Lets get a good ol "god I wish that were me" thread going. Post your fantasies robos and anons or type them if there isn't an image for it.
>Tfw no demon slut mom
it kind hurts bros
Lets get a good ol "god I wish that were me" thread going. Post your fantasies robos and anons or type them if there isn't an image for it.
>Tfw no demon slut mom
it kind hurts bros
>tfw no demon slut mom turning me into a demon slut
Damn, I didn't know I wanted that.
>tfw not last human on earth
>tfw not able to pause time
>tfw not Chad
Picture is related to text
why would you wanna be last man on earth???do they have dikdiks?
>why do I feel the urge to cry and scream into a pillow fr hours on end
Wait, this is something only girls do?
Oh no...
Fuck, sause please
Freedom, my friend. Total freedom.
I'd love to be the last woman on earth with, say, 50 men (ages 15-25) left, and maybe have some sort of magical powers so they worship me as their goddess-queen
Man, if only...
hah look at this fag
was meant for
original contentono
Is this a catgirl?
this unironically a fantasy I frequently have. its a but gentler though.
>gentle femdom succubus takes your virginity, but also takes your soul, then makes you her daughter
>get to look perfectly cute
>go to monster girl school
>fall in love with vampire lesbian and develop a symbiotic relationship
how is that gentler? it seems just as gentle as the OP, except dissapointed in you not being a slut
Source damn
i didnt have the other cyoa that is closer but I based the fantasy off a mix of that and this but I went and found it.
Original sauce right now originally
>god I wish that were me
I wish I was dead, I'm too much of a pussy too kill myself though, I wish a freedom truck would come for me
>Choosing anything other than oppai loli
there are painless ways to kill yourself
Burn everything, then start anew