Any nonwhite robots terrified of whites?

Any nonwhite robots terrified of whites?
These lunatics are training night and day while we get fat and soft on NEETbux and other government gibs.
We're going to be unironically genocided if there's ever a real race war.

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>people will read that article and feel scared

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Don't worry bro, as long as you're proud of your race and mostly pure-blooded you'll be fine. America isn't a native homeland to whites, so their arguments to deport minorities will dissipate with growth, just don't race-mix.

you still have the option of Going Back
we dont need to resort to violence

No more scared than I am of people who think editorial/blog sites are a good source for news.

>military tactics
Uhhh how is learning how to conquer or defend a country help any white supremacists? I think they meant military fighting style or some shit like that.

You'll be fine on a national level (god praise America), but you might be fucked locally if you have the misfortune of living in a state where they're active
No race war is coming.

>mfw no friends to form a militia to kill non whites and degenerates

I don't really care to be honest with you. I'm just worried about trying to get as much money as possible. When an actual race war happens (which it won't, you retards), then I'll be protected because I'm part of the elite who actually have money while you just sat there jerking off to your pathetic race fetishes.

yes fear us
niggers kikes and muslim freaks brought this upon themselves i don't hate all non whites just muslims kikes and niggers

yes every white person is from america

>shitskins on welfare complaining about the whites who provide everything for them


ive literally never complained about white people in my life
please don't murder me mister

When the day comes you better have a copy of the Protocols on your person then, friend

You didnt deny being on welfare though

There won't be a race war, and if there is, it won't be started by "whites"

but it will be ended by whites!

Are you kidding me? This country was founded by white nationalists.

>if there's ever a real race war
If? Don't you mean when?

BTW I thought you can't have race wars when everyone is mutt

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its not a native homeland to chinks jews and niggers either
yet you all insist on staying on my land this should be abbo territory not africa or europe and it sure as fuck shouldn't belong to kikes either atleast whites are intelligent niggers are insufferable

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A war against the gays and trannys is coming first OP, i doubt any nigger war will come

white people are extremly non violent and white neighbourhoods are safe, friendly and have high living standards

maybe slavery was kinda bad but that shit was like 4 gorillion years ago. not to mention whites didnt own any slaves, it was all jews who owned slaves. im jewish btw

There will be no race war you fucking idiots

hey big retard learn the difference between strategy and tactic

maybe in america lmao
and "extremely non violent is a broad generalization
even then theres nothing wrong with being violent

Not really. As long as I am seen as the better person in everybody else's eyes and I make a positive contribution to my community, I have no reason to be afraid of anyone who wants to act like a thug (white supremacists, Antifa, etc).

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> we wuz gudbois, we would never hurt anyone

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I'm proud to be from DETROIT yeahhhhh.

>America isn't a native homeland to whites,
It is, actually, and it belongs to whites over redskins.
Redskins were sparsely populated and nomadic, so they had no claim to the continent.

>so their arguments to deport minorities will dissipate with growth
Not if we get a slice of America that is free of minorities.

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>BTW I thought you can't have race wars when everyone is mutt
Rwanda would like to have a word with you.

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As a white man, those look like mighty gudbois to me.

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I don't think the white people that have right views because all the interaction they have with blacks are through the media. I've lived in the hood and in suburban areas and they tend to try to take on the persona as a gangster or a hard was whatever economic standing they have. In the hood there's a cycle that I think started with welfare that produced single moms and gang culture that they get indoctrinated with at a very young age from their family or friends. They see it on the streets and the best way to not become a victim is to join a gang. They fuck a lot of girls because girls like the thug attitude and little Tyrone repeats the cycle. It's rough but I'm worried about my family and my race, not theirs. I've delt with racism my whole life due to my white skin so I can see why people push further right and I've always been told it's not wrong because muh ancestors.

I thought they had religious tensions and not race wars

I don't think the white people that have right views grew up in nice white areas*

Nope. It was primarily a war along racial lines between the Hutu and Tutsi.

I'm proud of Detroit. You wouldn't get it.

What exactly are you proud of? I grew up around blacks for a majority of my life what part won't I get?

Lots of stuff to do and the city has grit and character. Detroit is underrated. People hate on us too much.

>People hate on us too much.
I think I'll take their word on it over yours, Tyrone.

>Any nonwhite robots terrified of whites?
Nah. And cut the shit, OP. It's obvious you're not nonwhite.