Pic related is a guy who has been in an iron lung since he was 6 years old because of polio

pic related is a guy who has been in an iron lung since he was 6 years old because of polio.
he has passed law school, runs a law firm, has written a book using his mouth, and still doesn't think of himself as a cripple or bitches and moans like a woman.
what the fuck is your excuse?

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If god is real and all powerful then why didn't he stop that guy from contracting polio in his childhood

Christcucks have a lot of explaining to do

>has been in an iron lung since he was 6 years old

>some poor fuck who would be better off dead has managed to delude himself into thinking his life is as good as everyone else's
Not sure how this is supposed to make me look bad exactly

this is a norman post
why do you try to shame us?
it won't make us whine any less, you know?~

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>if god is real then why we still have cancer argument
t. atheist mudslime

>Someone, somewhere has things worse, therefore you have no right to complain!!

>implying it's not a good argument

What's the point in making someone worse than dead? Just let him die for fuck's sake.

Can a person in an iron lung get laid?

It really isn't. Everyone dies eventually, why would god give a shit how it happens? What's a lifetime to an omnipotent being?

There is something called technology and progress.

It's his choice to stay in that fucking tube.

>What's a lifetime to an omnipotent being?
Apparently it's a big fucking deal; you screw it up and you get an eternity of torture.

t. brainless

nah but they don't have to breath so they can eat pussy all day

Yeah but only in a steel bed

yeah shut up fedora I'm not arguing with you

>yeah shut up fedora I'm not arguing with you
lol owned :)

He's been given the option to leave that contraption, but he won't because he's a lazy piece of shit who wants to continue being horizontal for the rest of his life. Normies make me sick.

Chads & Stacies are born, not made. (5%)

Normies are born, not made. (90%)

Robots are born, not made. (5%)

The Iron Lung Man was obviously born a Normie, since thats what most people are born to be.

You don't screw it up and you get an eternity of happiness
All you have to do is exactly what he says for your entire life, very tempting not to but that's the game we're playing it seems.
God doesn't have to be nice if we're assuming he exists.

the air still comes in and out of the mouth

>God doesn't have to be nice if we're assuming he exists.
It's pretty rich of him to take the moral high ground while being wicked though.

he has polio, which doesnt make him depressed

i have depression, which makes me depressed.

its simple.

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>be mentally retarded LE FEDORA wearer
>go to hell for not believing something with literally 0 evidence
Wow, some really great and just god you Christcucks believe in.

>implying he wasn't forced from age six to stay alive until they broke him of normal human behavior

His parents are monsters.

It would be normal to commit suicide. Instead they forced him to do nothing but study.

>a law firm

They made a very evil monster out of him sounds like. I doubt he's fighting for the right to do fun things there or for kids to end it all at age six.

Easy to do that if you can damn people to an eternal torture if they don't agree with you.

I'd rather die from the polio than live in an iron coffin.

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He probably has better mental genetics than us

People don't just become strong enough to withstand that kind of punishment from the gods from one day to the other

Odd. One might think he'd be more interested in developping technology to make himself get out of that prison, not in law.

There is already that technology available.
He got too used to the tube.

It isn't, but quality of life is subjective, in his case the delusion brings him happiness. I envy him slightly if he really is happy.

why didn't they give it arms and legs so he could walk around?

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Eh, the iron lung has been replaced with other respirators but I'm pretty sure a few old cases are stuck in them because they've atrophied too hard for modern respirators.

Because he is le chosen for the test.