I'm a fembot, ask me whatever you want

I'm a fembot, ask me whatever you want.

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Will you be my girlfriend?

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Why haven't you molested a dog yet?

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can i be your boy servant and shave your legs?

Can you fuck off back to lolcow or cc? Thank you in advance

Trip#6544 please add me im a nice boyo

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Sure, just die faggot

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How nice are your tits? Post them

How does it feel being a creature who lies and manipulates others for personal gain? Oh wait, that's everyone.

How old are you ?

Origami onion original recipe

Do you accept that you deserve anal punishment, fembot?

Would you let a guy lick eat your butthole? Original

Will I ever get a gf who I can take care of and love forever, who won't leave me or get tired of me?

>falling for the """fem""""""bot""" meme


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i want an ana de armas fembot gf

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What does it feel like to know that, as a fembot, you are my property?

why you nigga lying?


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No shavie legs


Probably not

...yes actually

shoo whore

That's not right, user
Yes, of course, someday you're going to find your perfect GF

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Post butt

Can you go away and never come back you disgusting fat roastie?

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underage sad whore I hope you get impregnated by chad soon

I hope you enjoy your ban, you dumb roastie.

Leave while you still can.
You still have a chance to have a happy life.

No u
I like Jow Forums, I'm never going to leave

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>I like Jow Forums, I'm never going to leave
>t. all the tripfag whores and fembots who said this and have now left. Only one thing in this board is constant roastie, us.

women don't get ruined by Jow Forums, this is just a free attention dispenser that they visit sometimes in their perfect lives.

guess this is originally the real one

How do you feel about creepy anons hitting on you all the time?


fuck r9k

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What made you come here? Wouldn't you be better off going to a board that accepts women? Not that it matters that much to me, just wonderin'.

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