Racers don't need gf's
r-right guys?

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TFW you dont have a car

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tfw you don't have a car and a girlfriend

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Try to save up user. Cars are the best cope for eternal loneliness.
Pic related, it's my car

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Despite how good they are, I could never buy one.

Only normalfags drive and own a car. Please leave.
my dream car is a shelby cobra but I'll never be able to drive it and I want to die

But if you did manage to someday drive it you would actually die. Those things are deathtraps.

I got my good ps3 controller to work again so i can play gran turismo. I got some argon gas on the way for my new mig welder to sort out the rust on my car. It will be back on the road by summer maybe. Things are looking up millhouse.

mfw I have a car but tax, insurance, parking and fuel are too expensive in this shitty fucking country to be allowed to use it

UK a shit

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I always thought they should forget nationalizing the schools and all that, nationalize car insurance.

Its a giant scam, so the giant scam may as well be run by the government.

That would be an acceptable way to die. Probably better then how I will die.

This. this so fucking originally so much

thanks to their scam I now cycle 8 miles a day to work each way while a nice car sits right outside my house where I pay 120 pounds a year to be allowed to park


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>you think you're oppressed

>try being a driver. Us drivers are constantly under attack by insurance companies and environmentalists. Constantly getting friendzoned and attacked all for enjoying a hobby that actually improves your critical thinking and navigation skills. put that in your pipe and smoke it america


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Tfw you have a car but can't drive it because you got sick of fixing it all the time and became lazy as fuck since

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which make user, vauxhall, fiat, peugeot, or citroen by chance?

don't mind me just posting a comfy miata

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Miata mefutta am I right?!

Get a $1k Craigslist Ninja 250

>tfw no car bros do go on comfy Sunday morning drives with
Feels bad man

>tfw I hoped girls would like my abarth 500 but it only gets the attention of other dudes.

>expecting women to appreciate a good vehicle.

>tfw you don't care much for driving but love fixing your car

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if thats true, you've bought your perfect car