Nothing is worse than been born attractive and suffer from bad anxiety. I fucking hate attention and women are always giving me attention in public and staring at me with lusting eyes making me feel uncomfortable, sometimes I wish I was dead
Failed "chad" thread
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I sort of know that feel. I'm not exactly attractive per session, but I get a reasonable amount of attention but I rarely act on it. My self esteem is so low that I can only hit on "ugly" plain girls who don't wear makeup.
Per se* fucking autocorrect
post face you self obsessed idiot
wtf is your excuse for having social anxiety, every female must make the conversations so easy for you. haven't you seen tinder experiments, women will fuck a child molester chad. are you really a chad son?
I'm not allowed to post my face on this board, all attention whore threads need to fuck off back to
>ugly plain girls who dont wear makeup
>tfw guys only hit on me because they have low self esteem and they would rather have someone else
Oh poor you.
They don't make fucking conversation, let alone start the conversation...... they just fucking stare at your from a distance and in some cases they'll fuck around with you. Few weeks ago I was on this bus with a pack of teenage girls sitting at the back of the bus and I could easily hear them talk about me and two of them came up and sat behind me and pinched my neck
final bump before i kill myself
Be grateful that men are going out of their way to hit on whores who don't even offer anything. Even the ugliest women complain about getting too much attention. Ugly men who have very fit bodies, good jobs, and stable lives stay lonely until they kill themselves at 30. I wonder why turning into a woman is a big trend now
do a flip on stream faggot
>tfw you don't realize you go for men within what your self esteem can handle
>waaah poor me and my better life it's not really good
What where they saying user? Givs more details
It isn't a rising trend despite what psyop shills one here would want you to think
>citation needed
you literally get interest and we don't you dumb cow
Not the user you replied to dumbass
citation needed still nigger
>Attractive woman smiles and say "hi"
>For some reason can't keep eye contact and look away while saying "hi"
>On top of that, not sure what topics should i use
>She now thinks i'm uninterested and it's pretty much kills conversation
Sadly, but some selective videos from night club aside, "just have the looks and everything will happen on autopilot" is just a meme.
>Even the ugliest women complain about getting too much attention
HA imagine being this delusional. Ugly women are literally invisible to the average male retard.
ugh you fucker you can go online though, we're not retards like you we're not gonna see a story of failing one occasion irl and think it disproves the fact you can say whatever the fuck you want if you're chad and slay on tinder at least. you just don't speak when you can say anything and they'll go with it.
oh poor you, have to date other ugly people just like you i guess?
Exactly, I have yet to have a guy, of any level, show interest in me. Even when I say hello to below average guys they show their annoyance
Ugly men hate ugly women more than any other man desu. We reflect what they may have to settle for and they hate that fact
Even ugly guys refuse to settle for their looksmatch.
it's the exact opposite, am i being baited right now?
wait nevermind i forgot dumb roasty whores think 6/10 guys are ugly and 7/10 guys are average. tons of ugly guys on Jow Forums would leap at the chance to date you ugly bitches.
Eh, im an ugly woman so I know how men treat me since I directly experience it
If I had the time I can link you to several studies proving otherwise
Bullshit bullshit bullshit! I guarantee some ugly guys have tried to flirt with you but you instantly dismissed them.
Does not explain why I have been ghosted by these robots
>oh they must have been normalfags
I will never believe for a second that a female can have a hard time getting interest.
i made a thread about this last night
>be sculpted, 6'1" chad
>girls want at me every day
>reject them all because i just want a qt with good taste in anime and vidya
this fucking blows, man. literally every girl that approaches me is cut from the same boring cloth.
Dude I was happy that a five three indian guy in my class was nice to me for one minute
part 2 of 3 of why no woman can be lonely, my personal experiment
part 3/3 of why no woman can be lonely
>look a landwhale can be used as a cum receptacle
i forgot scrotoids think ugly women are "average qts without makeup" because they're blind to anyone below a 5
Exactly this, half of them think girls like Ciara are considered ugly
and this is why you're wrong you dumb roasty slut
more than ugly men get you spoiled whore
10% of them think ciaras ugly
50% know she's a whore like every other girl
25% orbit her
the rest are you fem whores i guess
men only see cute women so they cant believe actual ugly women who dont get flirted with exist LMAO
Oh fuck off, my cousin is literally 400lbs and she's a womanlet yet she gets flirted on all the time. It's astounding, though of course you have to go OUTSIDE to get flirted on or at least sign up for a dating site. You can't expect it to happen sitting inside complaining on r9k.
being used as a fleshlight after advertising oneself on fucking craigslist or tinder does not mean people actually look at you irl (unless it's a look of disgust)
it proves that you're fuckable and would probably make an ugly guys dreams come true but you're just a thirsty whore for chad so you're gonna keep whining to the ugly men who want you about how bad about it like the innate sociopath you are.
please just go away femwhore
im a lesbian i dont give a fuck about men wanting to sexually degrade me. you could install grindr too fuckhead if you want to be cummed on so badly
I have never met an ugly fembot, they're always around average to incredibly attractive but with crippling self-esteem issues. I once chatted with a literal 10/10 who'd complain over the most insignificant details over her appearance. I don't think any fembot here is unattractive, I think they simply believe that. The same can be applied for the majority of robots even, I think everyone tends to internalize their own suffering until they believe it.
i dont give a fuck about men (not even the chad boogeyman) lmao i just want to be left alone. and being fuckable means literally nothing to women you're being really male solipsistic.
Do you have a bad conscience about having wasted your good genes?
yeah you have they just never gave contact info to you retard
he's gonna be forgotten in 3 generations anyway who cares about Muh Genes or Muh Legacy
whatever i hate you too bitch, i see fat ugly dyke couples all the time in my liberal ass city. you're not even attracted to men and you look down on them, men don't treat lesbians that way on nearly the same scale. all you women are terrible.
I have been told that im kind of cute, but I have also been asked out as a joke by a guy I did not know so I just be below average or ugly
I think you are generally right though, most of the robots are average and some are above
I get you.
I got the shit beaten out of me when I was a kid for no reason at all and girls would go "ewwww" when they were near me. It seems I was unlikeable. This proved to be too much for young me whom, once he had enough ot it, released it on some bullies. It backfired horribly and I was told by teachers to shut the fuck up and grow a pair.
At this point, once I've grown up, I started going to the gym, going out with uni "friends" and overall trying to live a more "normal" life and I feel it, some girls just want me. But I cannot bring myself to do it, it's between too bothersome and scary for me. How the fuck do I deal with such trust issues? I know I'm supposed to let it go, but while I had long before this problem emerged, my brain just won't, and next thing I know I doubt even the people I think are the most trustworthy.
It's frustrating because it's happened three times already but I'm such a mess that I doubt anybody would ever want to deal with me on a personal level, so I stick to the script and act along, hoping the puppeteer's strings won't be so thight today. I just want to be free, I want to feel love, feel loved, but I cannot bring it and it's fucking killing me inside desu.
then why do you care about being ugly. i'm not being male solipsistic, you're being purposefully unaware about how much better you have it affecting your psych. sex is so easy for you it has BECOME meaningless, you just exist at a higher echelon of fulfillment from birth because of your fucking vagina, and you never fucking realize it. if the roles were reversed and women chased men then sex would be meaningless to men like it is to women.
You know that to be inherently false, it is within your biological nature to want a partner. Even the robots who attempt to fool themselves into being fine with solitude know they're lying to themselves.
Go on, add me Thundy#5387 and show me how ugly you are then cunt. You low self-esteem and insecure women are all suffering from a variety of mental illnesses, reality would contradict your preconceived beliefs but you won't let them.
If you've been called cute before I can assume you are relatively attractive. If you go on /soc/ in a rate thread and get 4/10 or below by several people then you can say that about yourself. If you get a 6/10+ then you simply cannot call yourself unattractive; and I have a feeling the majority of the posters here are at least average in terms of aesthetics. It's the mental aspects, isn't that why we're all here posting on an image board that's infested with depression and anxiety?
keep thinking you know me lmao, i dont want a partner. im not even that ugly user i just replied to the "proof" of a craigslist ad, if im secretly lonely why havent i gotten a bf then? it's easy.
>I think you are generally right though, most of the robots are average and some are above
most robots are probably salvageable but literally no fem"bot" even understands what loneliness feels like.
because you're lonely by choice, and subsist off the general goodness that comes towards you just because you're a female, including nice (you)s
women have naturally lower sex drives and we're wired to be way more selective and way less thirsty. women would never chase men as long as we're the ones with eggs. by thinking "fuckable" is an accomplishment you are being male solipsistic because only for men would that be a good thing.
Same. Met a fembot who was mentally messed up and suicidal and just weird, but goddamn she had 10/10 curly long model hair, could do makeup like a pro and was very funny.
Sadly she got a bf
if im lonely by choice im not fucking lonely, are you dense? i get more positive attention when i RP as male anyways.
>only contacts in my phone are family
>never been to a party
>people in real life ignore me
>other girls pity me but arent interested in befriending me
>some girls bully me
>spend my time in my room because I have nothing to do and my mother hates me
How is this not loneliness? At least some of you have friends
lesbians can. and robot doesnt mean lonely it means someone who has ascended from normie needs like friendship and sex. most of r9k is just failed normies.
oh you liked stacy? how original
Online is a fucking joke
Once won't get you banned pussy. you just know you'll get btfo cuz yoire not as prettyboyswag as you say u are. ITT ALL LIES!!!!!!!
Because it's a choice. My contact ID is there, you can reach out and talk to others purely platonically. You CHOOSE to be alone, to be lonely, to pity yourself. You idealize suffering but you don't want to suffer, a pity.
Sounds like you werent talking to a fembot
Every "fembot" is a stacy
proof that men only see attractive women and are blind to everyone else!
Because the ones who are genuinely ugly dont want to show themsleves only to get ghosted and blocked. Please fuck off
yeah and if you reach out you get mocked and get dirty looks and "is she retarded?". good for you if you get opened with welcome arms by literal strangers
that's what i mean a female will always get positive attention in life, at least more than some male is getting.
see above, the male with no friends and shit life cannot get laid/obtain online gf
the female can do those things
just get the fuck out.
waaah i don't like my options
every female is a stacy. undeveloped limbs and you look like a basketball and only shit out retard babies? no problem. got downs syndrome? no problem. ugliest woman alive? has orbiters.
>inb4 post yourself then cunt hurr
I have contacted robots who claimed to be willing to talk to anyone and how lonely they are yet I am always ghosted
Would you talk to a nig though?
I'd say I'm a failed Chad, in terms of aesthetics I get rated very highly (8/10 to 10/10) on /soc/ and other places. I suffer from severe maniac depression, usually I'm depressed but once in awhile I'm happy. I will hopefully be dead soon, I have plans set for next week.
It seems like you've let your prior experiences in life burn you to the point where you won't allow new ones in. I'll stop giving you (You's) though, if you don't wish to change then you won't change.
Mocked by who?
Most of the decent posters have left for wizchan, what remains are normals and underage. I'm sorry you've had those experiences.
I'm willing to talk to you provided you
>live relatively close
>have the same interests
>aren't boring
that's why there are videos of women begging black men at parties for dick, that's why women are notorious sluts in college or so goes the stereotype. you're just a low sex drive person, males come like that too. point is women exist at a minimum on level 3 of this here heirarchy, you are born there, you can rise from it but you can never sink below it.
Yeah, I would. My ID is there.
I love nigger girls. You have to show tits though
No, robots are only interested in talking to 10/10 white Stacys.
>implying any female that's ever posted her pic hasn't been swarmed with attention here without fail
women why do you even try to complain, nobody believes you.
Robots may give less than perfect girls attention, if she shows her body, but they will trade up when they can
>women don't understand that men have had literally no attention ever as compared to their options to trade up that they had to resist
Hot prostitutes at their disposal, sex addicted staceys, average girls that fill these threads
To the next tinder thot they can find.
>women don't understand that men don't have online sex at their disposal like them because they're eternally spoiled whores from cradle to grave
>all women have security and safety
>all women have friends
>all women have intimate relationships (not just sex)
those women are the outliers and still dont fuck nearly as much as male sluts.
i knew a wrinkled old schiz-something homeless female, despite being crazy she was decently pleasant so i bummed her cigarettes and talked to her a little (friend), she had two boy friends, one who lived in a rv(security and safety and intimacy) and was basically just using her for sex and kicking her out all the time as i inferred, the other another homeless guy was tall big and intimidating that she fell back on(still safety and intimacy). no female can ever dip below having those needs met no matter how bad it gets. women holed up in their room are choosing to not partake in all that's available to them.
>it's another "everywhere is america" episode
i agree, male sluts are worse, but also remarkably fewer. and you fem"bots" that go for chadlites and then complain to guys you wouldn't date on this board about how you have it just as bad are even worse than those sluts.
>failed """"chad""""
>thinks he's attractive
yeah buddy sure
That's kinda sweet. If it makes you feel better, I always treat ugly girls better than hot girls. One semester I sat at a table with two girls, a whitewashed Mexican Stacy and a below average white girl and I was always super nice to the white girl because I knew she didn't get much attention. She ended up having a huge crush on me even though she was 17 and I was 26.
okay fair, you can't be a robot then if you're not american? why aren't you dating your countries robots?
you dont know me lol i dont go for chad. im a homosexual
sorry i get carried away, my point still stands.