 7th day, where free testosterone is 40% more than normal levels, after which it plummets to its normal values due to increased aromatase in the testes and increased DHEA production.
Sex hormone binding globulin remains in high concentration for 10 to 12 days, but so does Transcortin. So it's a wash depending on what you are after.
>nofap is largely a myth
Please see as The Grand Priest explains all
Same here. I was told it would be the best possible feeling and in the end it just lifted my mood a bit and made me want to dance. LSD was amazing though.
Is this now a drug thread? ok
i got some Xanax for the first time, how much should I take? Is a 2mg tab enough? I'm pretty light weight as well, if that is relevant
and how long do they last?
Never done it before but from what I've heard 2 mg of xanax should be enough. Just make sure you hide the rest of it or else you might unknowingly redose multiple times