Femwhores why don't you have a bf
Femwhores why don't you have a bf
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, user.
bf's are too much work. fwb are better
when women be like "but we have it as bad as yoooou"
>make my interest in a girl clear as day
>she becomes distant
>ignore her and act like I dislike her
>she wants the D
A qt refugee bf would be nice.
Mainly because I'm not that attractive and not that outgoing, and I get a little awkward when I talk to boys.
I don't mind though, bfs seem like a lot of work.
(Also, I don't want to do anything sexual and I doubt I'd find a guy who feels that way too).
None of this work with me you lucky mutherfucker
we want what we can't haveu
>women want what they can't have
>men can't have what they want
I can't explain why but when a guy you like ignores you it makes you want to try harder to gain his attention and favor. I'm crushing on this one dude who is way into video games and I literally have to fight to get his attention
I just want to lavish girls I like with attention, I can't explain it. But it drives them away without fail. The reason I'm going to be alone is because I focus on the girl too much. This is hell. I guess I'll just ghost her, maybe she'll fall in love.
maybe don't fully ghost but one word her/seem disinterested.
>note: not all girls like being ignored, some adore and crave the attention.
This is fucking dumb I don't want to play mind games with a girl I like to get her interested in me.
I want to unironically "bee myself" and have her like me. If seeming too interested drives her off, well then FUCK her. She doesn't deserve it.
I agree. Let's be fwb's.
well maybe consider asking how she feels about you? are you guys at that stage or is it still you guys getting a for each other? do you want her to be your GF?
>I don't want to do anything sexual
obviously, but that is just because you never were approached by Chad, but only by subhumans that dryout your pussy
I get ghosted after dates for some reason.
Met a beautiful guy in my home country though (where dating is taking much more seriously than in the UK where I study) so hopefully something comes out of it~
You probably are reasonably attractive physically but boring.
Maybe. Like I get told I'm attractive a lot but I don't know about my personality, I fear I am stupid or boring. I do have friends that seem to genuinely like being around me but I guess it's different when it comes to romance.
I do try to bee myself, maybe that's where I go wrong
How many guys have pumped and dumped you?
>feeding the refugees
No! Bad fembot!
is it pumping and dumping if I never expected them to stick around in the first place?
Because I'm not a masochist.
Women can't assert boundaries without being made to feel like a bitch and that's by design to exalt passivity and submission as the only acceptable way to exist in relation to a man
This is why I can't feel bad for women. Fuck this shit bro
Let me rephrase the question. How many men have had their dicks inside your vagina?
>women fight for chad's attention
>he doesn't care because he's used to getting female attention
>he ends up fucking most of the women chasing him over a period of time
>women suddenly think that their amazing PERSONALITIES must have charmed him
>female entitlement continues to inflate
Two. I'm 20 so I guess it's not a lot but wish the last one didn't happen
what did I say? I don't even have a fwb, I only managed to get one by accident off this board like 5 years ago. we went to a party and I drunkenly put the moves on him
because i am a lesbian
that's not what goes on at all but okhand
he's a fat neet that plays games all day
I have room for a fwb in my life. You?
Because I'm a spergy weirdo. I'm incredibly shy and self conscious about everything I do which makes me do nothing. Then I get sad and hate myself because I did nothing. I don't deserve to have a bf.
Why not date a spergy weirdo robot then?
I'm not in fwb mindset anymore. I stay locked in my room these days. when I feel carnal urges I just schlick and forget about it 20 minutes later
I'm trying. There is coworker of mine who seems like he may be a robot, but it's hard to talk to him sometimes. I'm afraid I'm bothering him half the time.
why you wish that it didnt happen tho?
Meh. At least shlick to a webcam audience or something.
Just bother him until he's your bf
I'm totally serious. Fuck, I wish a girl would do that to me...
Not true. There are passive men
I want a life-long relationship, I can't have children, and I'm too young. I've tried, and had some success. However, it's between the 2-5 year mark that men get quite erratic once it hits them that you weren't just being facetious when you said there would be no wee ones. It hits them that you really cannot have biological children, and then the demise is quick and painful for both parties.
I'd imagine once I'm older there might be a widower or divorcee who already got having children out of the way. I don't hate children, the idea of children being someone else's never bothered me, and I'm good at domestic stuff... cooking, cleaning, and that sort of thing. I don't know if I'd be good at taking care of them, but I'd try my best. We'll see.
It's one reason why I've never been inclined to rag on those who dream and lament for a family. I've seen it first hand. It's a legit feel for many people.
But it's embarrassing. We were talking and I put lotion on my hands and he said he never needed it because his hands were just naturally soft. So I grabbed his hand without thinking to feel it. Then once I was holding his hand I realized what I was doing was weird and let go, but things got a little weird after. And we didn't talk much for the rest of the day.
He's likely just as embarrassed as you are. Start asking the important questions like "do you have a gf?" Put the thought into his head that you could be together and you like him.
Because I don't talk to anyone
Arab guys are qt but Islam is barbaric
Oh, girl, he likes yooouuu. Get it, get it.
>Arab guys are qt but Islam is barbaric
We have refugees here and the majority of them are diseased looking manlets
Arabs aren't pretty
There are some literal 10/10 qts out there.
Most of the time they're Afghan.
Afghans are also the most backwards fucktards of them all.
>tfw no qt afghan political refugee bf
The afghans we get here look better than arabs but most are still manlets, and they behave even worse.
Back when the refugee crisis was at it's height those guys regularly caused train delays in the line I use to get to work because they are unable to grasp the concept of a train ticket. So whenever the conductor caught them without ticket they processes to chimp out resulting in delays because we needed to wait for the police to haul them off(there's asylum quaters at one of the stations). The high point was when one time an afghan dude felt the need to beat the shit out of his wife in the same train wagon I was in. Thankfully some off duty policemen were there too who quickly subdued him.
Afghans are scum
because most guys are chad and too hard to talk to lol
There was an afghan refugee who met a girl, raped her, and and the next day he sent her a facebook friend request. You can't make this shit up.
Don't really want to get into it but he pressured me into it and kinda started sticking it in even though I said no so I just went along with it in the end
Kinda my fault though, always been told not to get drunk and let a guy in my house but I did exactly that
Any german girls here? 1
Femwhores, how much do you charge per hour?
How do I ask that casually? I think he is though, at least his Facebook says he is.
I can't tell if you're making fun of me.
Commitment issues, would rather check out guys. :^(
Nothing wrong with being fwb's.
IKR, staring at a guy and fantasizing about your life together > dating
I have an online boyfriend that treats my tiny existence to that of the second coming. It fuels my aching push towards a better life more than anything else, even though I can't really strive for a better one, I simply couldn't ask for a better lover in these times.
because robots have high standards and hate ugly girls
Femanons I need ur advice I messaged a girl on tinder, we had a nice conversation then she told me she was down to hangout. The next day I hit her up to hang but she didn't reply for a couple hours and by that time I had made other plans. I told her let's reschedule and now she hasn't replied. Do I just need to stfu and wait or should I double text help meeee
Always have a backup bitch to offload your transgressions on. That way you cover both the base of ignoring purposefully and having the patience to be ignored.
> I can't have children
That makes sense cuz when I was actively ignoring her she was double texting me but now she's my only prospect and I'm being impatient cuz I want Boba damnit
because my bf is dead and gay
Trip 7s always speak the truth