Any advice on how to get a qt asian gf?
Any advice on how to get a qt asian gf?
Just bee yourself, go out, and give a firm handshake.
1. be white and tall
2. have a beach body
3. go to busan, south korea
>Are you Asian?
Yes. - Good if she's a traditional mainland Asian. Bad if she was born with NA or UK.
No. - Be handsome, tall, wealthy and white.
that doesn't make sense? i can't get a gf like that
that only says what they're attracted to, not a game plan
be what was listed, that's how you get one
reality doesn't work like that
it's hard to get a mainland asian as an asian; ABC or whatever foreign born asian you are, you've already submitted to the culture of being an americanized asian; they won't accept you in asia much more than you looking like them.
for a large portion of asian women you're not competing with anyone, maybe some other asian dudes whom she would immediately consider a second class citizen as soon as she finds a white dude, so literally just not be a sperg and pursue them and ask them out; even easier in college.
>Reality doesn't work like that
HAHAHAHAHA. It really, really does my man. I'm a moderately attractive white guy and I had to beat back Asian girls at my old job on a daily basis without even trying to attract them.
To be honest, it's probably harder for the common robot or cyborg to get an Asian gf than it is to get a white gf. Everyone I've ever met who's thought it "easy" to get into relationships with Asian girls has had chiseled facial features, a good body, been tall, and been rich. These are the only things Asian girls care about and they will readily ditch their own kind to pair up with something like that. But not necessarily because they love you, just because they are materialistic, superficial and view you as a status symbol. "Ni de pifu hao hei" as they say.
t. I am tall, white, and come from a wealthy family. I found it very easy to get in relationships with Asian girls, the latest iPhones, preppy clothes and my hand-me-down Lexus all helped with that. But they had zero interest in dealing with my personality quirks or my mental issues. My last girlfriend used to admonish me when I joked about how much I hated my job or how difficult I found my masters program because it caused her to "lose face" and made others think "badly" of her. No concern for how people thought of me or my abilities; just concern for how they thought of HER being associated with me. When I got a full-time job after graduating, she didn't congratulate me, she just asked why I didn't secure a position with a bigger, more prestigious company. My advice: don't bother with them unless they're ABCs, NZBCs or CBCs. It took a few trials by ordeal, but I finally shook the "Traditional Asian Wife" fetish. When you get in bed with that, you're in bed with a Tiger Wife. I'm now with a Hapa girl (half French and half Vietnamese) and I have to say it's like a breath of fresh air after dating mainland Chinese for so long. Very supportive and her value system is much more closely aligned with what we would consider "normal and traditional" in the West.
>Good if she's a traditional mainland Asian
Why is it good? Do you Asian guys enjoy being browbeaten and put down all the time?
I get no notice from women here in the West but can't escape them when I'm over there. Just get a passport, a plant ticket and a backpack full of condoms and you'll be so fucked within a month you won't ever want to look at a cunt again.
be black
have charisma
have bbc
>be black
>have charisma
>have bbc
best advice in this thread
Sounds like you picked out some shitty women. My Chinese born gf isn't like that.
... maybe some of the western asian-american but every other asian hates black
t. insecure yella boi.
yeah look at her face, she "hates" his bbc.
Strangely enough I've got myself a qt azn gf by first catfishing her on tinder, it's really surreal and I can't understand it.
desu I am a hung 6"2 failed chad so idk if the meme is true
look of pure love and bliss
Probably has a little niglet right now kek
cool it with the racism, kid
oh tyrone doesn't like racist stereotypes?
who said i was tyrone? that would make me bbc Goku. im more of a Krillan.
is it true that asian girls have the nicest feet? i have heard this from multiple sources
she was payed to fuck a nigger dumb ass. women will do anything for money. also you ever notice how sad they look for having to fuck niggers?
t. mad as heck yt boi
Have money and be a push over and let her drain your account. That's how you attract Asian women.
t. Ugly part Chinese girl with a gold digging Chinese mother
How does one get qt part Chinese girls?
Go to Asia, West coast USA or any major US college town. Don't let them know of your fetish, women tend to not like being fetishized.
So is Olivia from a super rich family or something?
Be Asian maybe? Fcking question is this.
Be white, tall, fit, have a 7 inch dick and have blue eyes
>be white
>talk to them
Whatever you do avoid the fucking Chinese like the plague, they're the worst race of """ people""" with the possible exception of the jews
>Be white, tall, fit, have a 7 inch dick and have blue eyes
this is how i got my asian gf
Mainland Chinese are cancer. Literally the Jews of Asia and everyone knows it. You dun fucked up. Koreans are plastic surgery addicted Staceys or butt ugly mutts. The true answer is Japanese girl from a rural area. That is the true traditional asian gf.
Asians hate niggers at the highest rates on earth. You are delusional this is a proven fact. The Chinese as we speak are basically making slavery 2.0 in Africa and consider them subhuman.
>tfw work in heavily Asian populated part of town
>work as a greeter
>Get to check out all the petite Asians in their running shorts and spandex all day
I see a few interracial couples but it's mostly WMAF
>be white
>buy a plane ticket to thailand and set enough money to stay for a week or too
>get tinder
The only Asians around me are at the Chinese at the local uni
I've seen some qt Desi's before but have yet to see a fuckable chink student
It's not easy, but getting a relatively cute Thai gf is easy. Many of them just want to be loved and believe or not, many men in Thailand find the cute ones to be "ugly" as they have fairly different beauty standards. Just make sure that she isn't a he.
I'm nowhere near Thailand
then get a gook or chinkfu at the local uni
>Be White / light skinned asian
>Get plane ticket to thailand and at least 2000usd spending money
>drown in pussy both hookers / normal (freelance) chicks no matter how fat ugly and socially retarded you are, wonder why losers waste life posting on r9k in a cold dark country
source: lived out in SEasia for five years
They're all ugly and none speak good enough English
>They're all ugly
enjoy your celibacy
I didn't say Asian girls are ugly
Just the ones at my uni
If I saw one like that irl I'd jizz myself
whatever you do, leave my race alone race traitor.
I'm dicking a chinese qt right now with my 7.5" uncut white cock
>excellent multitasker
>can stay hard while reading and typing on r9k
>probably doesn't understand the meaning of "right now"
>>probably doesn't understand the meaning of "right now"
It's a figure of speech chang
Be a QT [your ethnicity] BF.
Step number one- dont
just be yourself user
>Go to where they are and immerse yourself in their culture.
>Have fun and don't be a dick.
>Have goals and aspirations.
>You have to actually talk to them
>If you fail, that's ok as long as you keep trying
>Again, have goals in life. Nothing and I mean nothing, literally nothing is more attractive and more persuasive than a man that is focused in life and has clear cut goals.
This user is woke.
>have goals in life. Nothing and I mean nothing, literally nothing is more attractive and more persuasive than a man that is focused in life and has clear cut goals.
i'm a robot tho
if you are in college make friends with asian international student dudes first. ill speak about korean ones since theyre who i hang out with and have most experience with but these guys want to make foreigner friends really bad but have a hard time. theyll likely invite you to party and drink with them and you can meet qt girls there. its really easy to meet all the koreans in an area because they all know each otehr
I refuse to believe that you live your entire life with no goals in mind.
well i have goals but i fail at them
Be white.
That's all there is to it. Philadelphia is full of Micheal Cera's walking around with 7 or 8/10 asian girls minimum.
Don't give up and if you fail learn from it and improve
you can have mine, bitch gave me herpes
>tfw scored this hapa babe
having a BWC helped
oop wrong pic file
>those halfies that call themselves halfies but NOBODY CAN TELL the difference
That is perhaps the most disturbing picture I have ever seen on this website
>my fuckin dick
>Any advice on how to get a qt asian gf?
be white
>To be honest, it's probably harder for the common robot or cyborg to get an Asian gf than it is to get a white gf.
It took me a matter of minutes to get both of my asian gfs.
>been tall, and been rich.
Also I'm only 5''11 (Both gf's had relatives over 6'3") and neither of them gave a fuck about me being poor as fuck and basically a neet after getting fired.
have money
go to Philippines
>Do you Asian guys enjoy being browbeaten and put down all the time?
Don't be a bitch. Yes, Chinese girls are more likely to browbeat but they're still femoids. I just browbeat mine ten times harder when I get tired of her and she immediately remembers her place.
>Niggers post this then claim they don't oppress us
This is why I'm Jow Forums
Why do you browbeat women, are you some sort of tough guy?
yeah, i said that shit B)
>I refuse to believe that you live your entire life with no goals in mind.
You haven't learned of the blackpill then, newfag.
Because they're naturally evil creatures that must be forcibly contained to accomplish anything good. A lesser evil for the greater good.
don't date a chinese girl because
>sbe might have old memes
>old white roasties get toasty about it
im convinced
>she gets all her memes
Women don't meme
>miles away from the real meme creaters at Reddit
You're not going to convince anyone here with that shit remaining.
>it's just damn obvious to anyone who knows what's ip that you are a pedophile
Hey, that's western society's problem, not mine.
Or you have mommy issues and so you take it out on defenseless women who've done nothing wrong.
1) Be white
2) Live in Asia
That's about it. And no, I'm not saying that all asian girls throw themselves at white guys that's not true at all. 80% of women wont date you. But the 20% of girls that want to date white guys will gravitate towards you and since there's a severe lack of white guys they're going to settle for you even if you're ugly.
fucking lol are you clowns serious
>Or you have mommy issues
Yes, I do. Do you think those issues are unjustified?
>so you take it out on defenseless women who've done nothing wrong.
Women who have done nothing wrong will do something wrong if give the chance. That is a risk you cannot take.
I don't find your memes funny. I find your humor disgusting, and it must be refuted.
>Yes, I do. Do you think those issues are unjustified?
Man the fuck up and get over it. Life's unfair and she raised you to the best of her ability.
>Women who have done nothing wrong will do something wrong if give the chance. That is a risk you cannot take.
Alright, stay salty faggot. Let your fear of women take over your life.
>Any advice on how to get a qt asian gf
Dont be black, they throw themselves at you, of course, you will need to go and live in their country because if you bring them back to the western world you will lose the novelty white man factor.
My gf is from Phillipines and im going to visit her soon, will meet her family and get myself a rental to live in, hopefully marry her.
Asians hate blacks
Ya right look at all the videos on pornhub and xvideos of Asian girls in Asia taking bbc and loving it