I started watching this guy and I agree with everything he said...

I started watching this guy and I agree with everything he said. Are all the memes literally just butthurt lefties or something?

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Jordan Peterson is a scam artist but a lot of what he says is true, which is what makes him such a good scam artist I guess. He more or less sells simple truths to desperate young men.

>(((Jordan Peterson)))

kek, this isn't original

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he's just a shallow demagogue deathly afraid of losing his pandered to audiences. Watch him struggle to produce a single coherent thought in almost 50 minutes of word salad:

>butthurt lefties
I'm left and I agree with some of the stuff he says, other I just don't care about. What does that have to do with anything.

Problem with him is that he says stuff like "clean up your room" and he gets elevated like he said something profound, that's why people don't like him I suppose.

Also, his fans are very easy to spot, just look for buzzwords like agreeableness and consciousness.

>I agree with everything he said
And this is your criteria for labelling him as "smart"? Someone says exactly what you want to hear and you're putty in their hands. This post is straight fucking proof of how young and mentally weak your average right winger is. All you have to do is repeat simple advice that normal people are already aware of, but in a way that makes the audience feel smart. And faggots like OP just spread their asshole for you.

He is a pseudo intellectual who likes to matyr himself, he also contradicts himself a lot and has a thing for using the same buzzwords in all of his speeches while saying nothing new or meaningful

Is there a single interview where he doesn't begin by fellating himself with "i'm getting thousands of letters from young men who said that I literally saved their lives and also that I'm the most handsome man alive"?

He's just telling you the things you dad SHOULD have told you

So you agree that "atheists are not really atheists because they write books and don't murder people"

You that agree that even if Brexit happened, Trump won, the republicans control everything in the US, the alt-right is gaining traction, what we should focus on is a bunch of blue-haired teenagers on college campus calling people racists?

I'm glad to see someone else triggered by him. Anything interesting he regurgitates from other peoples books but somehow he gets more credit than he deserves because of the "cultured persona". Very much a style over substance person. His own work amounts to "clean ur room" and embarrassing himself with sound bites that remain embarrassing even in context. He's the dumb person's smart guy.

Cult members receive a lot of praise from people who claim their leader has changed their lives.
Before they stop deluding themselves, return to their old ways, or do something stupid that is.

All those things happened because of the blue-haired teenagers, really. Turns out that disaffected white men are pretty damn important to control the minds of, and the left failed horrifically at doing that.

He says a lot of good things, he also says a lot of goofy or flat out retarded things.

Or the idea that art cant be art if it is political or contains any propaganda. Peterson even called Frozen propaganda. Shitty movie? Yes. Propaganda? Not any more than the Mission Impossible movies

He's a stand-in father figure for depressed white kids whose youtube videos are just things your dad should've taught you. If you had a decent upbringing you should see the bullshit.

This desu

but also his comments on human cognitive functions are interesting

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Timothy: "Do you believe in the LITERAL resurrection of the HISTORICAL Jesus?"

Peterson: "...Depends on what you mean by "Jesus""


He is not too bad when he talks about psychology, neuroscience, but when it comes to his anti-SJW stance and religion, he starts screeching

People are mostly just mad that he's got nothing particularly new to bring to the table and that there's no particular reason why this guy should be that successful.

Lefties are just mad he won't use someone's retarded special snowflake pronouns

Some people on Jow Forums hate him because they hate all self-help gurus because they say this shit never works. Others on the board hate him for the same reasons as my first point. Me, personally, I think it's how he say it that brings a crowd. He's a good orator and he's better with words than the vast majority of people, that's why he's rarely caught slipping in arguments even though he never really develop his points and he just kinda slowly turn around the point. I personally agree with most ideas about personal responsibility and maturity that he puts on the table, but what he says can rarely apply to a general public. For instance, I may agree with these ideas, but they don't particularly touch me because I'm already aware of the concepts of self-help he's talking about and trying or tried to apply them and I'm not exactly a miracle of rehabilitation, which is perfectly obvious and normal. No self-help advice work as a cure, but this is how he presents it. He presents it as some snake oil to cure all ills. He presents it as the most obvious shit ever that anyone should understand and people cling to him like he's Daddy issue Jesus. Other than that, I think his average hater, much like his average fan, are just bandwagon riders. It's as cool to hate him as it is to admire him.


the man himself. saint Peterson of leafland. The reason he is popular is because of what others have said here about him being a stand in father figure, not just for white kids, but for a whole generation that was raised by single mothers and the state, who have no idea how to be men, or even how to begin taking charge of their own lives. His haters hate the people he's helping, namely men, for obvious reasons. When men find direction as a group, change occurs.

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>Are all the memes literally just butthurt lefties or something?
Yes. Anything that's good for white men is bad for the leftist agenda. Since they're trying to eradicate us.

He's not some revolutionary or saint, he's a psychologist with a platform and he knows how to make money.
He's also not a cult leader, he's more of an unusually successful businessman. The hype will die down in a year or two.

He might be a scam artist but thats why you dont follow humans like some diety. Think about what he's saying and take what you agree with.
At this point i don't care about what is "true" i just want things that work. Or make the pain stop, but thats just me.

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This is a good video of him btw.

clean thy room. pick up thy stake. walk forward and be the light in the darkness. so sayeth the man himself.

>Yes. Anything that's good for white men is bad for the leftist agenda. Since they're trying to eradicate us.
It's pretty sad that I'm reading this not thinking it's a troll.
People really believe that shit today.

>SJW always playing the victims!
>let me tell you how white men are the real victims here

What do you mean, scam artist?

>uploads hundreds of hours of FREE content
>rarely pushes his products that only a small percentage of his audience even knows he sells something
>dumb retard: "SCAM ARTIST"

I mean i do understand that he has bills to pay but i don't really understand why he's pushing his personality test / his book so much.
It's kinda hard to believe his talks if he tries to make money from you.

Look up which part of the population is killing themselves most, has most work-related accidents, most opiate abuse, most stress-related deaths and most media-related hate against them.

About 90% of his content is free; hosting the personality program thing costs money, hosting public talks in theatres costs money as well.
What did you expect?

He has some cucked views but a lot of what he says is pretty great. I prefer Patrice O'Neal though. Jordan Peterson basically just proved everything Patrice said with his Harvard book learnings.

>philosophical analysis of memes in disney movies #457
totally not pandering to certain audiences here

All in all a mind-expanding and decent guy. I don't get the hate.

Hes a faggot who's oblivious to the JQ.

I listened to a few lectures and just found him annoying

Nah, there are valid criticisms of him to be made, like how he seems to lack an understanding of memetics. I think it was at a debate or a conference somewhere that he said something about how memetics researchers seem to ignore Jung's archetypes when in reality memetics goes well beyond that. He is ok when he sticks to his field - I enjoyed seeing some of his UoT lectures like the one about the Shadow which he explained through the symbolism of Lion King.

If Heimbach had listened to the clean your room maymay then TWP would still exist.

ride his dick harder u braindead fanboy. wear a skirt and your ball cleaner while you're at it. tattoo his name on your forehead bro, write "i want to raise jp's kids and drink all of his cummies!

yes, and butthurt righties who want to genocide some other race

JP is the only professor with the balls to speak against the totalitarian neo-marxists who took over the academia and subvert and destroy the western society by indoctrinating generations of young people (just like Bezmenov described some 20+ years ago)

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>pointing out that group X actually suffers more than group Y is a contradiction

My roommate like him a lot. I haven't seen too much but it's kind of nice occasionally hearing some of my own sentiments echoed in an articulate and well presented manner I guess. I do think most of the criticism is from people who are butthurt though, not necessarily lefties but more anyone who doesn't like the idea of taking personal responsibility for themselves and their actions and would prefer to shift all blame onto society, biology, or some group. That's why Jow Forums hates him as well as /leftypol/. They both love to place blame on one group or another be it da joos or muh borwahzee for one reason or another.

He's also reminding them that they are men and men needs to put their pants on when they need to, which is a good thing since this is basically the most prominent problem I see with men nowadays. Afraid of taking charge because taking charge=oppressive behavior, so they go against their masculine nature, constantly feeling like something's wrong with them when nothing is and they just need to build up character and courage.
Still, he should put a few more disclaimers. The therapy he is suggesting isn't a cure, but the way he presents it sound too much like one. Clean your room sounds a fuckload like "just b urself" and while the message itself is real and important, it's garbage advice. It's always impirtant to be genuine and keep it real imo and I do believe in b urself, but when you tell that to a guy who's been constantly mocked for who he is, how do you think he's gonna react when some dumbfuck comes along to tell him to just be comfortable with his autism? He's gonna laugh and call bullshit. This is why Peterson has a lot of criticism calling him a con-man because he sounds an awful lot like a snake oil seller. "Just be courageous guys! Like, face your fears bro, it really is that easy bucko be a real man dude." He should be a bit more aware that most people with the problem he's exposing actually need tailored and in-depth help.
He's helping hundreds of emasculated men and fatherless women, though and I think that counts. A lot of people in society, whether they do it consciously or out of a deluded sense of self-serving justice, are actively working to make the world burn faster, so when someone comes along to make """"problematic"""" people feel empowered and confident, they become terrified and lash out before an army of opponents spawns from the void. Just as you said. Radical feminists want men to stay weak and docile.